FSRMClassificationRule .DESCRIPTION This resource is used to configure Classification Rules in File Server Resource Manager. .PARAMETER Name Key - String The name of the FSRM Classification Rule. .PARAMETER Description Write - String The description for the FSRM Classification Rule. .PARAMETER Ensure Write - String Allowed values: Present, Absent Specifies whether the FSRM Classification Rule should exist. .PARAMETER Property Write - String Specifies the name of a classification property definition to set. .PARAMETER PropertyValue Write - String Specifies the property value that the rule will assign. .PARAMETER ClassificationMechanism Write - String Specifies the name of a valid classification mechanism available on the server for assigning the property value. .PARAMETER ContentRegularExpression Write - StringArray An array of regular expressions for pattern matching. .PARAMETER ContentString Write - StringArray An array of strings for the content classifier to search for. .PARAMETER ContentStringCaseSensitive Write - StringArray An array of case sensitive strings for the content classifier to search for. .PARAMETER Disabled Write - Boolean Indicates that the classification rule is disabled. .PARAMETER Flags Write - StringArray An array of flags that defines the possible states of the rule. .PARAMETER Parameters Write - StringArray An array of parameters in the format <name>=<value> that can be used by the File Classification Infrastructure. .PARAMETER Namespace Write - StringArray An array of namespaces where the rule is applied. .PARAMETER ReevaluateProperty Write - String Allowed values: Never, Overwrite, Aggregate Specifies the evaluation policy of the rule. .EXAMPLE 1 This configuration will create a FSRM Classification Rule called 'Confidential' that will assign a Privacy value of Confidential to any files containing the text Confidential in the folder d:\users or any folder categorized as 'User Files'. Configuration FSRMClassificationRule_Config { Import-DscResource -Module FSRMDsc Node localhost { FSRMClassificationRule ConfidentialPrivacyClasificationRule { Name = 'Confidential' Description = 'Set Confidential' Ensure = 'Present' Property = 'Privacy' PropertyValue = 'Confidential' ClassificationMechanism = '' ContentString = 'Confidential' Namespace = '[FolderUsage_MS=User Files]', 'd:\Users' ReevaluateProperty = 'Overwrite' } # End of FSRMClassificationRule Resource } # End of Node } # End of Configuration |