Function Set-ExPerfwiz { <# .SYNOPSIS Modifiy the configuration of an existing data collector set. .DESCRIPTION Allow for th emodification of some parameters of a data collector set once created. .PARAMETER Name The Name of the Data Collector set to update. Default Exchange_Perfwiz .PARAMETER Server Name of the remote server to update the data collector set on. Default LocalHost .PARAMETER Duration Sets how long should the performance data be collected Provided in time span format hh:mm:ss .PARAMETER Interval How often the performance data should be collected. .PARAMETER Maxsize Maximum size of the perfmon log in MegaBytes .PARAMETER StartTime Time of day to start the data collector set It will start at this time EVERY day until removed. .PARAMETER Quiet Suppress output .OUTPUTS Logs all activity into $env:LOCALAPPDATA\ExPefwiz.log file .EXAMPLE Set the default data collector set to start at 1pm on the local server. Set-Experfwiz -StartTime 13:00:00 .EXAMPLE Set the duration to 4 hours and the interval to 1 second on a remove server Set-ExPerfwiz -Server RemoteServer-01 -Duration 04:00:00 -Interval 1 #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'Low')] param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string] $Name = "Exchange_Perfwiz", [timespan] $Duration, [int] $Interval, [int] $MaxSize, [string] $Server = $env:ComputerName, [string] $StartTime, [switch] $Quiet ) Process { # Build the logman command based on the inputs $logmancmd = $null # Base command $logmancmd = "logman update -name " + $Name + " -s " + $Server # If a duration is passed process the change if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Duration")) { $logmancmd = $logmancmd + " -rf " + [string]$Duration.TotalSeconds } # if Interval is passed set the new interval if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Interval")) { $logmancmd = $logmancmd + " -si " + $Interval } # If maxsize is passed set max size if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("maxsize")) { $logmancmd = $logmancmd + " -max " + $MaxSize } # If StartTime is passed set the start time if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("starttime")) { # -b <M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss[AM|PM]> Begin the data collector at specified time. $logmancmd = $logmancmd + " -b " + (Get-Date $StartTime -Format 'M/d/yyyy HH:mm:ss').tostring() } Write-Logfile -string "Updating experfwiz $name on $server" Write-Logfile $logmancmd # Import the XML with our configuration if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$Server\$Name", "Updating ExPerfwiz Data Collector")) { [string]$logman = Invoke-Expression $logmancmd } # Check if we generated and error on update If ($null -eq ($logman | select-string "Error:")) { Write-Logfile "Update Successful" } else { Write-Logfile -string "[ERROR] - Problem updating perfwiz:" Write-Logfile -string $logman Throw $logman } } End { # Return the new object and values if ($quiet) {} else { Get-ExPerfwiz -name $name -Server $server } } } |