
#requires -module VirtualMachineManager

    Thomas Malkewitz @dotps1
    VirtualMachineManager, VMM, SCVMM, HardDisk
    Fix tag metadata values.

    Expands the OS Drive of a Virtual Machine.
    Using information from Virtual Machine Manager and CIM, this cmdlet adds space to the virtual machines vhdx file and expands the partion.
    The name of the Virtual Machine to perform the expansion against.
    The ammount of disk space to add in GB.
    Default Value: 10
.PARAMETER MinimumFreeSpaceGB
    The ammount of minimum free space on the disk required before the operation is performed.
    Default Value: 10
    If the system recovery partion is located on the disk after the OS partition, it will be removed.
    PS C:\> Expand-SCVirtualMachineOSDisk -Name MyVirtualMachine
    Name: MyVirtualMachine
    OSDriveLetter: C
    OSPartitionPreviousSizeGB: 40
    OSPartitionNewSizeGB: 50
    PS C:\> "MyVirtualMachine" | Expand-SCVirtualMachineOSDisk -AmmountToAddGB 25
    Name: MyVirtualMachine
    OSDriveLetter: C:
    OSPartitionPreviousSizeGB: 25
    OSPartitionNewSizeGB: 50

    ConfirmImpact = "High"

param (
        Mandatory = $true,
        ValueFromPipeline = $true,
        ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true

    $AmountToAddGB = 10,

    $MinumumFreeSpaceGB = 10

process {
    foreach ($nameValue in $Name) {
        $vm = $null
        $vm = Get-SCVirtualMachine -Name $nameValue
        if ($null -eq $vm) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Virtual Machine '$($vm.Name)' does not exist in VMM, please ensure the host and the guest are in the VMM database."
        } else {
            $osHardDisk = Get-SCVirtualHardDisk -VM $vm | Where-Object { $_.ID -eq $vm.OSDiskID }
            $osDiskDrive = Get-SCVirtualDiskDrive -VM $vm | Where-Object { $_.VirtualHardDiskId -eq $vm.OSDiskID }
            if ($null -ne $osHardDisk -and $null -ne $osDiskDrive) {
                $osHardDiskFreeSpace = [Math]::Round( ($osHardDisk.MaximumSize - $osHardDisk.Size) / 1GB )

                # If the freespace is less then the minimum free space specified, add space to existing OSDrive.
                if ($osHardDiskFreeSpace -lt $MinumumFreeSpaceGB) {
                    try {
                        Expand-SCVirtualDiskDrive -VirtualDiskDrive $osDiskDrive -VirtualHardDiskSizeGB ( [Math]::Round( ($osHardDisk.MaximumSize / 1GB) ) + $AmountToAddGB ) -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
                    } catch {

                } else {
                    Write-Warning "Virtual Machine '$($vm.Name)' has $osHardDiskFreeSpace avaiable."


                if ($vm.Generation -ne 2) {
                    Write-Warning -Message "Virtual Machine '$($vm.Name)' is not generation 2, and the volume will need to be manually expanded."
                } else {
                    # Expand the partition via CIM.
                    try {
                        $cimSession = New-CimSession -ComputerName $vm
                    } catch {


                    $osDriveLetter = (Get-CimInstance -CimSession $cimSession -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem).SystemDirectory.SubString( 0,1 )
                    $osPartition = Get-Partition -CimSession $cimSession -DriveLetter $osDriveLetter
                    $recoveryPartition = Get-Partition -CimSession $cimSession | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq 'Recovery' }
                    if ($null -ne $recoveryPartition -and $recoveryPartition.PartitionNumber -gt $osPartition.PartitionNumber) {
                        if ($recoveryPartition.Size -lt 1GB) {
                            Write-Warning "Removing Recovery partition from '$($vm.Name)' to allow for the partition expansion."
                            Remove-Partition -CimSession $cimSession -InputObject $recoveryPartition -Confirm:$false

                    $partitionSizeMax = (Get-PartitionSupportedSize -CimSession $cimSession -DriveLetter $osDriveLetter).SizeMax
                    Resize-Partition -CimSession $cimSession -DriveLetter $osDriveLetter -Size $partitionSizeMax
                    $osPartitionNewSize = Get-Partition -CimSession $cimSession -DriveLetter $osDriveLetter | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Size

                    Remove-CimSession -CimSession $cimSession

                        Name = $vm.Name
                        OSDriveLetter = $osDriveLetter
                        OSPartiontType = $osPartition.Type
                        OSPartitionPreviousSizeGB = ( [Math]::Round(( $osPartition.Size / 1GB )))
                        OSPartitionNewSizeGB = ( [Math]::Round(( $osPartitionNewSize / 1GB )))
                    } | Write-Output