function Invoke-DuplicateColumnNames { <# .SYNOPSIS Takes an array of column names (like from a flat file) and will automatically add a counter to any duplicates. With the array ("ColA","ColB","ColA") it will output a array: ("ColA_1",ColB","ColA_02") .DESCRIPTION .INPUTS Array of stirngs .OUTPUTS Array of strings .PARAMETER colNames An string array of column names .EXAMPLE #> param( [string[]]$colNames ) $counter = 1; for($i=0;$i-le $colNames.Count;$i++){ foreach($r in $colNames){ if ($colNames[$i] -eq $r -and [array]::indexof($colNames,$r) -ne $i){ $colNames[$i] = "$($colNames[$i])_$counter" $counter++; } } } Write-Output $colNames } Export-ModuleMember -function Invoke-DuplicateColumnNames |