
Function Get-DeletedMailboxList{  
   Gets a list of Deleted mailboxes from exchange and outputs into to a CSV file as well as console
   Gets a list of Hard deleted mailboxes (Remove-Mailbox, Disable-Mailbox) from all databases in the exchange organisation
   It then outputs them both to the console and to a CSV file which defaults to c:\temp\DeletedMailboxes.csv
   Get-DeletecMailboxList -CSVPath C:\MyDir\File.csv -SupressConsole
    Author: Daniel Caulfield - 2017

        # Path to CSV File
        $CSVPath = "$env:TEMP\DeletedMailboxes.csv",

        # Supress output to the console and just create CSV
    Write-Verbose "SupressConsole = $SupressConsole, CSVPath = $CSVPath"
    Write-Verbose "Querying all databases for all mailboxes and filtering for deleted"
    $DeletedMailboxes = Get-mailboxdatabase |Get-MailboxStatistics | Where-Object{$_.DisconnectReason -eq 'Disabled'} | Select-Object DisplayName,TotalItemSize,Database,MailboxGuid,DisconnectDate,DisconnectReason,LastLogonTime,LegacyDN
    Write-Verbose "Data collected, writing outputs"
    if ($SupressConsole -eq $False) {Write-Output $DeletedMailboxes}
    $DeletedMailboxes | ConvertTo-Csv | Out-File $CSVPath
    Write-Verbose "Command Complete"

function Invoke-LoopCheckMoveRequest {
   Starts a loop checking mailbox move request statistics
   Starts a loop checking mailbox move request statistics for all moves or optionally only ones not completed
   Use CTRL+C to end the loop
   Start-LoopCheckMoveRequest -ExcludeComplete -Interval 120
    Author: Daniel Caulfield - 2017

        # Excludes moves with a ststus of Completed
        #Interval in seconds to run the check
        [int]$Interval = '60'
    Write-Verbose "Starting Loop with an interval of $interval and ExcludeComplete $ExcludeComplete"
    Write-Output "Starting loop use CTRL+C to stop"
    $a = '1'
    While ($a = 1){
        Write-Verbose 'Running Loop'
        If ($ExcludeComplete -eq $False) {Get-MoveRequest | Get-MoveRequestStatistics}
        If ($ExcludeComplete -eq $True) {Get-MoveRequest | Where-Object{$_.status -ne 'Completed'} | Get-MoveRequestStatistics}
        Write-Output "Next Check $Interval seconds..."
        Write-Verbose "Going to sleep for $Interval Seconds"
        Start-Sleep $interval

function Invoke-LoopCheckRestoreRequest {
   Starts a loop checking mailbox Request request statistics
   Starts a loop checking mailbox Restore request statistics for all moves or optionally only ones not completed (default 60 second interval)
   Use CTRL+C to end the loop
   Start-LoopCheckRestoreRequest -ExcludeComplete -Interval 120
    Author: Daniel Caulfield - 2017

        # Excludes moves with a ststus of Completed
        #Interval in seconds to run the check
        [int]$Interval = '60'
    Write-Verbose "Starting Loop with an interval of $interval and ExcludeComplete $ExcludeComplete"
    Write-Output "Starting loop use CTRL+C to stop"
    $a = '1'
    While ($a = 1){
        Write-Verbose 'Running Loop'
        If ($ExcludeComplete -eq $False) {Get-MailboxRestoreRequest | Get-MailboxRestoreRequestStatistics}
        If ($ExcludeComplete -eq $True) {Get-MailboxRestoreRequest | Where-Object{$_.status -ne 'Completed'} | Get-MailboxRestoreRequestStatistics}
        Write-Output "Next Check $Interval seconds..."
        Write-Verbose "Going to sleep for $Interval Seconds"
        Start-Sleep $interval