Function Send-GraphEmailMessage { <# .SYNOPSIS Function to send email messages through MS Graph. .DESCRIPTION Function to send email messages through MS Graph. Module required: Microsoft.Graph.Users.Actions Scope needed: Delegated: Mail.Send Application: Mail.Send .PARAMETER Account User's UPN to send the email message from. .PARAMETER ToRecipients List of recipients in the "To" list. This is a Mandatory parameter. If no value is passed, it will take the same user account being used. .PARAMETER CCRecipients List of recipients in the "CC" list. This is an optional parameter. .PARAMETER BccRecipients List of recipients in the "Bcc" list. This is an optional parameter. .PARAMETER Subject Use this parameter to set the subject's text. By default will have: "Test message sent via Graph". .PARAMETER Body Use this parameter to set the body's text. By default will have: "Test message sent via Graph using Powershell". .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Send-GraphEmailMessage -ToRecipients "" Then will send the email message to "" from the user previously authenticated. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Send-GraphEmailMessage -ToRecipients "","" -BccRecipients "" -Subject "Lets meet!" Then will send the email message to "" and "" and bcc to "", from the user previously authenticated. #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidGlobalVars", "")] [Cmdletbinding()] Param ( [String] $Account, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String[]] $ToRecipients, [String[]] $CCRecipients, [String[]] $BccRecipients, [String] $Subject, [String] $Body ) $statusBarLabel.Text = "Running..." if ( $ToRecipients -eq "") { $ToRecipients = $Account } if ( $subject -eq "" ) { $Subject = "Test message sent via Graph" } if ( $Body -eq "" ) { $Body = "Test message sent via Graph using ExoGraphGUI tool" } # Base mail body Hashtable $global:MailBody = @{ Message = @{ Subject = $Subject Body = @{ Content = $Body ContentType = "HTML" } } savetoSentItems = "true" } # looping through each recipient in the list, and adding it in the hash table $recipientsList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList foreach ( $recipient in ($ToRecipients.split(",").Trim()) ) { $recipientsList.add( @{ EmailAddress = @{ Address = $recipient } } ) } $global:MailBody.Message.Add("ToRecipients", $recipientsList) # looping through each recipient in the CC list, and adding it in the hash table if ( $CCRecipients -ne "" ) { $ccRecipientsList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList foreach ( $cc in $CCRecipients.split(",").Trim()) { $null = $ccRecipientsList.add( @{ EmailAddress = @{ Address = $cc } } ) } $MailBody.Message.Add("CcRecipients", $ccRecipientsList) } # looping through each recipient in the Bcc list, and adding it in the hash table if ( $BccRecipients -ne "" ) { $BccRecipientsList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList foreach ( $bcc in $BccRecipients.split(",").Trim()) { $null = $BccRecipientsList.add( @{ EmailAddress = @{ Address = $bcc } } ) } $MailBody.Message.Add("BccRecipients", $BccRecipientsList) } # Making Graph call to send email message try { Send-MgUserMail -UserId $Account -BodyParameter $MailBody -ErrorAction Stop $statusBarLabel.text = "Ready. Mail sent." Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Succesfully sent email '$Subject' to $ToRecipients, $CCRecipients, $BccRecipients." -FunctionName "Method 11" -Target $Account Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Succesfully sent email '$Subject'." -FunctionName "Method 11" -Target $Account } catch { $statusBarLabel.text = "Something failed to send the email message using graph. Ready." Write-PSFMessage -Level Error -Message "Something failed to send the email message using graph. Error message: $_" -FunctionName "Method 11" -Target $Account } } |