function New-AlterSQLTableStatementFromColumn { param([Parameter(Position = 0,ValueFromPipeline)] [System.Data.DataColumn]$dataColumn ,[Parameter(Position = 1)] [string]$FQTableName ) "ALTER TABLE $FQTableName ADD [$($dataColumn.COlumnName)] [varchar](max) NULL;" $SQLCreateTable += " Create table $FQTableName (`n" $firstPass = 1 foreach ($col in $colNames) { Write-Log "Identifying the data type to use based on the dataTable you passed in" Debug switch ($col.DataType.Name) { "DateTime" { $dataType = '[DateTime]' break } "String" { $size = if ($col.MaxLength -eq -1 -or $col.MaxLength -eq 2147483647) { 'MAX' } else { $col.MaxLength } $dataType = "varchar($size)" } default { Write-Log "Defaulting to varchar(max) datatype" Debug $dataType = 'varchar(max)' break } } if ($firstPass -eq 1) { $SQLCreateTable = $SQLCreateTable + "[$($col.ColumnName)] $dataType null`n" $firstPass = 0 } else { $SQLCreateTable = $SQLCreateTable + ",[$($col.ColumnName)] $dataType null`n" } } $SQLCreateTable = $SQLCreateTable + "`n); " Write-Log "Generated SQL for $FQTableName" Debug Write-Log $SQLCreateTable Debug Write-Output $SQLCreateTable } Export-ModuleMember -Function New-AlterSQLTableStatementFromColumn |