if (-not (Get-Command Get-Connection -ErrorAction Ignore)) { . (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath "shared.ps1") } function Get-Object($obj) { if ($obj) { return $obj } return $null } class CASMailboxSource { [string]$name = "CASMailbox" [string]$email CASMailboxSource([string]$email) { $ = $email } [object]GetSettings() { return Get-Object(Get-CASMailbox -Identity $ } } class MobileDeviceSource { [string]$name = "Mobile Device" [string]$email MobileDeviceSource([string]$email) { $ = $email } [object]GetSettings() { return Get-Object(Get-MobileDevice -Mailbox $ } } class MobileDeviceStatisticsSource { [string]$name = "Mobile Device Statistics" [string]$email MobileDeviceStatisticsSource([string]$email) { $ = $email } [object]GetSettings() { return Get-Object(Get-MobileDeviceStatistics -Mailbox $ } } class MobileDeviceMailboxPolicySource { [string]$name = "Mobile Device Mailbox Policy" [object]GetSettings() { return Get-Object(Get-MobileDeviceMailboxPolicy) } } class AccessRuleSource { [string]$name = "ActiveSync Device Access Rule" [object]GetSettings() { return Get-Object(Get-ActiveSyncDeviceAccessRule) } } class OrganizationSettingsSource { [string]$name = "ActiveSync Organization Settings" [object]GetSettings() { return Get-Object(Get-ActiveSyncOrganizationSettings) } } function Get-Settings($source, [string]$logPath) { $sw = [System.Diagnostics.StopWatch]::new() $sw.Start() $settings = $source.GetSettings() $totalMs = $sw.ElapsedMilliseconds $sw.Stop() if (-not $settings) { $cnt = 0 } elseif (-not $settings.Count) { $cnt = 1 } else { $cnt = $settings.Count } $text = "It takes {0}ms to fetch {1} {2}." -f $totalMs, $cnt, $ Write-Log -obj $text -path $logPath Write-Log -obj $settings -path $logPath return $settings } <# .SYNOPSIS Get Mobile Device Access Rule relevant settings. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet returns Mobile Device Access Rule relevant settings. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>Get-AbqSettings -Mailbox PS C:\>Get-AbqSettings -Mailbox -LogPath d:\logs\abq.log #> function Get-AbqSettings { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Mailbox, [string]$LogPath = "logs\abq.log" ) process { $text = "{0}: collecing ABQ settings for user {1}." -f (Get-Date).ToString("O"), $Mailbox Write-Log -obj $text -path $LogPath -toConsole $LogPath = (Resolve-Path -Path $LogPath).Path Get-ExoConnection $cas = Get-Settings -source ([CASMailboxSource]::new($Mailbox)) -logPath $LogPath if (-not $cas) { $text = "The mailbox {0} is not found." -f $Mailbox Write-Log -obj $text -path $LogPath -toConsole } $null = Get-Settings -source ([MobileDeviceSource]::new($Mailbox)) -logPath $LogPath $null = Get-Settings -source ([MobileDeviceStatisticsSource]::new($Mailbox)) -logPath $LogPath $null = Get-Settings -source ([MobileDeviceMailboxPolicySource]::new()) -logPath $LogPath $null = Get-Settings -source ([AccessRuleSource]::new()) -logPath $LogPath $null = Get-Settings -source ([OrganizationSettingsSource]::new()) -logPath $LogPath Write-Log -obj "ABQ settings successfully collected and stored at $LogPath." -path $LogPath -toConsole } } |