
#Define max blank lines for ending sheet reading
$MaxBlankThreshold = 3

Get worksheet from Excel file according to build sheet path and worksheet name
Get-MZExcelWorksheet -ExcelPath C:\buildsheet.xlsx -WorksheetName 'PaaS SQL DB Build'

function Get-MZExcelWorksheet {
    param (
    if (-not (Test-Path $ExcelPath)) {
        throw "$ExcelPath file doesn't exist."
    try {
        $script:appExcel = Open-ExcelPackage -Path $ExcelPath
        if ($WorksheetName) {
            $Worksheet = $appExcel.Workbook.Worksheets[$WorksheetName]
        else {
            $Worksheet = $appExcel.Workbook.Worksheets | Select-Object -First 1
    catch {
        $script:appExcel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
        # Let Excel run in the backend, comment out below line, if debug, remove below #
        # $script:appExcel.Visible = $true
        $WorkBook = $script:appExcel.Workbooks.Open($ExcelPath)
        $Worksheet = $WorkBook.Sheets[$WorksheetName]
    return $Worksheet

function Close-MZExcelWorksheet {
    try {
        if ($script:appExcel.Name -eq "Microsoft Excel") {
        else {
            Close-ExcelPackage -ExcelPackage $script:appExcel -NoSave
    catch {
        Write-Debug "Excel is closed."
Get worksheet information as a hashtable list according to Header Mapping

# function Get-MZHashTableListFromWorksheet {
# param (
# $Worksheet,
# $HeaderMapping,
# $MandatoryColumnNum = 1,
# $StartRow = 3,
# $MaxRow = 100
# )
# $List = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
# for ($iRow = $StartRow; $iRow -lt $MaxRow; $iRow++) {
# if (Test-MZHasValue $Worksheet.Cells.Item($iRow, $MandatoryColumnNum).Text) {
# #This Row has values
# $RowSet = @{}
# for ($iCol = 1; $iCol -lt $HeaderMapping.count; $iCol++) {
# if (Test-MZHasValue $HeaderMapping[$iCol][1]) {
# $RowSet[$HeaderMapping[$iCol][1]] = $Worksheet.Cells.Item($iRow, $iCol).Text
# }
# }
# [void]$List.Add($RowSet)
# }
# }
# Close-MZExcelWorksheet | Out-Null
# return $List
# }

Get a Hashtable list from excel sheet, one row for one hashtable
    #Get TestcaseDataList for Pester Testcase
    $TestcaseDataList = Get-MZHashTableListFromExcel -WorksheetName SheetName `
        -ExcelPath "${StartPath}${SEP}IaCSQLDBToolKit${SEP}TestData${SEP}DBTestCaseData.xlsx" `
        -HeaderRow 1
    It "Full Rule Except Email From Excel File" -Testcases $TestcaseDataList {
        Test-MZIsPropertyValid -PropertyName $PropertyName -PropertyValue $PropertyValue -Rule $Rule | Should -Be ($Expected -eq "TRUE")

# function Get-MZHashTableListFromExcel {
# param (
# [String]$ExcelPath,
# [String]$WorksheetName,
# $MandatoryColumnNum = 1,
# $HeaderRow = 1
# )
# $MaxRow = 1000
# $MaxCol = 100
# $Worksheet = Get-MZExcelWorksheet -ExcelPath $ExcelPath -WorksheetName $WorksheetName
# if ($null -eq $Worksheet ) {
# Write-MZDebug "'$WorksheetName' sheet doesn't exist in $ExcelPath."
# return $null
# }
# Write-MZDebug "'$WorksheetName' sheet exists in $ExcelPath."
# $List = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
# $StartRow = $HeaderRow + 1
# for ($iRow = $StartRow; $iRow -lt $MaxRow; $iRow++) {
# if (Test-MZHasValue $Worksheet.Cells.Item($iRow, $MandatoryColumnNum).Text) {
# #This Row has values
# $RowSet = @{}
# for ($iCol = 1; $iCol -lt $MaxCol; $iCol++) {
# if (Test-MZHasValue $Worksheet.Cells.Item($HeaderRow, $iCol).Text) {
# $RowSet[$Worksheet.Cells.Item($HeaderRow, $iCol).Text.Trim()] = $Worksheet.Cells.Item($iRow, $iCol).Text
# }
# else {
# break
# }
# }
# [void]$List.Add($RowSet)
# }
# else {
# break
# }
# }
# Close-MZExcelWorksheet | Out-Null
# return $List
# }

Get Specification By Example Data from Excel ,input and output are separated in columns

# function Get-MZExampleList2 {
# param (
# [String]$ExcelPath,
# [String]$WorksheetName,
# $MandatoryRowNum = 1,
# $ParamNameCol = 3,
# $StartRow = 2,
# $MaxRow = 1000,
# $MaxCol = 100
# )
# $Worksheet = Get-MZExcelWorksheet -ExcelPath $ExcelPath -WorksheetName $WorksheetName
# if ($null -eq $Worksheet ) {
# return $null
# }
# $StartCol = $ParamNameCol + 1
# $List = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
# for ($iCol = $StartCol; $iCol -lt $MaxCol; $iCol += 2) {
# if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Worksheet.Cells.Item($MandatoryRowNum, $iCol).Text)) {
# #This Row has no value
# break
# }
# else {
# $DataSet = [ordered]@{}
# for ($iRow = $StartRow; $iRow -lt $MaxRow; $iRow++) {
# if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Worksheet.Cells.Item($iRow, $ParamNameCol).Text)) {
# break
# }
# else {
# $DataSet[$Worksheet.Cells.Item($iRow, $ParamNameCol).Text.Trim()] = $Worksheet.Cells.Item($iRow, $iCol).Text
# $DataSet[$Worksheet.Cells.Item($iRow, $ParamNameCol).Text.Trim() + "Expected"] = $Worksheet.Cells.Item($iRow, $iCol + 1).Text
# }
# }
# [void]$List.Add($DataSet)
# }
# }
# Close-MZExcelWorksheet | Out-Null
# return $List
# }

Get hashtable list of Example data, one Hashtable from one example data area in excel sheet
alias is Get-TestcaseList
    use default HeaderRow which is 1, and default ParameterNameColumn which is C
    $ExampleList = Get-ExampleList -ExcelPath ".\Excel\Example1.xlsx" -WorksheetName 'Scenario1'
    It "Easy Success of SBE" -TestCases $ExampleList {
        [int]$BlackSweaterCountAtCustomer | Should -BeGreaterOrEqual $BlackSweaterCountReturned
        [int]$BlackSweaterCountInInvertory1 + [int]$BlackSweaterCountReturned | Should -Be $BlackSweaterCountInInvertory2
    Describe "Test filter the dashboard by department" {
    $ExampleList = Get-ExampleList -ExcelPath $ExcelBDDFilePath `
        -WorksheetName 'StoryExample1' `
        -ParameterNameColumn E `
        -HeaderRow 3
    It "Run Example one by one" -TestCases $ExampleList {
        #The below variables are generated automatically from Excel
        Write-Host "===$Header==="
        Write-Host $SelectedView
        Write-Host $DepartmentCount
        Write-Host $SelectedDepartment
        Write-Host $FullDepartmentName
        Write-Host $DepartmentLocation
        Write-Host $DepartmentCurrentMonthKPI1
        Write-Host $DepartmentCurrentMonthKPI2

function Get-ExampleList {
    param (
        $HeaderRow = 1,
        $ParameterNameColumn = 'C',
    $Worksheet = Get-MZExcelWorksheet -ExcelPath $ExcelPath -WorksheetName $WorksheetName
    if ($null -eq $Worksheet ) {
        return $null
    if ($HeaderRow.GetType().Name -eq 'String') {
        $HeaderRow = [int]$HeaderRow

    if ($TestResult) {
        $ColumnStep = 3
        $HeaderNameRow = $HeaderRow - 1
    elseif ($Expected) {
        $ColumnStep = 2
        $HeaderNameRow = $HeaderRow - 1
    else {
        $ColumnStep = 1
        $HeaderNameRow = $HeaderRow
    $ParamNameCol = [int][char]($ParameterNameColumn.ToUpper()) - 64
    #Get Test data set Column Array
    $CurrentCol = $ParamNameCol + 1
    $ColumnNumArray = @()
    while (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Worksheet.Cells.Item($HeaderNameRow, $CurrentCol).Text)) {
        if ($HeaderMatcher) {
            if ($Worksheet.Cells.Item($HeaderNameRow, $CurrentCol).Text -match $HeaderMatcher) {
                $ColumnNumArray += $CurrentCol
        else {
            $ColumnNumArray += $CurrentCol
        $CurrentCol += $ColumnStep

    #Get Parameter Row Array
    $RowNumArray = @()
    $CurrentRow = $HeaderRow + 1
    $ContinuousBlankCount = 0
    do {
        if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Worksheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow, $ParamNameCol).Text)) {
        else {
            $ContinuousBlankCount = 0
            if ("NA" -ne $Worksheet.Cells.Item($CurrentRow, $ParamNameCol).Text) {
                $RowNumArray += $CurrentRow
    }while ($ContinuousBlankCount -le $MaxBlankThreshold)

    $List = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
    foreach ($iCol in $ColumnNumArray) {
        $DataSet = [ordered]@{}
        #Put Header
        $DataSet["Header"] = $Worksheet.Cells.Item($HeaderNameRow, $iCol).Text.Trim()
        foreach ($iRow in $RowNumArray) {
            $DataSet[$Worksheet.Cells.Item($iRow, $ParamNameCol).Text.Trim()] = $Worksheet.Cells.Item($iRow, $iCol).Text
            if ($TestResult -or $Expected) {
                $DataSet[$Worksheet.Cells.Item($iRow, $ParamNameCol).Text.Trim() + "Expected"] = $Worksheet.Cells.Item($iRow, $iCol + 1).Text
                if ($TestResult) {
                    $DataSet[$Worksheet.Cells.Item($iRow, $ParamNameCol).Text.Trim() + "TestResult"] = $Worksheet.Cells.Item($iRow, $iCol + 2).Text
    Close-MZExcelWorksheet | Out-Null
    return $List