
function Get-GitHubRelease {
Write-Log "Current location: $(Get-Location)" Debug
      My attempt at a generic release downloader from GitHub. Specifically this was written to download the pandoc releases
    .PARAMETER fileFormat
        Right now this function is only able to download release files with a name like <*><versionNumber><*>.<*>
        ie. Pandoc's release files will look like: Pandoc-2.0.5-windows.msi
        To get this file, the format I would pass in is pandoc-0-windows.msi.
        the 0 is a place holder for the actual version that will be downloaded.
    .PARAMETER repo
        The user name and repository seperated by a forward slash.
        IE for pandoc, this would be: "jgm/pandoc"
       I followed this gist to write this script -

  [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
  param([Parameter(Position = 0)][ValidateSet("Debug","Info","Warning","Error","Disable")] [string]$logLevel = "Warning"
    ,[string]$repo = $null
    ,[string]$fileFormat = $null

  $currentLogLevel = Get-LogLevel
  if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($logLevel)) { $logLevel = "Info" }
  Set-LogLevel $logLevel
  Set-logTargetWinEvent $winEventLog

  try {
    $releases = "$repo/releases"

    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($tag)) {
      Write-Log "No tag specified, determining latest release for the $repo repository"
      $tag = (Invoke-WebRequest $releases -ErrorAction Stop | ConvertFrom-Json)[0].tag_name

    $name1 = $fileFormat.Split("0")[0]
    $name2 = $fileFormat.Split("0")[1].Split(".")[0]
    $ext = $fileFormat.Split("0")[1].Split(".")[1]
    $zip = "$name1$tag$name2.$ext"
    $dir = "$name1$tag$name2"

    $download = "$repo/releases/download/$tag/$zip"
    Write-Log "Will download the file: $download" Debug

    $localDownloadDir = "$env:TEMP\$dir"
    Write-Log "Into $localDownloadDir" Debug
    if (!(Test-Path $localDownloadDir)) {
      Write-Log "Creating the directory to hold the release file"
      mkdir $localDownloadDir
    if (!(Test-Path "$localDownloadDir\$zip") -or $forceDownload) {
      Write-Log "Dowloading the release taged as $tag"
      Invoke-WebRequest $download -Out "$localDownloadDir\$zip"
    else {
      Write-Log "file already exists on your PC. Skipping download."
  catch {
    if ((Test-Path $localDownloadDir) -and $cleanupLocalFiles) {
      rm $localDownloadDir
    Set-LogLevel $currentLogLevel

  if ((Test-Path $localDownloadDir) -and $cleanupLocalFiles) {
    rm $localDownloadDir
  Set-LogLevel $currentLogLevel

  Write-Output "$localDownloadDir\$zip"

} Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-GitHubRelease