
function Get-GitLastCommit {
      Returns the full SHA1 commit hash for the most recent commit of the current branch
      Will return an empty string if there is an error.
    .PARAMETER path
        Default: Null
        The path to the folder or file that you want to get the most recent commit from. Needs to be relative to the root of the repository.
    .PARAMETER masterBranch
        Default: $false
        This is kind of hacky so forgive me. If this switch is true, this will get the most recent commit hash from the local master branch, if false, it will look at the HEAD (or the current branch)
        I tried to parameterize this so you could choose which branch to get the commit, but I was getting errors which i believe was jsut the way I was formatting the invocation of the git.exe
        Get the most recent commit hash of the entire repository, for the current branch
        Output: dcef3a70cc28d9dfa058c8f86183cef6e78a6df5
        Get the most recent commit hash of a specific directory (named SSAS_TabularModels), for the current branch
        Get-GitLastCommit "SSAS_TabularModels"
        Output: 798bbd1d8d27b99ea27ff2e38e3ae86f4b02c317
        Get the most recent commit hash of a specific file in a subdirectory (named SSAS_TabularModels\.gitgnore on windows...), for the current branch
        Get-GitLastCommit "SSAS_TabularModels/.gitignore"
        Output: 6cb5d7854d5b81b407d475972ee602de9c7ddca3
        Get the most recent commit hash of a specific file in a subdirectory (named SSAS_TabularModels\.gitgnore on windows...), for the master branch
        Get-GitLastCommit "SSAS_TabularModels/.gitignore" -masterBranch
        Output: 6cb5d7854d5b81b407d475972ee602de9c7ddca3

  [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
  param([Parameter(Position = 0)] [string]$path = $null
    ,[Parameter(Position = 1)] [switch]$masterBranch = $false

  Write-Verbose "Current Location: $(Get-Location)"
  $oldErrorAction = $ErrorActionPreference
  $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
  try {
    if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($path))) {

      $path = $path -replace "\\","/"
      #This is crappy code... I was getting an error when I tried to parameterize this to allow you to specify what branch you want to get the last commit from. The error was :Path $path exists on disk but not in the index.
      #When I outputted the call I am making, I was able to execute it on the command line just fine. Come find out the parameter that was located where "master" or "head" are is what was causing it. For the meantime, this works for my purposes.
      #If theuser specifies, then get the commit from master. If not, get the commit of the current branch (HEAD)
      if ($masterBranch) {
        Write-Verbose "git rev-parse master:""$path"""
        $gitLogOutput = & git rev-parse master:'"'$path'"'
      else {
        Write-Verbose "git rev-parse head:""$path"""
        $gitLogOutput = & git rev-parse head:'"'$path'"'
    else {
      if ($masterBranch) {
        Write-Verbose "git rev-parse master"
        $gitLogOutput = & git rev-parse master
      else {
        Write-Verbose "git rev-parse HEAD"
        $gitLogOutput = & git rev-parse HEAD

  catch {
    $gitLogOutput = ''
  $ErrorActionPreference = $oldErrorAction
  Write-Output $gitLogOutput
} Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-GitLastCommit