FUNCTION Invoke-AzureDevops_LinkWIQLResultsToParentWorkItem{ <# .Synopsis Will create a parent link from all work items returned from a flat wiql query to the specified $ParentWorkItemID .EXAMPLE RUn with the WhatIf switch to see which work items will ge updated: Right guard project WIQL Swivel - Right Guard Invoke-AzureDevops_LinkWIQLResultsToParentWorkItem -ParentWorkItemID 11111 -Query "Select [System.ID] from workItems where [System.ID] = '2222'" -WhatIF #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param([Parameter(position=0)][ValidateSet("Debug","Info","Warning","Error", "Disable")][string] $logLevel = "info" ,[switch] $winEventLog ,[string] $PAT ,[string] $ParentWorkItemID = $null , $query = @" SELECT [System.Id], [System.WorkItemType], [System.Title], [System.AssignedTo], [System.State], [System.Tags] FROM workitems WHERE [System.Id] = '35194' "@) if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($logLevel)){$logLevel = "Info"} Set-LogLevel $logLevel if($winEventLog){Set-logTargets -WindowsEventLog 1} Set-LogFormattingOptions -PrefixCallingFunction 1 -AutoTabCallsFromFunctions 1 if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $ParentWorkItemID)){ Write-Log "Please pass a value to $ParentWorkItemID" } Write-Log "$PSCommandPath started at: [$([DateTime]::Now)]" Debug Set-TFSAPIVersion -apiVersion 5.0 Set-TFSBaseURL '' Set-TFSCollection 'Epic' $epicProject = 'Epic' Set-TFSProject $epicProject Set-TFSWITFieldDefinition "C:\Source\TFS\Caboodle\TFS Work Item Customizations\POSHFriendlyFieldDefinition.json" $myConfig = Get-Content "$env:USERPROFILE\Cogito\MyRecurringWorkItems.json" | ConvertFrom-Json #Check the configuration for a SecureString PAT to use. if ([bool]($ -match "SecurePAT")){ $securePAT = $myConfig.SecurePAT | ConvertTo-SecureString $BSTR = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($securePAT) $PAT = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BSTR) } if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PAT)){ Write-Log "You must pass a PAT" Error -ErrorAction Stop } Set-TFSPersonalAccessToken $PAT $parentPBIURL = "$ParentWorkItemID" if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($parentPBIURL)){ Write-Log "I am programmed to create tasks which are children of a PBI and I do not know which PBI to create this task for!!!" Error -ErrorAction Stop } $restBody = New-TFSWorkItemBody -itemDefinition @{ relationship_parent=$($parentPBIURL.Replace("\","\\")); } $repoName = "Caboodle" $repoObj = Get-TFSRepositories -repositoryName $repoName #CheckForExistingPBI in this sprint $repoObj = $repoObj | Get-TFSWIQLQueryResults -query $query $childWorkItems = $repoObj.QueryResults | where {$_.QueryText -eq $query} | select -ExpandProperty QueryResult | select -ExpandProperty workItems foreach ($wi in $childWorkItems){ Write-Log "workItem: $($" if($WhatIfPreference){ Write-Log "Would update work item: $($ to be a child of $ParentWorkItemID" } else{ $repoObj | Update-TFSWorkItem -requestBody $restBody -Id $ } } Write-Log "$PSCommandPath ended at: [$([DateTime]::Now)]" Debug }Export-ModuleMember -Function Invoke-AzureDevops_LinkWIQLResultsToParentWorkItem |