
function Export-ExoGraphGuiLog {
    This function will export current PSFramework logs.
    This function will export current PSFramework logs based on the amount of days old define in the 'DaysOld' parameter.
    It will allow to export to CSV file and/or display in powershell GridView.
    Output will have the following header: "ComputerName","Username","Timestamp","Level","Message","Type","FunctionName","ModuleName","File","Line","Tags","TargetObject","Runspace","Callstack"
    .PARAMETER FilePath
    Defines the path file to export the CSV file.
    Default value is the user's Desktop with a file name like "yyyy-MM-dd HH_mm_ss" - EWSGui logs.csv"
    .PARAMETER OutputType
    Defines the output types available. Can be a single output or combined.
    Current available options are CSV, GridView.
    .PARAMETER DaysOld
    Defines how old we will go to fetch the logs. Valid range is between 1 through 7 days old. Default Value is 1
    PS C:\> Export-ExoGraphGuiLog -OutputType CSV
    In this example, the script will fetch all logs within the last 24 hrs (by default), and export to CSV to default location at the Desktop.
    PS C:\> Export-ExoGraphGuiLog -OutputType GridView -DaysOld 3
    In this example, the script will fetch all logs within the last 3 days, and displays them in powershell's GridView.
    PS C:\> Export-ExoGraphGuiLog -OutputType CSV,GridView -DaysOld 5
    In this example, the script will fetch all logs within the last 5 days, export to CSV to default location at the Desktop and also displays in powershell's GridView.
    PS C:\> Export-ExoGraphGuiLog -OutputType CSV,GridView -DaysOld 7 -FilePath "C:\Temp\newLog.csv"
    In this example, the script will fetch all logs within the last 7 days, export to CSV to path "C:\Temp\newLog.csv" and also displays them in powershell's GridView.

    Param (
                if ($_ -notmatch "(\.csv)") {
                    throw "The file specified in the path argument must be of type CSV"
                return $true
        [String]$FilePath = "$([Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop"))\$(get-date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH_mm_ss") - ExoGraphGui logs.csv",
        [ValidateSet('CSV', 'GridView')]
        [string[]]$OutputType = "GridView",

        [ValidateRange(1, 7)]
        [int]$DaysOld = 1
    # creating folder path if it doesn't exists
    $folderPath = ([System.IO.FileInfo]$FilePath).DirectoryName
    if ( -not (Test-Path $folderPath) ) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -Message "Folder '$folderPath' does not exists. Creating folder."
        $null = New-Item -Path $folderPath -ItemType Directory -Force
    Import-module PSFramework
    $loggingpath = (Get-PSFConfig PSFramework.Logging.FileSystem.LogPath).Value
    $logFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $loggingpath | Where-Object LastwriteTime -gt (Get-Date).adddays(-1 * $DaysOld)
    $csv = Import-Csv -Path $logFiles.FullName
    $output = $csv | Where-Object ModuleName -eq "ExoGraphGui" | Select-Object @{N = "Date"; E = { ($_.timestamp -split " ")[0] } }, @{N = "Time"; E = { Get-Date ($_.timestamp.Substring($_.timestamp.IndexOf(" ")).trim()) -Format HH:mm:ss } }, `
        "ComputerName", "Username", "Level", "FunctionName", "Message", "Type", "ModuleName", "File", "Line", "Tags", "TargetObject", "Runspace", "Callstack" | Sort-Object Date -Descending

    Switch ( $OutputType) {
        CSV { $output | export-csv -Path $FilePath -NoTypeInformation }
        GridView { $output | Out-GridView }