@{ # There are three copies here of the Terminal.ColorScheme, one for each terminal-theming module 'Theme.Terminal' = PSObject @{ foreground = '#FFFCFF' background = '#212021' black = '#212021' blue = '#01A0E4' brightBlack = '#493F3F' brightBlue = '#6ECEFF' brightCyan = '#95F2FF' brightGreen = '#6CD18E' brightPurple = '#D29BC6' brightRed = '#FF6E6D' brightWhite = '#FFFCFF' brightYellow = '#FFFF85' cyan = '#55C4CF' green = '#01A252' purple = '#A16A94' red = '#D92D20' white = '#A5A2A2' yellow = '#FBED02' } -TypeName 'Terminal.ColorScheme' 'Theme.WindowsTerminal' = PSObject @{ name = 'Darkly' foreground = '#FFFCFF' background = '#212021' cursorColor = '#EFEFEF' selectionBackground = '#82C1FF' black = '#212021' blue = '#01A0E4' brightBlack = '#493F3F' brightBlue = '#6ECEFF' brightCyan = '#95F2FF' brightGreen = '#6CD18E' brightPurple = '#D29BC6' brightRed = '#FF6E6D' brightWhite = '#FFFCFF' brightYellow = '#FFFF85' cyan = '#55C4CF' green = '#01A252' purple = '#A16A94' red = '#D92D20' white = '#A5A2A2' yellow = '#FBED02' } -TypeName 'Terminal.ColorScheme' 'Theme.WindowsConsole' = PSObject @{ foreground = '#FFFCFF' background = '#212021' black = '#212021' blue = '#01A0E4' brightBlack = '#493F3F' brightBlue = '#6ECEFF' brightCyan = '#95F2FF' brightGreen = '#6CD18E' brightPurple = '#D29BC6' brightRed = '#FF6E6D' brightWhite = '#FFFCFF' brightYellow = '#FFFF85' cyan = '#55C4CF' green = '#01A252' purple = '#A16A94' red = '#D92D20' white = '#A5A2A2' yellow = '#FBED02' } -TypeName 'Terminal.ColorScheme' 'Theme.PowerShell' = PSObject @{ Background = ConsoleColor Black DebugBackgroundColor = ConsoleColor Black DebugForegroundColor = ConsoleColor Green ErrorAccentColor = ConsoleColor Cyan ErrorBackgroundColor = ConsoleColor Black ErrorForegroundColor = ConsoleColor Red Foreground = ConsoleColor Gray FormatAccentColor = ConsoleColor Green ProgressBackgroundColor = ConsoleColor DarkMagenta ProgressForegroundColor = ConsoleColor Yellow VerboseBackgroundColor = ConsoleColor Black VerboseForegroundColor = ConsoleColor Cyan WarningBackgroundColor = ConsoleColor Black WarningForegroundColor = ConsoleColor Yellow } -TypeName 'Selected.Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost+ConsoleColorProxy' 'Theme.PSReadLine' = PSObject @{ CommandColor = "$([char]27)[38;2;255;230;109m" CommentColor = "$([char]27)[38;2;95;97;103m" ContinuationPromptColor = "$([char]27)[38;2;0;232;198m" DefaultTokenColor = "$([char]27)[38;2;213;206;217m" EmphasisColor = "$([char]27)[38;2;243;156;18m" ErrorColor = "$([char]27)[4;38;2;255;93;97m" KeywordColor = "$([char]27)[38;2;199;77;147m" MemberColor = "$([char]27)[38;2;43;168;256m" NumberColor = "$([char]27)[38;2;243;43;23m" OperatorColor = "$([char]27)[38;2;238;93;67m" ParameterColor = "$([char]27)[38;2;143;228;256m" InlinePredictionColor = "$([char]27)[38;2;95;97;103m" SelectionColor = "$([char]27)[100;38;2;190;190;190m" StringColor = "$([char]27)[38;2;150;224;114m" TypeColor = "$([char]27)[38;2;238;93;67m" VariableColor = "$([char]27)[38;2;0;242;178m" } -TypeName 'Selected.Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLineOptions' PowerLine = PSObject @{ Cap = '' Colors = @('#333333','#424242','#8A8A8A','#707070') FullColor = $True PowerLineFont = $True Prompt = @( (ConvertFrom-Metadata @' @{ ForegroundColor='White' BackgroundColor='#333333' ErrorBackgroundColor='#8B2252' Separator='' Cap='' Entities=1 Persist=1 Object=(ScriptBlock '$MyInvocation.HistoryId') } '@ -As PoshCode.PowerLine.PowerLineBlock), (ConvertFrom-Metadata @' @{ ForegroundColor='#C4C0C7' BackgroundColor='#424242' Separator='' Cap='' Entities=1 Persist=1 Object=(ScriptBlock 'Get-ShortPath') } '@ -As PoshCode.PowerLine.PowerLineBlock), (ConvertFrom-Metadata @' @{ Separator='' Cap='' Entities=1 Persist=1 Object="`t" } '@ -As PoshCode.PowerLine.PowerLineBlock), (ConvertFrom-Metadata @' @{ ForegroundColor='#000000' BackgroundColor='#8A8A8A' Separator='' Cap='' Entities=1 Persist=1 Object=(ScriptBlock 'Get-Elapsed') } '@ -As PoshCode.PowerLine.PowerLineBlock), (ConvertFrom-Metadata @' @{ ForegroundColor='#EBE7EE' BackgroundColor='#707070' Separator='' Cap='' Entities=1 Persist=1 Object=(ScriptBlock 'Get-Date -f "T"') } '@ -As PoshCode.PowerLine.PowerLineBlock), (ConvertFrom-Metadata @' @{ Separator='' Cap='' Entities=1 Persist=1 Object="`n" } '@ -As PoshCode.PowerLine.PowerLineBlock), (ConvertFrom-Metadata @' @{ ForegroundColor='#CCCCCC' BackgroundColor='#666666' Separator='' Cap='' Entities=1 Persist=1 Object='&ColorSeparator;' } '@ -As PoshCode.PowerLine.PowerLineBlock)) PSReadLineContinuationPrompt = '[38;2;204;204;204m[49m [0m' PSReadLineContinuationPromptColor = '[38;2;0;232;198m' PSReadLinePromptText = @('[48;2;102;102;102m[38;2;204;204;204m[49m[38;2;102;102;102m[0m','[48;2;139;34;82m[38;2;204;204;204m[49m[38;2;139;34;82m[0m') Separator = '' SetCurrentDirectory = $True } -TypeName 'PowerLine.Theme','System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject','System.Object' } |