function Set-F5Node { <# .SYNOPSIS Interactive function to put pools members down or up .EXAMPLE Set-F5Node node1 -Up -Sync .EXAMPLE Set-F5Node -Sync .LINK #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string]$Name, [switch]$Up, [switch]$Down, [string]$Pool, [switch]$Sync, [switch]$Force ) if($VerbosePreference -ne "SilentlyContinue"){ $Verbose = $true } else { $Verbose = $false } if($Up -and $Down){ Write-Warning "Specify either Up or Down, not both" return } $Session = Connect-F5 -Verbose:$Verbose if($Session -eq $null){ return } $Pools = Get-Pool -F5Session $Session | Where-Object {$_.fullPath -like "*$Pool*"} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty fullPath $Pools | ForEach-Object { $PoolName = $_ $MemberName = "" $Confirm = $false write-host -foregroundcolor white "`nPool: $PoolName" Get-PoolMember -PoolName $PoolName -F5Session $Session | Where-Object {$ -like "*$($Name)*"} | ForEach-Object { $MemberName = $ write-host -NoNewLine "`tCurrent status for $MemberName : " if($_.state -eq 'up'){ write-host -NoNewLine -foregroundcolor green $($_.state) } else { write-host -NoNewLine -foregroundcolor red $($_.state) } $curconns = (Get-PoolMemberStats -PoolName $PoolName -Name $MemberName -F5Session $Session)."serverside.curConns".value write-host " ($curconns connections)" } if($MemberName -eq ""){ write-host -foregroundcolor yellow "`tNo match for '$Name'" } else { #Enable Pool Member if($Up -and ($Force -or $($Confirm = read-host "`tENABLE $MemberName ? (y/n) "; $Confirm) -eq "y")){ write-host -NoNewLine -foregroundcolor cyan "`tEnabling $MemberName..." $output = Enable-PoolMember -PoolName $PoolName -Name $MemberName -F5Session $Session #Disable Pool Member } elseif($Down -and ($Force -or $($Confirm = read-host "`tDISABLE $MemberName ? (y/n) "; $Confirm) -eq "y")){ write-host -NoNewLine -foregroundcolor cyan "`tDisabling $MemberName..." $output = Disable-PoolMember -PoolName $PoolName -Name $MemberName -Force -F5Session $Session } if(($Up -or $Down) -and ($Force -or $Confirm -eq 'y')) { sleep 1 if($output -eq 'True'){ write-host -foregroundcolor green "OK" } else { write-host -foregroundcolor red "Fail" } write-host -NoNewLine "`tNew status for $MemberName : " $NewState = $((Get-PoolMember -Name $MemberName -PoolName $PoolName -F5Session $Session).State) write-host -ForegroundColor $(if($NewState -eq 'up'){"Green"}else{"Red"}) $NewState } } } #Sync Device to Group if($Sync -and ($Force -or $($Confirm = read-host "`nSYNC $($Session.Name) to group ? (y/n) "; $Confirm) -eq "y") -and $(Get-F5Status -F5Session $Session) -eq 'ACTIVE'){ write-host -NoNewLine -foregroundcolor white "Syncing device to group..." $output = Sync-DeviceToGroup -GroupName syncgroup -F5Session $Session if($output -eq 'True'){ write-host -foregroundcolor green "OK" } else { write-host -foregroundcolor red "FAIL" } } } |