.EXTERNALHELP FU.WhyAmIBlocked-help.xml #> #Copy .BIN files to the share for processing... function ConvertFrom-FUBinToXML { [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true)] [string[]] $FileList, [parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $true)] [string] $OutputPath ) try { foreach ($File in $FileList) { $InputFile = Get-Item -Path $File Write-Host " + Converting $($File) to .xml .. " -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline $XMLOutputFile = "$($OutputPath)\$($InputFile.Name)_HUMANREADABLE.XML" $RunList = "$($OutputPath)\RunList_$($InputFile.BaseName).xml" $XML = @( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>', '<WicaRun>', ' <RunInfos>', ' <RunInfo> ', ' <Component TypeIdentifier="InventoryBinaryDeserializer" SpecificIdentifier="InventoryBinaryDeserializer" Type="Inventory">', ' <Property Name="BinaryDeserializerTier" Value="Inventory" />', ' <Property Name="BinaryDeserializerTier" Value="DataSource" />', ' <Property Name="BinaryDeserializerTier" Value="DecisionMaker" />', ' <Property Name="BinaryDeserializerTier" Value="DecisionAggregator" />', " <Property Name=`"BinaryDeserializerFilePath`" Value=`"$InputFile`" />", ' </Component>', ' <Component TypeIdentifier="OutputEverything" SpecificIdentifier="OutputEverything" Type="Outputter">', " <Property Name=`"OutputFilePath`" Value=`"$XMLOutputFile`" />", ' </Component>', ' </RunInfo>', ' </RunInfos>', '</WicaRun>' ) $XML | Out-File -FilePath $RunList -Encoding utf8 $RunListXML = Get-Item -Path $RunList -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $system32path = "{0}\{1}" -f $env:WinDir, $(if ($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 -eq "ARM64") { "sysnative" }else { "system32" }) & "$($system32path)\cmd.exe" /c "rundll32.exe appraiser.dll,RunTest $($RunListXML.FullName)" $RunListXML | Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Write-Host $script:tick -ForegroundColor Green } } catch { Write-Warning $_ } } |