Function Start-ExPerfwiz { <# .SYNOPSIS Starts a data collector set .DESCRIPTION Starts a data collector set on the local server or a remote server. .PARAMETER Name The Name of the Data Collector set to start Default Exchange_Perfwiz .PARAMETER Server Name of the remote server to start the data collector set on. Default LocalHost .OUTPUTS Logs all activity into $env:LOCALAPPDATA\ExPefwiz.log file .EXAMPLE Start the default data collector set on this server. Start-ExPerfwiz .EXAMPLE Start a collector set on another server. Start-ExPerfwiz -Name "My Collector Set" -Server RemoteServer-01 #> [cmdletbinding()] param ( [string] $Name = "Exchange_Perfwiz", [string] $Server = $env:ComputerName ) Out-LogFile -string ("Starting ExPerfwiz: " + $server) # Remove the experfwiz counter set [string]$logman = logman start -name $Name -s $server # Check if we have an error and throw and error if needed. If ([string]::isnullorempty(($logman | select-string "Error:"))) { Out-LogFile "ExPerfwiz Started" } else { Out-LogFile "[ERROR] - Unable to Start Collector" Out-LogFile $logman Throw $logman } } |