Function Get-ExPerfwiz { <# .SYNOPSIS Get information about a data collector set. .DESCRIPTION Gets information about a data collector set on the local or remote server. .PARAMETER Name Name of the Data Collector set Default Exchange_Perfwiz .PARAMETER Server Name of the server Default LocalHost .PARAMETER ShowLog Shows the experfwiz log file on the server .OUTPUTS Logs all activity into $env:LOCALAPPDATA\ExPefwiz.log file .EXAMPLE Get info on the default collector set Get-ExPerfwiz .EXAMPLE Get info on a collector set on a remote server Get-ExPerfwiz -Name "My Collector Set" -Server RemoteServer-01 #> [cmdletbinding()] param ( [string] $Name, [string] $Server = $env:ComputerName, [switch] $ShowLog ) if ($ShowLog) { Notepad (Join-path $env:LOCALAPPDATA ExPefwiz.log); return } Write-Logfile -string ("Getting ExPerfwiz: " + $server) # If no name was provided then we need to return all collectors logman finds if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name)) { # Returns all found collector sets $logmanAll = logman query -s $server If (!([string]::isnullorempty(($logmanAll | select-string "Error:")))) { throw $logmanAll[-1] } # Process the string return into a set of collector names $i = -3 [array]$perfLogNames = $null While (!($logmanAll[$i] | select-string "---")) { # pull the first 40 characters then trim and trailing spaces [array]$perfLogNames += $logmanAll[$i].substring(0, 40).trimend() $i-- } } # If a name was provided put just that into the array else { [array]$perfLogNames += $Name } # Query each collector found in turn to get their details foreach ($collectorname in $perfLogNames) { $logman = logman query $collectorname -s $Server # Quick error check If (!([string]::isnullorempty(($logman | select-string "Error:")))) { throw $logman[-1] } # Convert the output of logman into an object $logmanObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject # Go thru each line and determine what the value should be foreach ($line in $logman) { $linesplit = $line.split(":").trim() switch (($linesplit)[0]) { 'Name' { # Skip the path to the perfmon inside the counter set if ($linesplit[1] -like "*\*") {} # Set the name and push it into a variable to use later else { $name = $linesplit[1] } } 'Status' { $status = $linesplit[1] } 'Root Path' { if ($linesplit[1].contains("%")) { $rootPath = $linesplit[1] $outputPath = $linesplit[1] } else { $rootPath = (Resolve-path ($linesplit[1] + ":" + $linesplit[2])) $outputPath = (Join-path (($linesplit[1] + ":" + $linesplit[2])) ($env:ComputerName + "_" + $name)) } } 'Segment' { $segment = $linesplit[1] } 'Schedules' { $schedules = $linesplit[1] } 'Duration' { $duration = (New-TimeSpan -Seconds ([int]($linesplit[1].split(" "))[0])) } 'Segment Max Size' { $maxSize = (($linesplit[1].replace(" ", "")) / 1MB) } 'Run As' { $runAs = $linesplit[1] } 'Start Date' { $startDate = $linesplit[1] } 'Start Time' { $startTime = ($line.split(" ")[-2] + " " + $line.split(" ")[-1]) } 'End Date' { $endDate = $linesplit[1] } 'Days' { $days = $linesplit[1] } 'Type' { $type = $linesplit[1] } 'Append' { $append = (Convert-OnOffBool($linesplit[1])) } 'Circular' { $circular = (Convert-OnOffBool($linesplit[1])) } 'Overwrite' { $overwrite = (Convert-OnOffBool($linesplit[1])) } 'Sample Interval' { $sampleInterval = (($linesplit[1].split(" "))[0]) } Default {} } } $logmanObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Name = $name Status = $status RootPath = $rootPath OutputPath = $outputPath Segment = $segment Schedules = $schedules Duration = $duration MaxSize = $maxSize RunAs = $runAs StartDate = $startDate StartTime = $startTime EndDate = $endDate Days = $days Type = $type Append = $append Circular = $circular OverWrite = $overwrite SampleInterval = $sampleInterval } # Add customer PS Object type for use with formatting files $logmanObject.pstypenames.insert(0, 'Experfwiz.Counter') # Add each object to the return array $logmanObject } } |