Class PromTrackerItems : System.Management.Automation.IValidateSetValuesGenerator { [string[]] GetValidValues() { $mds = @() $t = Get-Content "$env:USERPROFILE\.friendly-chainsaw\tracker.json" -raw | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop foreach ($i in $t){ $mds += $i } return [string[]] ($mds | select -expandProperty name) } } function Invoke-PromTracker{ param( [ValidateSet([PromTrackerItems])] $trackingType, [switch]$ShowMe, [switch]$OpenMe ) $metrics = @() import-module FC_Log -force if(-not (Test-Path "$env:USERPROFILE\.friendly-chainsaw\tracker.json")){ New-Item "$env:USERPROFILE\.friendly-chainsaw\tracker.json" } if($OpenMe){ ii "$env:USERPROFILE\.friendly-chainsaw\tracker.json" return } $mds = @() $t = Get-Content "$env:USERPROFILE\.friendly-chainsaw\tracker.json" -raw | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop foreach ($i in $t){ $mds += $i } $mdCount = $mds | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count Write-Log "Found $mdCount tracked things" Debug if($ShowMe){ Write-Output ($mds | Sort-Object LastTrackedPromEpoch -Descending) return } if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($trackingType)){ Write-Log "I cannot do this without a trackingType specified" Error -ErrorAction Stop } if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($script:PrometheusMetricPath)){ Write-Log "You have not specified the Prometheus Metric Path with the Invoke-PrometheusConfig function" Error -ErrorAction Stop } $StaticLabels = @("SupportTeam=`"Unknown`"") if($trackingType -notin ($mds | select -ExpandProperty name)){ Write-Log "Tracking a new thing: $trackingType" Warning $sloTime = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the number of seconds we expect this thing to be tracked" $mds += @{name=$trackingType; slofrequency=$sloTime} } foreach($md in $mds){ $instanceLabel = $StaticLabels $instanceLabel += @("tracker=`"$($`"") if($trackingType -in ${ $timestamp = Get-PrometheusEpochTimeStamp $md.lastTrackedPromEpoch = $timestamp } $metrics += @( ,@{Name="$($script:PrometheusDomain)_tracker"; Description="General tracker";type="gauge"; value=$md.lastTrackedPromEpoch;labels=$instanceLabel} ,@{Name="$($script:PrometheusDomain)_tracker_slo_seconds"; Description="Service level object for how frequently this general tracker should run";type="gauge"; value="$($md.slofrequency)";labels=$instanceLabel} ) } $json = $mds | ConvertTo-Json -depth 5 $json | Set-Content "$env:USERPROFILE\.friendly-chainsaw\tracker.json" Invoke-PrometheusBatchEnding -textFileDir $script:PrometheusMetricPath -SLO_InstanceShouldRunEveryXSeconds 14400 -domain $script:PrometheusDomain -metrics $metrics } |