function global:Expand-LogRecordPopImap { <# .SYNOPSIS Expand the data from records group into a flat data record .DESCRIPTION Expand the data from records group into a flat data record .PARAMETER InputObject The dataset to expand .PARAMETER SessionIdName The name of the session grouping attribute .PARAMETER ShowProgress If specified, progress information on record processing is showed .PARAMETER IncludeActivityContextData Include full exchange internals in POP3 log expansion process. There is a lot of internal system information in the logfiles, with unneccessary content for statistical output. Suppressing this data is reducing the log footage. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Expand-LogRecordPop -InputObject $DataSet Expand the data from records group into a flat data record #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( $InputObject, [string] $SessionIdName = "sessionId", [switch] $ShowProgress, [switch] $IncludeActivityContextData ) begin { $Error.Clear() } process { if ($ShowProgress) { $i = 0 if ($InputObject.count -lt 100) { $refreshInterval = 1 } else { $refreshInterval = [math]::Round($InputObject.count / 100) } } foreach ($record in $InputObject) { # assure qualified session in log $_startIndicator = $record.Group[0] | Where-Object command -like "OpenSession" if (-not $_startIndicator) { Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -Message "Detect fragmented record! Missing previous logfile with partital records. Skip processing $($SessionIdName) '$($record.$SessionIdName)' in $($record.LogFolder)\$($record.LogFileName)" continue } # data text record in array, avoids parsing full data array $commands = $record.Group.command $context = $record.Group.context #| Select-Object -Unique # full text log $logLines = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList" foreach ($item in $record.Group) { $logline = $item.seqNumber + " " + $item.command if ($item.parameters.Length -gt 0) { $logline = $logline + " | parameters: " + $item.parameters } if ($item.context.Length -gt 0) { if (-not $IncludeActivityContextData) { if ($item.context -like "*;ActivityContextData=*") { $logline = $logline + ([string]::Join(";", ($item.context.Split(";") -notlike "*ActivityContextData=*"))) } else { $logline = $logline + " | context: " + $item.context } } else { $logline = $logline + " | context: " + $item.context } } $null = $logLines.add($logLine) } if ($logLines) { $logText = [string]::Join("`n", ($logLines | ForEach-Object { $_ }) ) } else { $logtext = "" } # LocalEndpoint [string]$localEndpoint = $record.Group[-1].sIP # RemoteEndpoint [string]$remoteEndpoint = $record.Group[-1].cIp # Errors #Log-type - IMAP4 Log $errMsgs = $context | Where-Object { $_ -like 'R="*' -or $_ -like 'ErrMsg=*' } if ($errMsgs) { $hasError = $true $errorMessage = foreach ($errMsg in $errMsgs) { if($errMsg.StartsWith("ErrMsg=")) { $errMsg -replace "ErrMsg=" } elseif($errMsg.StartsWith("R=")) { $_msg = $errMsg.split(";") | Where-Object { $_ -like "R=*" } if($_msg) { (([string]($errMsg.split(";")[0] -replace "R=").Trim('"')) -replace "z NO ") -replace "-ERR " } else { $errMsg } } else { $errMsg } } if ($errorMessage.count -gt 1) { $errorMessage = [string]::Join(" | ", $errorMessage) } } else { $hasError = $false $errorMessage = "" } # IsProxysession $proxycontext = $context -like "*Proxy:*" if ("proxy" -in $commands) { $isProxysession = $true $proxyServer = $record.Group | Where-Object { $_.command -like "proxy" } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty parameters $proxyStatus = "" } elseif ($proxycontext) { $isProxysession = $true $proxycontext = ((($proxycontext -split "Msg=") | Where-Object { $_ -like "*Proxy:*" }) -split '"' | Where-Object { $_ -like "*Proxy:*" }) -replace "Proxy:" $proxyServer = ($proxycontext -split ";")[0] $proxyStatus = ($proxycontext -split ";")[1] } else { $isProxysession = $false $proxyServer = "" $proxyStatus = "" } # Authentication if ("auth" -in $commands -or "user" -in $commands -or "authenticate" -in $commands -or "login" -in $commands) { $authenticationEnabled = $true } else { $authenticationEnabled = $false } if ($authenticationEnabled) { $userName = $record.Group | Where-Object { $_.command -like "auth" -or $_.command -like "user" -or $_.command -like "authenticate" -or $_.command -like "login" } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty User -Unique if ($userName.count -gt 1) { $userName = [string]::Join(", ", $userName) } } else { $userName = "" } if ($authenticationEnabled -and ("auth" -in $commands -or "pass" -in $commands -or "authenticate" -in $commands -or "login" -in $commands)) { $authDetails = ((($record.Group | Where-Object { $_.command -like "auth" -or $_.command -like "pass" -or $_.command -like "authenticate" -or $_.command -like "login"}).context -split ";")[1] -replace 'Msg="').TrimEnd('"') -Split ", " $authHash = @{ "RecipientType" = ($authDetails | Where-Object { $_ -like "RecipientType: *" }) -replace "RecipientType: " "RecipientTypeDetails" = ($authDetails | Where-Object { $_ -like "RecipientTypeDetails: *" }) -replace "RecipientTypeDetails: " "DisplayName" = ($authDetails | Where-Object { $_ -like "Selected Mailbox: Display Name: *" }) -replace "Selected Mailbox: Display Name: " "MailboxGuid" = ($authDetails | Where-Object { $_ -like "Mailbox Guid: *" }) -replace "Mailbox Guid: " "DatabaseGuid" = ($authDetails | Where-Object { $_ -like "Database: *" }) -replace "Database: " "ServerFqdn" = ($authDetails | Where-Object { $_ -like "Location: ServerFqdn: *" }) -replace "Location: ServerFqdn: " "ServerVersion" = ($authDetails | Where-Object { $_ -like "ServerVersion: *" }) -replace "ServerVersion: " "DatabaseName" = ($authDetails | Where-Object { $_ -like "DatabaseName: *" }) -replace "DatabaseName: " "HomePublicFolderDatabaseGuid" = ($authDetails | Where-Object { $_ -like "HomePublicFolderDatabaseGuid: *" }) -replace "HomePublicFolderDatabaseGuid: " } } else { $authDetails = "" $authHash = @{} } # Statistics $stats = (($record.Group | Where-Object { $_.command -like "stat" }).Context -split ";") | Where-Object { $_ -like "Rows=*" -or $_ -like "TotalSize=*" } if ($stats) { $rows = ($stats -like "Rows=*") -replace "Rows=" if ($rows) { $rows = [int]::Parse($rows) } else { [int]$rows = 0 } $totalSize = ($stats -like "TotalSize=*") -replace "TotalSize=" if ($totalSize) { $totalSize = $totalSize = [int]::Parse($totalSize) } else { [int]$totalSize = 0 } } else { $rows = 0 $totalSize = 0 } $budgetinfo = ((([array]$context -like "*Budget=*") | Select-Object -Last 1) -split 'Budget="')[-1] if ($budgetinfo) { $budgetDetails = $budgetinfo.TrimEnd('"') -Split "," $budgetHash = @{ "OwnerSID" = (($budgetDetails | Where-Object { $_ -like "Owner:Sid~*" }) -split "~")[1] "Conn" = [int](($budgetDetails | Where-Object { $_ -like "Conn:*" }) -replace "Conn:") "MaxConn" = ($budgetDetails | Where-Object { $_ -like "MaxConn:*" }) -replace "MaxConn:" "MaxBurst" = ($budgetDetails | Where-Object { $_ -like "MaxBurst:*" }) -replace "MaxBurst:" "Balance" = ($budgetDetails | Where-Object { $_ -like "Balance:*" }) -replace "Balance:" "Cutoff" = ($budgetDetails | Where-Object { $_ -like "Cutoff:*" }) -replace "Cutoff:" "RechargeRate" = ($budgetDetails | Where-Object { $_ -like "RechargeRate:*" }) -replace "RechargeRate:" "Policy" = ($budgetDetails | Where-Object { $_ -like "Policy:*" }) -replace "Policy:" "IsServiceAccount" = [bool]::Parse( (($budgetDetails | Where-Object { $_ -like "IsServiceAccount:*" }) -replace "IsServiceAccount:") ) "LiveTime" = [timespan]::Parse( (($budgetDetails | Where-Object { $_ -like "LiveTime:*" }) -replace "LiveTime:") ) } } else { $budgetDetails = "" $budgetHash = @{} } $stls = ($ | Where-Object { $_ -like "stls" -or $_ -like "starttls"}).count $auth = ($ | Where-Object { $_ -like "auth" -or $_ -like "authenticate"}).count $user = ($ | Where-Object { $_ -like "user" -or $_ -like "login"}).count $pass = ($ | Where-Object { $_ -like "pass" }).count $stat = ($ | Where-Object { $_ -like "stat*"}).count $uidl = ($ | Where-Object { $_ -like "uidl" }).count $list = ($ | Where-Object { $_ -like "list" }).count $retr = ($ | Where-Object { $_ -like "retr" }).count $dele = ($ | Where-Object { $_ -like "dele" }).count # construct output object $outputRecord = [PSCustomObject]@{ "PSTypeName" = "ExchangeLog.$($record.metadataHash['Log-type'].Replace(' ','')).Record" "LogFolder" = $record.LogFolder "LogFileName" = $record.LogFileName $SessionIdName = $record.$SessionIdName "DateStart" = ($record.Group | Sort-Object 'dateTime')[0].'dateTime' -as [datetime] "DateEnd" = ($record.Group | Sort-Object 'dateTime')[-1].'dateTime' -as [datetime] "SequenceCount" = $record.Group.count "LocalIP" = $localEndpoint -replace ":$([string]$localEndpoint.split(":")[-1])", "" "LocalPort" = $localEndpoint.split(":")[-1] "RemoteIP" = $remoteEndpoint -replace ":$([string]$remoteEndpoint.split(":")[-1])", "" "RemotePort" = $remoteEndpoint.split(":")[-1] "AuthenticationEnabled" = $authenticationEnabled "User" = $userName "RecipientType" = (. { if ($authDetails) { $authHash["RecipientType" ] } }) "RecipientTypeDetails" = (. { if ($authDetails) { $authHash["RecipientTypeDetails" ] } }) "DisplayName" = (. { if ($authDetails) { $authHash["DisplayName" ] } }) "MailboxGuid" = (. { if ($authDetails) { $authHash["MailboxGuid" ] } }) "DatabaseGuid" = (. { if ($authDetails) { $authHash["DatabaseGuid" ] } }) "ServerFqdn" = (. { if ($authDetails) { $authHash["ServerFqdn" ] } }) "ServerVersion" = (. { if ($authDetails) { $authHash["ServerVersion" ] } }) "DatabaseName" = (. { if ($authDetails) { $authHash["DatabaseName" ] } }) "HomePublicFolderDatabaseGuid" = (. { if ($authDetails) { $authHash["HomePublicFolderDatabaseGuid"] } }) "OwnerSID" = (. { if ($budgetDetails) { $budgetHash["OwnerSID"] } }) "ConnectionCount" = (. { if ($budgetDetails) { $budgetHash["Conn"] } }) "ConnectionMax" = (. { if ($budgetDetails) { $budgetHash["MaxConn"] } }) "MaxBurst" = (. { if ($budgetDetails) { $budgetHash["MaxBurst"] } }) "Balance" = (. { if ($budgetDetails) { $budgetHash["Balance"] } }) "Cutoff" = (. { if ($budgetDetails) { $budgetHash["Cutoff"] } }) "RechargeRate" = (. { if ($budgetDetails) { $budgetHash["RechargeRate"] } }) "Policy" = (. { if ($budgetDetails) { $budgetHash["Policy"] } }) "IsServiceAccount" = (. { if ($budgetDetails) { $budgetHash["IsServiceAccount"] } }) "LiveTime" = (. { if ($budgetDetails) { $budgetHash["LiveTime"] } }) "TotalObjects" = $rows "TotalSize" = $totalSize "HasError" = $hasError "ErrorMessage" = $errorMessage "IsProxysession" = $isProxysession "ProxyServer" = $proxyServer "ProxyStatus" = $proxyStatus "CmdCountStls" = $stls "CmdCountAuth" = $auth "CmdCountUser" = $user "CmdCountPass" = $pass "CmdCountStat" = $stat "CmdCountUidl" = $uidl "CmdCountList" = $list "CmdCountRetr" = $retr "CmdCountDele" = $dele "LogText" = $logText } # add metadata attributes foreach ($key in $record.metadataHash.Keys) { if ($key -like "Date") { $value = $record.metadataHash[$key] -as [datetime] } else { $value = $record.metadataHash[$key] } $outputRecord | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $key -Value $value -Force } # output data $outputRecord # report in detail if errors occur (for debugging because the processing in operating in runspaces) if ($Error) { Write-Warning "Error detected while processing $($outputRecord.LogFolder)\$($outputRecord.LogFileName) with $($record.$SessionIdName)" $Error.Clear() } # output progress of switch is set (only debugging purpose) if ($ShowProgress) { if (($i % $refreshInterval) -eq 0) { Write-Progress -Activity "Process logfile record " -Status "$($record.LogFileName) - $($SessionIdName): $($record.$SessionIdName) ($($i) / $($InputObject.count))" -PercentComplete ($i / $InputObject.count * 100) } $i = $i + 1 } } } end { } } (Get-Command Expand-LogRecordPopImap).Visibility = "Private" |