# EP (ExchangePowerShell) Powershell Module 0.10.0 # Author: Pietro Ciaccio | LinkedIn: | Twitter: @PietroCiac # Pre-requisites: Exchange Server 2016 Exchange Management Shell # Checks if the powershell session has the Exchange 2016 powershell module loaded if (!($env:ExchangeInstallPath)) { throw "Exchange Server system variable ExchangeInstallPath missing." } if ($env:ExchangeInstallPath -notmatch '\\V15\\') { write-warning "The Microsoft Exchange Management Shell will be loaded from '$($env:ExchangeInstallPath)'" write-warning "Exchange Server 2016 powershell module not detected. There may be issues." } try { $cmd = $null; $cmd = get-command 'get-mailbox' -erroraction stop } catch { $invexpr = ". '$env:ExchangeInstallPath\bin\RemoteExchange.ps1'; Connect-ExchangeServer -auto -ClientApplication:ManagementShell" Invoke-Expression $invexpr } try { $cmd = $null; $cmd = get-command 'get-mailbox' -erroraction stop } catch { throw "Unable to load the Microsoft Exchange Management Shell." } # Non Exchange specific functions and cmdlets function Show { function Get-EncryptedData { param($key,$data) $data | ConvertTo-SecureString -key $key | ForEach-Object {[Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($_))} } $key = $null; $key = 'ZmU5MTk0OTMtZTM3YS00N2VlLTgwNDgtYmVhZmQ1NGU=' $data = $null; $data = '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' $key = [convert]::frombase64string($key) $data = Get-EncryptedData -key $key -data $data write-host "" write-host "EP (ExchangePowerShell) PowerShell Module 0.10.0" -foreground yellow write-host "" write-host $data write-host "" write-host "Please contact the author with any comments, issues, or requests for features and improvements via Twitter " -nonewline write-host "@PietroCiac" -foreground white -nonewline write-host " or PowerShell Gallery." write-host "" write-host "Please read the release notes for information on changes. Use Get-Help with cmdlets for guidance on usage." write-host "" } show function Update-EPModule { <# .SYNOPSIS Checks for the latest module version on PSGallery. .DESCRIPTION Checks for the latest module version on PSGallery. #> Process { try { $FilePath = "$env:temp\EPModuleCheck.txt" $LastChecked = $null if (test-path $FilePath) { $LastChecked = (gi $FilePath).lastwritetime } else { new-item $FilePath -erroraction stop | out-null $LastChecked = (gi $FilePath).lastwritetime } $dateDiff = $null; $dateDiff = new-timespan $($LastChecked) $(get-date) if ($dateDiff.totaldays -ge 7) { $InstalledModuleVersion = $null try { $InstalledModule = $null; $InstalledModule = Get-InstalledModule ExchangePowershell -erroraction stop $InstalledModuleVersion = $InstalledModule.version.tostring() } catch { $InstalledModuleVersion = "0.0.0" } $GalleryModule = $null; $GalleryModule = Find-Module exchangepowershell -Repository psgallery -erroraction stop $GalleryModuleVersion = $null; $GalleryModuleVersion = $GalleryModule.version.tostring() if ($GalleryModuleVersion -ne $InstalledModuleVersion) { write-warning "EP module version $InstalledModuleVersion installed. $GalleryModuleVersion has been published to the PowerShell Gallery. Please update when possible." write-host "" } else { write-host "You are running the latest EP module version $InstalledModuleVersion." write-host "" } (gi $FilePath).lastwritetime = get-date } } catch { } } } Update-EPModule function Get-EPDate { <# .SYNOPSIS Checks date format for cmdlets. .DESCRIPTION Checks date format for cmdlets #> [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [Parameter(mandatory=$true,valuefrompipelinebypropertyname=$false)][PSCustomObject]$Date ) Process { # validate date time if ($date.gettype().fullname -ne "System.DateTime") { try { $date = $date.tostring() if ($date -match "\D") { throw "DateTime and numerical value formats supported only." } switch ($date.length) { 7 {$date = "0" + $date} 13 {$date = "0" + $date} default {} } switch ($date.length) { 8 {$date = [datetime]::ParseExact($date,'ddMMyyyy',$null)} 14 {$date = [datetime]::ParseExact($date,'ddMMyyyyHHmmss',$null)} default {throw "Unsupported date provided. Must be ddMMyyyy or ddMMyyyyHHmmss. E.g. 15112019150329 for 15th November 2019 15:03:29."} } } catch { throw $_.exception.message } } if ($date.gettype().fullname -ne "System.DateTime") { throw "'Date' format is unsupported. This must be of format System.DateTime or a string in the format of ddMMyyyy or ddMMyyyyHHmmss." } return $Date } } # Exchange Server functions and cmdlets function Get-EPExchangeServer{ <# .SYNOPSIS Checks an Exchange 2016 servers identity. .DESCRIPTION Checks an Exchange 2016 servers identity. .PARAMETER Identity Specify the identity of the computer. This can be piped from Get-ExchangeServer or specified explicitly using a string. #> [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [Parameter(mandatory=$true,valuefrompipelinebypropertyname=$true)][PSCustomObject]$Identity ) Process { # Validate Exchange Server if ($input) { if ($ -ne "ms-Exch-Exchange-Server"){ throw "Unable to validate Exchange server identity." } else { $ExchangeServer = $null; $ExchangeServer = $input } } if (!($input)) { if ($identity.gettype().fullname -ne "System.String") { throw "Unable to use parameter 'Identity' of type '$($identity.gettype().fullname)'." } else { try { $ExchangeServer = $null; $ExchangeServer = Get-ExchangeServer -Identity $identity -erroraction stop } catch { throw $_.exception.message } } } if ($ExchangeServer.Admindisplayversion.tostring() -notmatch "^version 15\." ) { write-warning "Exchange version is not 15 for '$($ExchangeServer.identity)'. There may be issues." } return $ExchangeServer } } function Start-EPRequiredServices { <# .SYNOPSIS Starts Exchange Server services that are required but are not running. .DESCRIPTION Starts Exchange Server services that are required but are not running. This cmdlet uses information from the Test-ServiceHealth cmdlet. .PARAMETER Identity Specify the identity of the computer. This can be piped from Get-ExchangeServer or specified explicitly using a string. .EXAMPLE Get-ExchangeServer Server1 | Start-EPRequiredServices This will start any required Exchange services that are not running on Server1. #> [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [Parameter(mandatory=$true,valuefrompipelinebypropertyname=$true)][PSCustomObject]$Identity ) Process { # Validate identity $ExchangeServer = $null try { if ($input) { $ExchangeServer = $input | Get-EPExchangeServer } else { $ExchangeServer = Get-EPExchangeServer -Identity $Identity } } catch { throw $_.exception.message } try { $SH = $null; $SH = Test-ServiceHealth -server $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -erroraction stop $NR = $null; $NR = ($SH.servicesnotrunning | sort-object -unique) if ($NR) { write-Warning "The following services are not running:" $NR write-host "Starting required services..." Invoke-Command -ComputerName $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -ScriptBlock {$using:NR | start-service} write-host "Done." } else { write-host "All required services are running on $($ExchangeServer.fqdn.toupper())." } } catch { throw $_.exception.message } } } function Clear-EPExchangeLogs { <# .SYNOPSIS Clears Exchange Server 2016 logs older than a specified date. .DESCRIPTION Clears Exchange Server 2016 logs older than a specified date. Deletes files with extensions .log .blg and .etl. The cmdlet will determine the Exchange and IIS logging directories automatically. .PARAMETER Identity Specify the identity of the computer. This can be piped from Get-ExchangeServer or specified explicitly using a string. .PARAMETER StartDate Specify the date from which to clear logs. This can be of type Date.Time or a string in the format of ddMMyyyy or ddMMyyyyHHmmss. .EXAMPLE Get-ExchangeServer Server1 | Clear-EPExchangeLogs -Date (get-date).adddays(-30) This will clear logs older than 30 days on the Exchange server Server1. .EXAMPLE Clear-EPExchangeLogs -Identity Server2 -Date 01112019 This will clear logs older than the 1st November 2019 on the Exchange server Server2. #> [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [Parameter(mandatory=$true,valuefrompipelinebypropertyname=$true)][PSCustomObject]$Identity, [Parameter(mandatory=$true,valuefrompipelinebypropertyname=$false)][PSCustomObject]$StartDate ) Process { # Validate identity $ExchangeServer = $null try { if ($input) { $ExchangeServer = $input | Get-EPExchangeServer } else { $ExchangeServer = Get-EPExchangeServer -Identity $Identity } } catch { throw $_.exception.message } # validate date time $Date = Get-EPDate -Date $StartDate # Script blocks $Scriptblock = $null; $Scriptblock = [scriptblock]::Create(' Param($thisdate,$thisserver) $files = $null $scopecount = 0 $successcount = 0 $errorcount = 0 $Status = $null $Comment = $null try { $ExchangeLoggingPath = $null; $ExchangeLoggingPath = $env:exchangeinstallpath + "Logging" $ExchangeTempUCPath = $null; $ExchangeTempUCPath = $env:exchangeinstallpath + "TransportRoles\data\Temp\UnifiedContent" if (test-path $ExchangeLoggingPath) { $Files += [System.IO.Directory]::GetFiles($ExchangeLoggingPath,"*.log","AllDirectories") $Files += [System.IO.Directory]::GetFiles($ExchangeLoggingPath,"*.blg","AllDirectories") $Files += [System.IO.Directory]::GetFiles($ExchangeLoggingPath,"*.etl","AllDirectories") $Files += [System.IO.Directory]::GetFiles($ExchangeTempUCPath,"*","AllDirectories") $IISLoggingPath = $null; try { $IISLoggingPath = (get-iissite) } catch { throw "Unable to determine IIS logging paths." } if ($IISLoggingPath) { $IISLoggingPath | . {process { $Files += [System.IO.Directory]::GetFiles([System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($_),"*.log","AllDirectories") } } } } else { throw "$ExchangeLoggingPath does not exist." } if ($Files) { $Files | . {process { if ($([System.IO.File]::GetLastWriteTime($_)) -lt $thisdate) { $scopecount += 1 try { [System.IO.File]::Delete($_) $successcount += 1 } catch { $errorcount += 1 } } } } } $Status = "OK" } catch { $Status = "Error" $Comment += $_.exception.message } [pscustomobject]@{ "Identity" = $thisServer "TotalFound" = $(($Files | measure).count) "InScope" = $scopecount "Deleted" = $successcount "Skipped" = $errorcount "Status" = $Status "Comment" = $null } ') # Local or Remote execution try { $localhostname = (Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem).DNSHostName+"."+(Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem).Domain if ($localhostname -eq $ExchangeServer.fqdn) { try { $scriptblock.invoke($date,$($ExchangeServer.fqdn)) } catch { throw $_.exception.message } } else { try { Invoke-Command -ComputerName $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -ScriptBlock $Scriptblock -ArgumentList $date,$($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -ErrorAction stop | select * -ExcludeProperty pscomputername,runspaceid } catch { throw $_.exception.message } } } catch { [pscustomobject]@{ "Identity" = $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) "TotalFound" = 0 "InScope" = 0 "Deleted" = 0 "Skipped" = 0 "Status" = "Error" "Comment" = $_.exception.message } } } } function Get-EPMaintenanceMode { <# .SYNOPSIS Checks if a Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 computer is in maintenance mode. .DESCRIPTION Checks if a Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 computer is in maintenance mode. .PARAMETER Identity Specify the identity of the computer. This can be piped from Get-ExchangeServer or specified explicitly using a string. #> [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [Parameter(mandatory=$true,valuefrompipelinebypropertyname=$true)][PSCustomObject]$Identity ) Process { # Validate identity if ($input) { $ExchangeServer = $null; $ExchangeServer = $input | Get-EPExchangeServer } else { $ExchangeServer = $null; $ExchangeServer = Get-EPExchangeServer -Identity $Identity } write-host "$($ExchangeServer.fqdn.toupper())." # Determine DAG membership $isDAGMember = $false try { $RecipientServer = $null; $RecipientServer = Get-MailboxServer -identity $Exchangeserver.fqdn -erroraction stop if ($($RecipientServer | measure).count -ne 1) { throw "$($($RecipientServer | measure).count) servers returned from query. Unable to continue." } if ($RecipientServer.DatabaseAvailabilityGroup -ne $null) { $isDAGMember = $true } } catch { throw $_.exception.message } try { # DAG members only if ($isDAGMember) { $MBServer = $null; $MBServer = $ExchangeServer | Get-MailboxServer -erroraction stop if ($MBServer.DatabaseCopyActivationDisabledAndMoveNow -eq $false) { write-host "DatabaseCopyActivationDisabledAndMoveNow is False." } else { write-warning "DatabaseCopyActivationDisabledAndMoveNow is True." } $cn = $null; $cn = invoke-command -ComputerName $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -ScriptBlock {Get-ClusterNode $($using:ExchangeServer.fqdn)} -ErrorAction Stop if ($cn.state -eq "up") { write-host "Cluster node is Up." } else { write-warning "Cluster node is not Up." } if ($MBServer.DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy -eq "unrestricted") { write-host "DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy is Unrestricted." } else { write-warning "DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy is $($MBServer.DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy)." } $Copies = $null; $Copies = Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus *\$($ if ($Copies) { $Copies | . { process { if ($_.status -notmatch "^healthy$|^mounted$") { write-warning "$($ database copy status is $($_.status)." } else { write-host "$($ database copy status is $($_.status)." } }} } $CS = $null; $CS = Get-ServerComponentState -Identity $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -erroraction stop | ? {$_.state -ne "active"} if (-not($CS)) { write-host "Server component states active." } else { write-warning "Server component states inactive: $($CS.component -join ';')" } write-host "Done." } } catch { throw $_.exception.message } } } function Enable-EPMaintenanceMode { <# .SYNOPSIS Puts a Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 computer into maintenance mode. .DESCRIPTION Puts a Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 computer into maintenance mode. CmdLet will - - drain queues - restart transport services - redirect messages to a redirection server - move off active database copies to an available DAG member - suspend the cluster node - prevent database activation on the server - suspend passive copies - set all server component states to inactive .PARAMETER Identity Specify the identity of the computer. This can be piped from Get-ExchangeServer or specified explicitly using a string. .PARAMETER RedirectionTarget Specify the identity of the computer you wish to redirect pending messages to. .PARAMETER MoveActiveDatabaseCopies Specify whether to move active database copies to other DAG members, if possible. The default is false. #> [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [Parameter(mandatory=$true,valuefrompipelinebypropertyname=$true)][PSCustomObject]$Identity, [Parameter(mandatory=$false,valuefrompipelinebypropertyname=$false)][PSCustomObject]$RedirectionTarget, [switch]$MoveActiveDatabaseCopies ) Process { # Validate identity if ($input) { $ExchangeServer = $null; $ExchangeServer = $input | Get-EPExchangeServer } else { $ExchangeServer = $null; $ExchangeServer = Get-EPExchangeServer -Identity $Identity } # Validate Redirection Server $RedirectionServer = $null; if ($RedirectionTarget) { try { $RedirectionServer = Get-EPExchangeServer -Identity $RedirectionTarget } catch { throw $_.exception.message } } # Determine DAG membership $isDAGMember = $false try { $RecipientServer = $null; $RecipientServer = Get-MailboxServer -identity $Exchangeserver.fqdn -erroraction stop if ($($RecipientServer | measure).count -ne 1) { throw "$($($RecipientServer | measure).count) servers returned from query. Unable to continue." } if ($RecipientServer.DatabaseAvailabilityGroup -ne $null) { $isDAGMember = $true } } catch { throw $_.exception.message } # Draining queues Write-Host "Putting '$($ExchangeServer.fqdn.toupper())' into maintenance mode." if ($RedirectionServer){ Write-Host "Using '$($RedirectionServer.fqdn.toupper())' for message redirection." } Write-Host "Draining mail queues." try { Set-ServerComponentState -Identity $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -Component HubTransport -State Draining -Requester Maintenance -erroraction stop } catch { throw $_.exception.message } # Restarting transport services Write-Host "Restarting MSExchangeTransport and MSExchangeFrontEndTransport services." $n = 0 Do { try { invoke-command -ComputerName $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -scriptblock {"MSExchangeTransport","MSExchangeFrontEndTransport" | restart-service -WarningAction SilentlyContinue} -ErrorAction stop -WarningAction SilentlyContinue break } catch { $n++ write-host "WARNING: Issue restarting MSExchangeTransport and MSExchangeFrontEndTransport services. Waiting 60 seconds then retrying." -nonewline -ForegroundColor Yellow start-sleep -Seconds 60 write-host " Retry attempt $n of 3." -ForegroundColor Yellow } if ($n -eq 3) { write-warning "Issue restarting MSExchangeTransport and MSExchangeFrontEndTransport services. Continuing." break } } while ($true) # Redirect messages if ($RedirectionServer) { Write-Host "Redirecting messages." try { Redirect-Message -Server $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -Target $($RedirectionServer.fqdn) -confirm:$false -erroraction stop -WarningAction SilentlyContinue } catch { throw $_.exception.message } } # DAG members only if ($isDAGMember) { # Move active database copies off try { Write-Host "Setting DatabaseCopyActivationDisabledAndMoveNow to 'True'." Set-MailboxServer -Identity $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -DatabaseCopyActivationDisabledAndMoveNow $True -erroraction Stop -confirm:$false } catch { throw $_.exception.message } # Move active copies immediately try { $actives = $null; $actives = Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus *\$($ | ? {$_.activecopy -eq $true} write-host "$($($actives | measure).count) active database copies found." if ($($($actives | measure).count) -eq 0 -and $MoveActiveDatabaseCopies) { Write-host "No active database copies to move." } if ($actives -and $MoveActiveDatabaseCopies) { write-host "Moving active databases to other DAG members." $actives | . { process { if ($($($($_ | . { process {(get-Mailboxdatabase $_.databasename).servers}}) | measure).count) -lt 2) { Write-Warning "No other database copies exist. Unable to move active database copy." } else { $move = $null; $move = Get-Mailboxdatabase $($_.databasename) | Move-ActiveMailboxDatabase -MountDialOverride lossless -SkipClientExperienceChecks -SkipMaximumActiveDatabasesChecks -confirm:$false -erroraction stop if ($move.status -ne "Succeeded") { throw "$($move.identity) Mailbox database move issue." } } } } } } catch { throw $_.exception.message } # Suspend cluster node Write-Host "Suspending cluster node." try { invoke-command -ComputerName $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -ScriptBlock { if ((Get-ClusterNode $($using:ExchangeServer.fqdn)).state -ne "Paused") { Suspend-ClusterNode $($using:ExchangeServer.fqdn) } } -ErrorAction Stop | out-null } catch { throw $_.exception.message } # Set activation policy to blocked try { Write-Host "Setting DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy to 'Blocked'." Set-MailboxServer -Identity $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy Blocked -erroraction Stop -confirm:$false } catch { throw $_.exception.message } # Suspend passive copies try { $Copies = $null; $Copies = Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus *\$($ | ? {$_.activecopy -eq $false} if ($Copies) { Write-Host "Suspending passive copies." $Copies | . { process { $_ | Suspend-MailboxDatabaseCopy -confirm:$false -erroraction stop } } } } catch { throw $_.exception.message } } # Complete maintenance mode try { Write-Host "Completing maintenance mode." Set-ServerComponentState -Identity $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -Component ServerWideOffline -State Inactive -Requester Maintenance -erroraction stop } catch { throw $_.exception.message } write-host "Done." } } function Disable-EPMaintenanceMode { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes a Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 computer from maintenance mode. .DESCRIPTION Removes a Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 computer from maintenance mode. Cmdlet will - - set all server component states to active - resume the cluster node - enable database activation on the server - resume passive database copies - resume transport - restart transport services .PARAMETER Identity Specify the identity of the computer. This can be piped from Get-ExchangeServer or specified explicitly using a string. #> [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [Parameter(mandatory=$true,valuefrompipelinebypropertyname=$true)][PSCustomObject]$Identity ) Process { # Validate identity if ($input) { $ExchangeServer = $null; $ExchangeServer = $input | Get-EPExchangeServer } else { $ExchangeServer = $null; $ExchangeServer = Get-EPExchangeServer -Identity $Identity } # Determine DAG membership $isDAGMember = $false try { $RecipientServer = $null; $RecipientServer = Get-MailboxServer -identity $Exchangeserver.fqdn -erroraction stop if ($($RecipientServer | measure).count -ne 1) { throw "$($($RecipientServer | measure).count) servers returned from query. Unable to continue." } if ($null -ne $RecipientServer.DatabaseAvailabilityGroup) { $isDAGMember = $true } } catch { throw $_.exception.message } # Remove from maintenance mode try { Write-Host "Removing '$($ExchangeServer.fqdn.toupper())' from maintenance mode." Set-ServerComponentState -Identity $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -Component ServerWideOffline -State Active -Requester Maintenance -erroraction stop } catch { throw $_.exception.message } # DAG members only if ($isDAGMember) { # Resume cluster node Write-Host "Resuming cluster node." try { invoke-command -ComputerName $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -ScriptBlock { if ((Get-ClusterNode $($using:ExchangeServer.fqdn)).state -ne "Up") { Resume-ClusterNode $($using:ExchangeServer.fqdn) } } -ErrorAction Stop | out-null } catch { throw $_.exception.message } # Move active database copies on try { Write-Host "Setting DatabaseCopyActivationDisabledAndMoveNow to 'False'." Set-MailboxServer -Identity $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -DatabaseCopyActivationDisabledAndMoveNow $false -erroraction Stop -confirm:$false } catch { throw $_.exception.message } # Set activation policy to unrestricted try { Write-Host "Setting DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy to 'Unrestricted'." Set-MailboxServer -Identity $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy Unrestricted -erroraction Stop -confirm:$false } catch { throw $_.exception.message } # Resume passive copies try { $Copies = $null; $Copies = Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus *\$($ | ? {$_.activecopy -eq $false} if ($Copies) { Write-Host "Resuming passive copies." $Copies | . { process { $_ | Resume-MailboxDatabaseCopy -confirm:$false -erroraction stop } } } } catch { throw $_.exception.message } } # Resume transport Write-Host "Resuming transport." try { Set-ServerComponentState -Identity $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -Component HubTransport -State Active -Requester Maintenance -erroraction stop } catch { throw $_.exception.message } # Restarting transport services Write-Host "Restarting MSExchangeTransport and MSExchangeFrontEndTransport services." $n = 0 Do { try { invoke-command -ComputerName $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -scriptblock {"MSExchangeTransport","MSExchangeFrontEndTransport" | restart-service -WarningAction SilentlyContinue} -ErrorAction stop -WarningAction SilentlyContinue break } catch { $n++ write-host "WARNING: Issue restarting MSExchangeTransport and MSExchangeFrontEndTransport services. Waiting 60 seconds then retrying." -nonewline -ForegroundColor Yellow Start-Sleep -Seconds 60 write-host " Retry attempt $n of 3." -ForegroundColor Yellow } if ($n -eq 3) { write-warning "Issue restarting MSExchangeTransport and MSExchangeFrontEndTransport services. Continuing." break } } while ($true) write-host "Done." } } function Get-EPAntimalwareStatus { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the native antimalware status of an Exchange Server 2016 server. .DESCRIPTION Gets the native antimalware status of an Exchange Server 2016 server. Cmdlet searches the Windows Server Application logs for events and presents the results in an object oriented format. .PARAMETER Identity Specify the identity of the computer. This can be piped from Get-ExchangeServer or specified explicitly using a string. #> [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [Parameter(mandatory=$true,valuefrompipelinebypropertyname=$true)][PSCustomObject]$Identity ) Process { # Validate identity $ExchangeServer = $null try { if ($input) { $ExchangeServer = $input | Get-EPExchangeServer } else { $ExchangeServer = Get-EPExchangeServer -Identity $Identity } } catch { throw $_.exception.message } $Check = $null $CheckDateTime = $null $CheckInfo = $null try { $Check = Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -FilterHashtable @{logname='application';ProviderName='Microsoft-Filtering-FIPFS';ID='6023','6024';Level='4'} -MaxEvents 1 -erroraction stop $CheckDateTime = $Check.TimeCreated $CheckInfo = $Check.message } catch {} $Update = $null $UpdateDateTime = $null $UpdateInfo = $null try { $Update = Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -FilterHashtable @{logname='application';ProviderName='Microsoft-Filtering-FIPFS';ID='6033';Level='4'} -MaxEvents 1 -erroraction stop $UpdateDateTime = $Update.TimeCreated $UpdateInfo = $Update.message } catch {} $Problem = $null $ProblemDateTime = $null $ProblemInfo = $null try { $Problem = Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -FilterHashtable @{logname='application';ProviderName='Microsoft-Filtering-FIPFS';Level='1','2','3'} -MaxEvents 1 -erroraction stop $ProblemDateTime = $Problem.TimeCreated $ProblemInfo = $Problem.message } catch {} try { [pscustomobject]@{ "Identity" = $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) "CheckInfo" = $CheckInfo "UpdateInfo" = $UpdateInfo "ErrorInfo" = $ProblemInfo "WhenChecked" = $CheckDateTime "WhenUpdated" = $UpdateDateTime "WhenError" = $ProblemDateTime } } catch { throw $_.exception.message } } } # Mail enabled objects cmdlets and functions function Remove-EPProxyAddress{ <# .SYNOPSIS Removes secondary SMTP addresses from mail enabled objects that match a specific domain. .DESCRIPTION Removes secondary SMTP addresses from mail enabled objects that match a specific domain. .PARAMETER Identity Specify the identity of the mail enabled object. This can be piped from Get-Recipient, Get-Recipient, Get-DistributionGroup etc or specified explicitly using a string. .PARAMETER SMTPDomain Specify the SMTP domain that you wish to have removed from the object's proxy addresses. .PARAMETER X500Keyword Specify a keyword that can be matched to an X500 address that you wish to have removed from the object's proxy addresses. .PARAMETER Confirm Specify if you want to be prompted. The default is true. #> [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [Parameter(mandatory=$true,valuefrompipelinebypropertyname=$true)][PSCustomObject]$Identity, [Parameter(mandatory=$false,valuefrompipelinebypropertyname=$true)][string]$SMTPDomain, [Parameter(mandatory=$false,valuefrompipelinebypropertyname=$true)][string]$X500Keyword, [Parameter(mandatory=$false,valuefrompipelinebypropertyname=$true)][Boolean]$Confirm=$true ) Process { $Pxys = $null $Recipient = $null $Status = $null $Comment = $null $SMTPDomain = $SMTPDomain.toupper() $MailObj = [pscustomobject]@{ "Identity" = $null "GUID" = $null "RecipientTypeDetails" = $null "Status" = $Status "Comment" = $Comment } try { if ($input) { $Recipient = $Input if (!($Recipient.recipienttypedetails)) { $MailObj.identity = $Input.identity throw "Issue with input object." } } if (!($input)) { $Recipient = Get-Recipient -identity $Identity -erroraction stop } if (!($Recipient)) { throw "Recipient not found." } if (($Recipient | measure).count -gt 1) { throw "Too many matches found." } $MailObj.identity = $Recipient.identity $MailObj.RecipientTypeDetails = $Recipient.RecipientTypeDetails $MailObj.GUID = $Recipient.guid.guid if ($Recipient.exchangeversion.exchangebuild.major -ne 15) { write-warning "Exchange version is not 15 for '$($Recipient.identity)'. There may be issues." $Comment += "Exchange version is not 15. There may be issues." } $Pxys = ($Recipient).emailaddresses.proxyaddressstring | sort if (!($Pxys)) { throw "No proxy addresses found." } $PxysToRemove = $null if (!($SMTPDomain -or $X500Keyword)) { throw "No parameters passed to cmdlet." } if ($SMTPDomain) { $PxysToRemove = $Pxys | sort | ? {($_ -match "$SMTPDomain$" -and $_ -cmatch "^smtp:")} $Pxys = $Pxys | sort | ? {!($_ -match "$SMTPDomain$" -and $_ -cmatch "^smtp:")} } if ($X500Keyword) { $PxysToRemove += $Pxys | ? {($_ -match "^X500:" -and $_ -match $X500Keyword)} $Pxys = $Pxys | sort | ? {!($_ -match "^X500:" -and $_ -match $X500Keyword)} } if (!($PxysToRemove)) { $MailObj.Status = "OK" } else { $ADObj = $null $GUID = $null $GUID = $Recipient.guid.guid $ADObj = Get-ADObject -Filter {objectguid -eq $GUID} -Properties proxyaddresses -Server $recipient.originatingserver if (!($ADObj)) { throw "Recipient not found in Active Directory." } $Pxys = $Pxys | . { process{ $_.tostring()}} $ADObj.proxyaddresses = $Pxys if ($Confirm) { write-host "Are you sure you want to remove proxy addresses from '$($Recipient.identity)'?" write-host "" write-host "Proxy addresses to keep -`n" $Pxys write-host "" Write-host "Proxy addresses to remove -`n" $PxysToRemove write-host "" write-host "[Y] Yes " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline write-host '[N] No (default is "Y"): ' -NoNewline $Read = Read-Host } if (!($Read)) { $Read = "Y" } if ($Read -match "^Y$|^Yes$") { Set-ADObject -Instance $ADObj -Server $recipient.originatingserver -erroraction stop } else { throw "Cancelled by user." } $MailObj.status = "Updated" $MailObj.Comment += "Removed $($PxysToRemove -join ";")" } } catch { $MailObj.Status = "Error" $MailObj.Comment += $_.exception.message } $MailObj } } function ConvertTo-EPMailUser{ <# .SYNOPSIS Converts a mailbox to a mail user. .DESCRIPTION Converts a mailbox to a mail user. .PARAMETER Identity Specify the identity of the mailbox enabled object. This can be piped from Get-Recipient, Get-Mailbox etc or specified explicitly using a string. .PARAMETER ExternalEmailAddress Specify the ExternalEmailAddress of the mail user. If this is not specified the primary SMTP address will be used. .PARAMETER Confirm Specify if you want to be prompted. The default is true. #> [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [Parameter(mandatory=$true,valuefrompipelinebypropertyname=$true)][PSCustomObject]$Identity, [Parameter(mandatory=$false,valuefrompipelinebypropertyname=$false)][string]$ExternalEmailAddress, [Parameter(mandatory=$false,valuefrompipelinebypropertyname=$true)][Boolean]$Confirm=$true ) Process { $MailObj = [pscustomobject]@{ "Identity" = $null "GUID" = $null "RecipientTypeDetails" = $null "ExternalEmailAddress" = $null "Status" = $Status "Comment" = $Comment } try { $Recipient = $null if ($input) { $Recipient = $Input if (!($Recipient.recipienttypedetails)) { $MailObj.identity = $Input.identity throw "Issue with input object." } else { if (!($Recipient.recipienttypedetails -match "mailbox$" -or $Recipient.recipienttypedetails -match "mailuser$")) { $MailObj.identity = $Input.identity throw "Issue with input object." } } } if (!($input)) { $Recipient = Get-Recipient -identity $Identity -erroraction stop } if (!($Recipient)) { throw "Recipient not found." } if (($Recipient | measure).count -gt 1) { throw "Too many matches found." } if ($Recipient.exchangeversion.exchangebuild.major -ne 15) { write-warning "Exchange version is not 15 for '$($Recipient.identity)'. There may be issues." $Comment += "Exchange version is not 15. There may be issues." } $MailObj.identity = $Recipient.identity $MailObj.RecipientTypeDetails = $Recipient.RecipientTypeDetails $MailObj.GUID = $Recipient.guid.guid if ($ExternalEmailAddress) { $MailObj.ExternalEmailAddress = $ExternalEmailAddress } else { $MailObj.ExternalEmailAddress = $Recipient.primarysmtpaddress } $TargetAddress = $null $TargetAddress = $MailObj.ExternalEmailAddress if ($TargetAddress -notmatch "^smtp:") { $TargetAddress = "SMTP:" + $TargetAddress } if ($Recipient.recipienttypedetails -eq "mailuser" -and $Recipient.ExternalEmailAddress -ceq $TargetAddress) { $MailObj.Status = "OK" } else { $ADObj = $null $ADObj = Get-ADObject -Identity $MailObj.GUID -Properties homeMDB,msExchHomeServerName,msExchMailboxGUID,msExchArchiveGUID,msExchArchiveName,msExchRecipientDisplayType,msExchRecipientTypeDetails,targetaddress -Server $recipient.originatingserver $ADObj.homeMDB = $null $ADObj.msExchHomeServerName = $null $ADObj.msExchMailboxGUID = $null $ADObj.msExchArchiveGUID = $null $ADObj.msExchArchiveName = $null $ADObj.msExchRecipientDisplayType = 6 $ADObj.msExchRecipientTypeDetails = 128 $ADObj.targetAddress = $TargetAddress if ($Confirm) { write-host "Are you sure you want to convert the mailbox to a mailuser using ExternalEmailAddress '$TargetAddress' for '$($Recipient.identity)'?" write-host "[Y] Yes " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline write-host '[N] No (default is "Y"): ' -NoNewline $Read = Read-Host } if (!($Read)) { $Read = "Y" } if ($Read -match "^Y$|^Yes$") { Set-ADObject -Instance $ADObj -Server $recipient.originatingserver -erroraction stop } else { throw "Cancelled by user." } $MailObj.Status = "Updated" $MailObj.Comment += "ExternalEmailAddress set to '$TargetAddress'" } } catch { $MailObj.Status = "Error" $MailObj.Comment += $_.exception.message } $MailObj } } function ConvertTo-EPMailContact{ <# .SYNOPSIS Converts a mailbox or mail user to a mail contact. .DESCRIPTION Converts a mailbox or mail user to a mail contact. The user object will have Exchange attributes removed and a mail contact object will be created in the same organizational unit unless specified with the OrganizationalUnit parameter. .PARAMETER Identity Specify the identity of the mailbox or mail enabled object. This can be piped from Get-Recipient, Get-Mailbox etc or specified explicitly using a string. .PARAMETER ExternalEmailAddress Specify the ExternalEmailAddress of the mail contact. If this is not specified for a mailbox the primary SMTP address will be used. If this is not specified for a mail user to ExternalEmailAddress of the mail user will be used. .PARAMETER OrganizationalUnit Specify where you would like the mail contact to be created. If not specified the same organizationalunit as the user object will be used. .PARAMETER Confirm Specify if you want to be prompted. The default is true. #> [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [Parameter(mandatory=$true,valuefrompipelinebypropertyname=$true)][PSCustomObject]$Identity, [Parameter(mandatory=$false,valuefrompipelinebypropertyname=$false)][string]$ExternalEmailAddress, [Parameter(mandatory=$false,valuefrompipelinebypropertyname=$false)][string]$OrganizationalUnit, [Parameter(mandatory=$false,valuefrompipelinebypropertyname=$true)][Boolean]$Confirm=$true ) Process { $MailObj = [pscustomobject]@{ "Identity" = $null "GUID" = $null "RecipientTypeDetails" = $null "ExternalEmailAddress" = $null "Status" = $Status "Comment" = $Comment } try { $Recipient = $null if ($input) { $Recipient = $Input if (!($Recipient.recipienttypedetails)) { $MailObj.identity = $Input.identity throw "Issue with input object." } else { if (!($Recipient.recipienttypedetails -match "mailbox$" -or $Recipient.recipienttypedetails -match "mailuser$" -or $Recipient.recipienttypedetails -match "mailcontact$")) { $MailObj.identity = $Input.identity throw "Issue with input object." } } } if (!($input)) { $Recipient = Get-Recipient -identity $Identity -erroraction stop } if (!($Recipient)) { throw "Recipient not found." } if (($Recipient | measure).count -gt 1) { throw "Too many matches found." } if ($Recipient.exchangeversion.exchangebuild.major -ne 15) { write-warning "Exchange version is not 15 for '$($Recipient.identity)'. There may be issues." $Comment += "Exchange version is not 15. There may be issues." } $MailObj.identity = $Recipient.identity $MailObj.RecipientTypeDetails = $Recipient.RecipientTypeDetails $MailObj.GUID = $Recipient.guid.guid if ($ExternalEmailAddress) { $MailObj.ExternalEmailAddress = $ExternalEmailAddress } else { if ($Recipient.recipienttypedetails -match "mailbox$") { $MailObj.ExternalEmailAddress = $Recipient.primarysmtpaddress.address } if ($Recipient.recipienttypedetails -match "mailuser$") { if ($Recipient.ExternalEmailAddress) { $MailObj.ExternalEmailAddress = $Recipient.ExternalEmailAddress } } } $TargetAddress = $null $TargetAddress = $MailObj.ExternalEmailAddress if ($TargetAddress -notmatch "^smtp:") { $TargetAddress = "SMTP:" + $TargetAddress } if ($Recipient.recipienttypedetails -eq "mailcontact") { $MailObj.Status = "Error" $MailObj.Comment += "MailContact objects not supported." } else { if ($Confirm) { write-host "Are you sure you want to convert to a mail contact using ExternalEmailAddress '$TargetAddress' for '$($Recipient.identity)'?" write-host "[Y] Yes " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline write-host '[N] No (default is "Y"): ' -NoNewline $Read = Read-Host } if (!($Read)) { $Read = "Y" } if ($Read -match "^Y$|^Yes$") { if (!($Recipient.primarysmtpaddress.address)) { throw "Missing primary SMTP address." } $TempSMTPAddress = $null $TempSMTPAddress = [guid]::NewGuid().guid + "@tempaddr.local" $Pxys = $null; $Pxys = @() $Pxys += $Recipient.emailaddresses.proxyaddressstring $X500 = (get-adobject -Identity $recipient.guid.guid -Properties legacyexchangedn -Server $recipient.originatingserver).legacyexchangedn if (!($X500)) { throw "LegacyExchangeDN is null." } $X500 = "X500:" + $X500 $Pxys += $X500 $Pxys = $Pxys | . {process{$_.tostring()}} $ContactName = $null $ContactName = $ + "-MailContact" $ConObj = $null if (!($OrganizationalUnit)) { $ConObj = New-MailContact -Name $ContactName -Displayname $($Recipient.Displayname) -OrganizationalUnit $($Recipient.OrganizationalUnit) -PrimarySMTPAddress $TempSMTPAddress -ExternalEmailAddress $TargetAddress -erroraction stop } else { $ConObj = New-MailContact -Name $ContactName -Displayname $($Recipient.Displayname) -OrganizationalUnit "$OrganizationalUnit" -PrimarySMTPAddress $TempSMTPAddress -ExternalEmailAddress $TargetAddress -erroraction stop } if (!($ConObj)) { throw "Issue creating mail contact." } else { if ($ConObj.EmailAddressPolicyEnabled) { Set-MailContact -Identity $ConObj.guid.guid -EmailAddressPolicyEnabled $false -domaincontroller $recipient.originatingserver -erroraction stop } } switch -regex ($Recipient.recipienttypedetails) { 'mailbox$' { Disable-Mailbox -Identity $Recipient.guid.guid -confirm:$false -erroraction stop Set-ADObject -Identity $recipient.guid.guid -clear legacyexchangedn -Server $recipient.originatingserver -erroraction stop } 'mailuser$' { Disable-MailUser -Identity $Recipient.guid.guid -confirm:$false -erroraction stop Set-ADObject -Identity $recipient.guid.guid -clear legacyexchangedn -Server $recipient.originatingserver -erroraction stop } default { throw "Unsupported '$($Recipient.recipienttypedetails)'"} } Set-MailContact -identity $ConObj.guid.guid -EmailAddresses $Pxys -domaincontroller $recipient.originatingserver -erroraction stop } else { throw "Cancelled by user." } $MailObj.Status = "Updated" $MailObj.Comment += "Created '$ContactName'. ExternalEmailAddress set to '$TargetAddress'" } } catch { $MailObj.Status = "Error" $MailObj.Comment += $_.exception.message } $MailObj } } function Clear-EPAutoMapping{ <# .SYNOPSIS Removes all automapped mailboxes. .DESCRIPTION Removes all automapped mailboxes. Please note this does not remove any mailbox permissions. .PARAMETER Identity Specify the identity of the mailbox or mail enabled object. This can be piped from Get-Recipient, Get-Mailbox etc or specified explicitly using a string. .PARAMETER Confirm Specify if you want to be prompted. The default is true. #> [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [Parameter(mandatory=$true,valuefrompipelinebypropertyname=$true)][PSCustomObject]$Identity, [Parameter(mandatory=$false,valuefrompipelinebypropertyname=$true)][Boolean]$Confirm=$true ) Process { $MailObj = [pscustomobject]@{ "Identity" = $null "GUID" = $null "RecipientTypeDetails" = $null "Status" = $Status "Comment" = $Comment } try { $Recipient = $null if ($input) { $Recipient = $Input if (!($Recipient.recipienttypedetails)) { $MailObj.identity = $Input.identity throw "Issue with input object." } else { if (!($Recipient.recipienttypedetails -match "mailbox$" -or $Recipient.recipienttypedetails -match "mailuser$")) { $MailObj.identity = $Input.identity $MailObj.RecipientTypeDetails = $Recipient.RecipientTypeDetails $MailObj.GUID = $Recipient.guid.guid throw "Issue with input object." } } } if (!($input)) { $Recipient = Get-Recipient -identity $Identity -erroraction stop } if (!($Recipient)) { throw "Recipient not found." } if (($Recipient | measure).count -gt 1) { throw "Too many matches found." } if ($Recipient.exchangeversion.exchangebuild.major -ne 15) { write-warning "Exchange version is not 15 for '$($Recipient.identity)'. There may be issues." $Comment += "Exchange version is not 15. There may be issues." } $MailObj.identity = $Recipient.identity $MailObj.RecipientTypeDetails = $Recipient.RecipientTypeDetails $MailObj.GUID = $Recipient.guid.guid $AutoBL = $null; $AutoBL = (Get-ADObject $($MailObj.GUID) -properties msExchDelegateListBL).msExchDelegateListBL if (!($AutoBL)) { $MailObj.Status = "OK" $MailObj.Comment += "No automapping found." } else { if ($Confirm) { write-host "Are you sure you want to remove all automapping for '$($Recipient.identity)'?" write-host "" write-host "The following will be removed -" write-host "" $AutoBL write-host "" write-host "[Y] Yes " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline write-host '[N] No (default is "Y"): ' -NoNewline $Read = Read-Host } if (!($Read)) { $Read = "Y" } if ($Read -notmatch "^Y$|^Yes$") { throw "Cancelled by user." } $AutoBL | . { process { $ADObj = $null; $DN = $null; $DN = $_ try { $ADObj = Get-ADObject $DN -Properties msExchDelegateListLink -Server $recipient.originatingserver $ADObj.msExchDelegateListLink = $ADObj.msExchDelegateListLink | . { process {if ($_ -ne $recipient.distinguishedname){$_}}} | . { process {$_.tostring()}} Set-ADObject -Instance $ADObj -Server $recipient.originatingserver $MailObj.Comment += "Removed: $DN`n" } catch { $MailObj.Comment += "Error: $DN $($_.exception.message)`n" } }} if ($MailObj.comment -notmatch "Error\:") { $MailObj.Status = "OK" } else { if ($MailObj.comment -notmatch "Removed\:") { $MailObj.Status = "Error" } else { $MailObj.Status = "Warn" } } } } catch { $MailObj.Status = "Error" $MailObj.Comment += $_.exception.message } $MailObj } } function Convert-EPIMCEAEXtoX500{ <# .SYNOPSIS Converts IMCEAEX to X500 format. .DESCRIPTION Converts IMCEAEX to X500 format which is a useable proxy address string for recipients. Note the following - - If a recipient was accidentally mail or mailbox disabled the legacyexchangedn property would be cleared on the recipient object. - If the recipient is mail enabled again, Exchange would generate a new legacyexchangedn. - This creates a problem for cached Outlook lookups that used the old legacyexchangedn value. - Exchange will generate an undeliverable report if a stale cached lookup is used and presents the address in IMCEAEX format. E.g. - You can convert the IMCEAEX to X500 format and add it to the recipients emailaddresses property. Cached Outlook lookups will work again. .PARAMETER IMCEAEX Specify the IMCEAEX address as a string. #> [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [Parameter(mandatory=$true)][string]$IMCEAEX ) Process { try { $X500 = $null; $X500 = $IMCEAEX.replace("+20", " ").replace("+28", "(").Replace("+29", ")").replace("IMCEAEX-", "X500:").replace("_", "/").replace("+2E", ".").replace("+2C", ",").split("@")[0] } catch { throw $_.exception.message } return $X500 } } Function Compare-ObjectProperties { Param( [PSObject]$ReferenceObject, [PSObject]$DifferenceObject ) $objprops = $ReferenceObject | Get-Member -MemberType Property,NoteProperty | % Name $objprops += $DifferenceObject | Get-Member -MemberType Property,NoteProperty | % Name $objprops = $objprops | Sort | Select -Unique $diffs = @() foreach ($objprop in $objprops) { $diff = Compare-Object $ReferenceObject $DifferenceObject -Property $objprop if ($diff) { $diffprops = @{ PropertyName=$objprop RefValue=($diff | ? {$_.SideIndicator -eq '<='} | % $($objprop)) DiffValue=($diff | ? {$_.SideIndicator -eq '=>'} | % $($objprop)) } $diffs += New-Object PSObject -Property $diffprops } } if ($diffs) {return ($diffs | Select PropertyName,RefValue,DiffValue)} } |