Read or update the Exif DateTaken (ExifDT) property in an image file
Installation Options
(c) 2015 Chris Warwick. All rights reserved.
Package Details
- ChrisWarwick
Exif DateTaken Date Image jpg photo DateTime 36867
Get-ExifDateTaken Update-ExifDateTaken
This module has no dependencies.
Release Notes
Chris Warwick, @cjwarwickps, August 2013
This version: November 2015
The module contains two functions:
Get-ExifDateTaken -Path <filepaths>
Takes a file (fileinfo or string) or an array of these
Gets the ExifDT value (EXIF Property 36867)
Update-ExifDateTaken -Path <filepaths> -Offset <TimeSpan>
Takes a file (fileinfo or string) or an array of these
Modifies the ExifDT value (EXIF Property 36867) as specified
# Example: Rename files based on DateTaken value
gci *.jpg |
Get-ExifDateTaken |
Rename-Item -NewName {"Holiday Snap {0:MM-dd HH.mm.ss dddd} ({1}).jpg" -f $_.ExifDateTaken, (Split-Path (Split-Path $_) -Leaf)}
# Example: Correct DateTake value on a set of .jpg images by specifying a time offset
gci *.jpg|Update-ExifDateTaken -Offset '-0:07:10' -PassThru|ft Path, ExifDateTaken
# Example: Update DateTaken & Rename files based on Date
gci *.jpg |
Update-ExifDateTaken -Offset '-0:07:10' -PassThru |
Rename-Item -NewName {"Holiday Snap {0:MM-dd HH.mm.ss dddd} ({1}).jpg" -f $_.ExifDateTaken, (Split-Path (Split-Path $_) -Leaf)}
Script Help, Get-ExifDateTaken
Gets the DateTaken EXIF property in an image file.
This cmdlet reads the EXIF DateTaken property in an image and passes is down the pipeline
attached to the PathInfo item of the image file.
.Parameter Path
The image file or files to process.
Get-ExifDateTaken img3.jpg
Reads the img3.jpg file and returns the im3.jpg PathInfo item with the EXIF DateTaken attached
Get-ExifDateTaken *3.jpg |ft path, exifdatetaken
Output the EXIF DateTaken values for all matching files in the current folder
gci *.jpeg,*.jpg|Get-ExifDateTaken
Read multiple files from the pipeline
gci *.jpg|Get-ExifDateTaken|Rename-Item -NewName {"Holiday Snap {0:MM-dd HH.mm.ss}.jpg" -f $_.ExifDateTaken}
Gets the EXIF DateTaken on multiple files and renames the files based on the time
The scripcmdlet outputs FileInfo objects with an additional ExifDateTaken
property that can be used for later processing.
Gets the EXIF DateTaken image property on a specified image file.
Script Help, Update-ExifDateTaken
Changes the DateTaken EXIF property in an image file.
This cmdlet updates the EXIF DateTaken property in an image by adding an offset to the
existing DateTaken value. The offset (which must be able to be interpreted as a [TimeSpan] type)
can be positive or negative - moving the DateTaken value to a later or earlier time, respectively.
This can be useful (for example) to correct times where the camera clock was wrong for some reason -
perhaps because of timezones; or to synchronise photo times from different cameras.
.Parameter Path
The image file or files to process.
.Parameter Offset
The time offset by which the EXIF DateTaken value should be adjusted.
Offset can be positive or negative and must be convertible to a [TimeSpan] type.
.Parameter PassThru
Switch parameter, if specified the paths of the image files processed are written to the pipeline.
The PathInfo objects are additionally decorated with the Old and New EXIF DateTaken values.
Update-ExifDateTaken img3.jpg -Offset 0:10:0 -WhatIf
Update the img3.jpg file, adding 10 minutes to the DateTaken property
Update-ExifDateTaken *3.jpg -Offset -0:01:30 -Passthru|ft path, exifdatetaken
Subtract 1 Minute 30 Seconds from the DateTaken value on all matching files in the current folder
gci *.jpeg,*.jpg|Update-ExifDateTaken -Offset 0:05:00
Update multiple files from the pipeline
gci *.jpg|Update-ExifDateTaken -Offset 0:5:0 -PassThru|Rename-Item -NewName {"Holday Snap {0:MM-dd HH.mm.ss}.jpg" -f $_.ExifDateTaken}
Updates the EXIF DateTaken on multiple files and renames the files based on the new time
If -PassThru is specified, the scripcmdlet outputs FileInfo objects with additional ExifDateTaken
and ExifOriginalDateTaken properties that can be used for later processing.
This scriptcmdlet will overwrite files without warning - take backups first...
Modifies the EXIF DateTaken image property on a specified image file.
Version History:
V1.0 (Current Version) November 2015
> Initial release to the PowerShell Gallery
> Dev versions
Other Modules:
See all my other PS Gallery modules:
Find-Module | Where Author -like 'Chris*Warwick'
- ExifDateTime.nuspec
- ExifDateTime.psd1
- ExifDateTime.psm1
- PublishPsGalleryModule.ps1
Version History
Version | Downloads | Last updated |
1.0 (current version) | 8,723 | 11/29/2015 |