function Invoke-SqlCmdWithCache { <# .Synopsis Wrapper for Invoke-SQLCmd cmdlt which has some error handling, server name resolution, and optional local caching. .PARAMETER query The sql query to execute .PARAMETER CacheResultsLocally A switch that when specified will locally cache data to speed up subsequent queries .PARAMETER cacheDir A directory that the xml files that store the cached data will be stored in. Default is C:\temp YOU NEED TO CLEAN THESE FILES UP YOUR SELF!!! .PARAMETER cacheDays A integer that specifies how old a file can be before the local cache is refreashed. Default is -1 (1 day old) Set this to a positive number to force a refreash of the local cache. .EXAMPLE Store a copy of the data locally to speed up any other queries until the cached data is 5 days old. The local cache will use the default $cacheDir: C:\temp\Friendly_Chainsaw\$sourceServer$sourceDatabase_$queryHash ie: (ServerDatabase_145868016216295781216920420294223571441041221777622495882505022372121155874110212) $sqlQuery = 'Select [DateTimeColumn], [varchar100Column], [VarcharMAXColumn] from mySchema.myTable' $dataAsDataTable = Query-SqlWithCache -ServerInstance $sourceServer -Database $sourceDatabase -Query $sqlQuery -cacheDays -5 .INPUTS A sql command .OUTPUTS An array of powershell objects #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param([Parameter(Position = 0)][ValidateSet("Debug","Info","Warning","Error","Disable")] [string]$logLevel = "Warning",[string]$ServerInstance ,[string]$Database ,[Parameter(Position = 1,ValueFromPipeline)] [string]$query = $null ,[string]$cacheDir = "$env:Temp\Friendly_Chainsaw" ,[int]$cacheDays = -1 ) $currentLogLevel = Get-LogLevel if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($logLevel))) { Set-LogLevel $logLevel } Write-Log "ServerName : $ServerInstance" Debug Write-Log "Database: $Database" Debug $queryStartTime = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() $queryHash = Get-StringHash $query $fqPath = "$cacheDir$ServerInstance$($Database)_$queryHash.xml" if (!(Test-Path $fqPath)) { Write-Log "Data is not cached, loading cache. File path: $fqPath" Debug $results = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $ServerInstance -Database $Database -Query $query -QueryTimeout 0 -ConnectionTimeout 0 $results | Export-Clixml -Path $fqPath } elseif ($(Get-ChildItem $fqPath).LastWriteTime -le (Get-Date).AddDays($cacheDays)) { Write-Log "Refreashing local cache. File path: $fqPath" Debug Remove-Item $fqPath $results = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $ServerInstance -Database $Database -Query $query -QueryTimeout 0 -ConnectionTimeout 0 $results | Export-Clixml -Path $fqPath } else { Write-Log "Using local cache. File path: $fqPath" Debug $results = Import-Clixml $fqPath } $elapsedTime = $queryStartTime.ElapsedMilliseconds Write-Log "Query took: $elapsedTime miliseconds" Debug Set-LogLevel $currentLogLevel Write-Output $results } Export-ModuleMember -Function Invoke-SqlCmdWithCache |