function Resolve-SessionIdName { <# .SYNOPSIS Converts access tokens to readable objects .DESCRIPTION Converts access tokens to readable objects .PARAMETER LogType Name of the LogType from the meta data line in a logfile .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Resolve-SessionIdName -LogType "SMTP Receive Protocol Log" Returns the name of the grouping field for building record groups #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String])] param ( $LogType ) switch ($LogType) { {$_ -in "SMTP Receive Protocol Log", "SMTP Send Protocol Log"} { "session-Id" } {$_ -in "IMAP4 Log", "POP3 Log"} { "sessionId" } {$_ -in "Message Tracking Log"} { "message-id" } Default { Write-Warning "Unknown LogType"} } } |