
function Get-TFSIterations{
      Please give your script a brief Synopsis,
      A slightly longer description,
    .PARAMETER logLevel
        explain your parameters here. Create a new .PARAMETER line for each parameter,
        THis example runs the script with a change to the logLevel parameter.
        .Template.ps1 -logLevel Debug
       What sort of pipeline inputdoes this expect?
       What sort of pipeline output does this output?

param([Parameter(position=0)][ValidateSet("Debug","Info","Warning","Error", "Disable")][string] $logLevel = "Info",
[string] $teamName = 'Cogito%20-%20CPM'
,[switch] $current)

if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($logLevel)){$logLevel = "Info"}
Set-LogLevel $logLevel

$BaseTFSURL = Get-TFSRestURL_Team $teamName
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($BaseTFSURL)){
    Write-Log "Could not get the Base TFS URL. Ensure that you have called Set-TFSBaseURL, Set-TFSCollection and Set-TFSProject" Error -ErrorAction Stop
if ($current){
    $action = '/work/TeamSettings/Iterations?$timeframe=current&api-version='+"$($script:apiVersion)" 
    $action = "/work/TeamSettings/Iterations?api-version=$($script:apiVersion)" 
$fullURL = $BaseTFSURL + $action
Write-Log "URL we are calling: $fullURL" Debug
$response = (Invoke-RestMethod -UseDefaultCredentials -uri $fullURL -Method Get -ContentType "application/json-patch+json").value

Write-Output $response
} Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-TFSIterations