
function Write-Log {
       Writes a message to one of several streams. The default "info" messages use Write-Information,
        Write-Log is the central function for the logger module. It is designed to wrap the several ways to log data into one easy to use function. Using Write-Log in your script, you can then decide at run time if you want your messages to display or not, and to what stream you want them written. A common use is to Set-logLevel to Error when the scripts are running in production, and then if an error occurs reruning the scripts with Debug level, and possible write to the Windows event log to help you in troubleshooting.
        NOTE: When you use -ErrorAction Stop on this function it will not write any errors in the calling scope
    .PARAMETER Message
        The $Message parameter is the text that will be written. Position=0
    .PARAMETER EventLevel
        Specifies the entry type of the event. Position=1
        Valid values are "Debug","Info","Warning","Error"
        The default level of Info is used if not specified. Write-Log checks against the script scoped logLevel, if the Write-Log spe
    .PARAMETER eventID
        Only used when you Set-logTargetWinEvent on. The Event ID for the windows event log. Can be any number between 0 and 65535, defaults to 10. Position=3
        Writes a message as a Information event level. Good for general logging to the screen. If the Verbose preference variable was set to 'Continue' this message would be written to the Verbose stream, if not it is written to host.
       Write-Log "Basic information message"
        Writing a error message to the Windows Event Log a message as a Error event level, with the max eventID value of 65535. This will call Write-Error to raise an error on the PowerShell host, and write the log to the Windows Event log with the event ID: 65535
        Set-logTargetWinEvent $true
       Write-Log "Testing out a error message" Error -eventID 65535
        Accepts a string value for the message that will be written

    [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $True,Position = 0)] [string]$Message = "",
    [Parameter(Position = 1)][ValidateSet("Debug","Info","Warning","Error","Disable")] [string]$EventLevel = "Info",
    [Parameter(Position = 2)] [int]$eventID = 10,
    [Parameter(Position = 3)] [int]$tabLevel = 0


  if ($script:LogLevel -eq 100) {
  $messageLevel = $script:logLevelOptions[$EventLevel]
  #Set the Verbose preference to the value in the calling script
  Get-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

  $tabs = ''
  if ($script:logFormattingOptions['AutoTabCallsFromFunctions'] -eq 1) {
    $callingFunction = (Get-PSCallStack | Select-Object FunctionName -Skip 1 -First 1).FunctionName | Where-Object { $_ -ne '<ScriptBlock>' }
    if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($callingFunction))) {
  for ($i = 1; $i -le $tabLevel | Where-Object { $_ -ne 0 }; $i++) {
    $tabs = $tabs + ' '

  $timeStamp = ''
  if ($script:logFormattingOptions['PrefixTimestamp'] -eq 1) {
    $timeStamp = "$(Get-Date) - "

  #Debug Messages
  if ($messageLevel -eq 0 -and $script:LogLevel -eq 0) {
    if ($script:logFormattingOptions['PrefixCallingFunction'] -eq 1 -and !([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($callingFunction))) {
      $FormatMessage = "$tabs$timeStamp[$callingFunction][DEBUG] $Message"
    else {
      $FormatMessage = "$tabs$timeStamp[DEBUG] $Message"

    if ($DebugPreference -eq "Inquire" -or $DebugPreference -eq "Continue") {
      Write-Debug "$Message"
    else {
      Write-Information "$FormatMessage" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    if ($script:logTargetWinEvent -eq 1) {
      Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Source "$script:LogSource" -EntryType "Information" -EventId $eventID -Message "$FormatMessage"

  #Info Messages
  elseif ($messageLevel -eq 10 -and $script:LogLevel -le 10) {
    if ($script:logFormattingOptions['PrefixCallingFunction'] -eq 1 -and !([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($callingFunction))) {
      $FormatMessage = "$tabs$timeStamp[$callingFunction] $Message"
    else {
      $FormatMessage = "$tabs$timeStamp$Message"
    if ($VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') {
      Write-Verbose "$FormatMessage"
    else {
      Write-Information "$FormatMessage" -ForegroundColor Green
    if ($script:logTargetWinEvent -eq 1) {
      Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Source "$script:LogSource" -EntryType "Information" -EventId $eventID -Message "$FormatMessage"

  #Warning Messages
  elseif ($messageLevel -eq 20 -and $script:LogLevel -le 20) {
    if ($script:logFormattingOptions['PrefixCallingFunction'] -eq 1 -and !([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($callingFunction))) {
      $FormatMessage = "$tabs$timeStamp[$callingFunction][WARNING] $Message"
    else {
      $FormatMessage = "$tabs$timeStamp[WARNING] $Message"
    Write-Warning "$FormatMessage"
    if ($script:logTargetWinEvent -eq 1) {
      Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Source "$script:LogSource" -EntryType "Warning" -EventId $eventID -Message "$FormatMessage"

  #Error Messages
  elseif ($messageLevel -eq 30 -and $script:LogLevel -le 30) {
    if ($script:logFormattingOptions['PrefixCallingFunction'] -eq 1 -and !([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($callingFunction))) {
      $FormatMessage = "$tabs$timeStamp[$callingFunction] $Message"
    else {
      $FormatMessage = "$tabs$timeStamp$Message"
    Write-Error "$FormatMessage"
    if ($script:logTargetWinEvent -eq 1) {
      Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Source "$script:LogSource" -EntryType "Error" -EventId $eventID -Message "$FormatMessage"

} Export-ModuleMember -Function Write-Log