#Generated at 04/12/2020 21:27:07 by Laurent LIENHARD #region <New-FRPSUGModule> function New-FRPSUGModule { <# .SYNOPSIS Creating a new module structure .DESCRIPTION This function allows, using a Plaster model, to generate a new module structure Information for the creation of the module (name, version ...) will be requested by the template Plaster This function requires having the Plaster module installed .PARAMETER DestinationPath The directory path in which the new module will be created .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-FRPSUGModule -DestinationPath $env:TEMP This command will create a new module in the Temp directory of the user .LINK .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param ( [ValidateSet("FRPSUGModuleTemplate", "FRPSUGGithubPostTemplate")] [string]$TemplateName, [ValidateScript( { Test-Path $_ })] [String]$DestinationPath ) begin { $Current = $PSScriptRoot $TemplatePath = $Current + "\Ressources\" + $TemplateName Write-Verbose "The Template Path use is : $TemplatePath" } process { Invoke-Plaster -TemplatePath $TemplatePath -DestinationPath $DestinationPath } end { } } #endregion |