Function Method5 { <# .SYNOPSIS Method to delete a specific folder in the user mailbox. .DESCRIPTION Method to delete a specific folder in the user mailbox with 3 different deletion methods. Module required: Microsoft.Graph.Mail Scope needed: Delegated: Mail.ReadWrite Application: Mail.ReadWrite .PARAMETER Account User's UPN to delete mail folder from. .PARAMETER FolderId FolderId of the folder to be deleted. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Method5 Method to delete a specific folder in the user mailbox. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [String] $Account, [String] $FolderId ) $statusBarLabel.Text = "Running..." if ( $FolderId -ne "" ) { Remove-MgUserMailFolder -UserId $Account -MailFolderId $FolderId Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Task finished succesfully" -FunctionName "Method 5" -Target $Account $statusBarLabel.text = "Ready..." $PremiseForm.Refresh() } else { [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::MsgBox("FolderID textbox is empty. Check and try again",[Microsoft.VisualBasic.MsgBoxStyle]::Okonly,"Information Message") $statusBarLabel.text = "Process finished with warnings/errors" } } |