
Function Close-CrystalReport{
      Saves and closes a Crystal Report object. Use Open-CrystalReport to create a Crystal Report object from an existing .rpt file.
    .PARAMETER report
        A crystal Report object of the type: CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.
        Opens all .rpt files in C:\reportsFromVendor and all subdirectories, writes some sumamry info to the log, and then saves/closes the report
        Get-ChildItem C:\reportsFromVendor -recurse | where {$_.Extension -eq 'rpt'} | Open-CrystalReport | foreach {
    Write-Log "$($_.SummaryInfo.ReportTitle)"
    Write-Log "$($_.SummaryInfo.ReportAuthor)"
    Write-Log "$($_.SummaryInfo.ReportComments)"
    Write-Log "$($_.SummaryInfo.ReportSubject)"
    Write-Output $_
    } | Close-CrystalReport
       a Crystal Report object of the type: CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument
       Nothing. This should be used at the end of your Crystal Reports pipeline

param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline,position=0)] $report =$null,
[switch] $saveReport)

if ($null -eq $report){
    Write-Log "Please pass a crystal report into the function" Error -ErrorAction Stop

if ($saveReport){
    Write-Log "Saving the report to: $($report.FilePath)" Debug
Write-Log "Disposing of the report object" Debug
#Try to dispose if the report is inside of the input object. (The ouput of functions to extract/insert data)
}Export-ModuleMember -Function Close-CrystalReport