.Synopsis Performs a git fetch and pull from the master branch for the given repoPath .DESCRIPTION USed to programatically get an up to date programatic branch that is in sync with a remote #> function Sync-GitRepo{ [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName='path')][string] $repoPath, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='name')][string] $repoName, [string] $branchName = 'master' ) if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($repoPath) -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($repoName)){ Write-Log "please pass either the -repoPath or repoName parameters" Error } elseif([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($repoPath)){ $global:GitRepositories $repoPath = Get-GitRepositories } $oldLocation = Get-Location function HandleSTdOut{ param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)][object] $processOutput) process{ Write-Log "stdOut: $( $processOutput.stdout)" Verbose Write-Log "stderr: $( $processOutput.stderr)" Verbose if ($processOutput.stdout -like '*error*'){ Write-Log "There was an error: $($processOutput.stdout)" Error -ErrorAction Stop } elseif ($processOutput.stderr -like '*error*'){ Write-Log "There was an error: $($processOutput.stderr)" Error -ErrorAction Stop } } } try{ Set-Location $repoPath if ((Get-GitBranch) -ne $branchName){ Start-MyProcess -EXEPath 'git' -options "checkout $branchName" | HandleSTdOut } Start-MyProcess -EXEPath 'git' -options "fetch" | HandleSTdOut Start-MyProcess -EXEPath 'git' -options "pull" | HandleSTdOut } catch{ throw } finally{ Set-Location $oldLocation } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Sync-GitRepo |