.SYNOPSIS Retrieves installation details for Miniconda. .DESCRIPTION The Get-MinicondaInstallDetails function retrieves various details about a Miniconda installation, such as the installation path, version, and associated scripts. It searches for Miniconda installations in several common locations. .PARAMETER Path Specifies the paths to process. This parameter accepts pipeline input and can be a string, or an object with a Path, FullName, or PSPath property. .EXAMPLE Get-MinicondaInstallDetails This example retrieves details about the Miniconda installation in the current user's profile directory, or in the "C:\Miniconda3", "C:\Python\Miniconda3", or "C:\ProgramData\miniconda3" directories, if present. .AUTHOR Futuremotion #> function Get-MinicondaInstallDetails { [CmdletBinding()] param () $MiniSearchPathA = "$env:USERPROFILE\Miniconda3" $MiniSearchPathB = "C:\Miniconda3" $MiniSearchPathC = "C:\Python\Miniconda3" $MiniSearchPathD = "C:\ProgramData\miniconda3" $MiniSearchPaths = @($MiniSearchPathA, $MiniSearchPathB, $MiniSearchPathC, $MiniSearchPathD) foreach ($Path in $MiniSearchPaths) { if (Test-Path $Path -PathType Container) { $Python = Join-Path $Path "python.exe" $PythonVersion = (& $Python --version) -replace 'Python ', '' $CondaExe = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($Path, "Scripts", "conda.exe") $CondaVersion = (& $CondaExe --version) -replace 'conda ', '' $ShellCondabin = Join-Path $Path -ChildPath 'shell' -AdditionalChildPath 'condabin' $ShellCondabinPwshModule = Join-Path $ShellCondabin -ChildPath 'Conda.psm1' $ShellCondaHookFile = Join-Path $ShellCondabin "conda-hook.ps1" $CondaUninstallExe = Join-Path $Path "Uninstall-Miniconda3.exe" $CondaExeCMD = Get-Command $CondaExe -CommandType Application $ShellCondabinPwshModuleArgsStr = (& $CondaExeCMD "shell.powershell" "hook") -split "`n" foreach ($line in $ShellCondabinPwshModuleArgsStr) { if ($line -match '\$CondaModuleArgs\s*=' ) { $ShellCondabinPwshModuleArgs = $line.TrimStart('$CondaModuleArgs = ') } if ($line.Trim().StartsWith("Import-Module")) { $ShellCondabinPwshHookExpression = $line } if ($line.Trim().StartsWith("Remove-Variable")) { $ShellCondabinPwshHookExpression += "; $line" } } $PythonVersionInfo = [System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo]::GetVersionInfo($Python) $PythonFileVersionRaw = $PythonVersionInfo.FileVersionRaw $Condabin = Join-Path $Path -ChildPath 'condabin' $CondabinScriptsList = [System.Collections.Generic.List[String]]@() $CondabinContents = Get-ChildItem -Path $Condabin foreach ($File in $CondabinContents) { $CondabinScriptsList.Add($File.FullName) } $CondaMetadataJSONDir = Join-Path $Path -ChildPath 'conda-meta' $CondaEnvsDir = Join-Path $Path -ChildPath 'envs' $CondaEnvs = Get-ChildItem -Path $CondaEnvsDir -Directory $CondaEnvsNum = $CondaEnvs.Length $CondaLibsDir = Join-Path $Path -ChildPath 'Lib' $CondaLibsInstalled = Get-ChildItem -Path $CondaLibsDir -Directory $CondaBinDir = Join-Path $Path -ChildPath 'bin' [PSCustomObject][Ordered]@{ CondaRoot = $Path CondaExe = $CondaExe CondaVersion = $CondaVersion ShellCondabin = $ShellCondabin ShellCondabinHookFile = $ShellCondaHookFile ShellCondabinPwshModule = $ShellCondabinPwshModule ShellCondabinPwshHookArgs = $ShellCondabinPwshModuleArgs ShellCondabinPwshHookExpression = $ShellCondabinPwshHookExpression CondabinRoot = $Condabin CondabinScripts = $CondabinScriptsList CondaMetadataJSONDir = $CondaMetadataJSONDir CondaEnvsDir = $CondaEnvsDir CondaEnvsCount = $CondaEnvsNum CondaEnvs = $CondaEnvs CondaLibs = $CondaLibsDir CondaLibsInstalled = $CondaLibsInstalled BinDirectory = $CondaBinDir Python = $Python PythonVersion = $PythonVersion PythonVersionRaw = $PythonFileVersionRaw UninstallExe = $CondaUninstallExe } } } } |