Function Get-ExPerfwiz { <# .SYNOPSIS Get information about a data collector set. .DESCRIPTION Gets information about a data collector set on the local or remote server. .PARAMETER Name Name of the Data Collector set Default ExPerfwiz .PARAMETER Server Name of the server Default LocalHost .PARAMETER Quiet Suppresses output to the screen .OUTPUTS Logs all activity into $env:LOCALAPPDATA\ExPefwiz.log file .EXAMPLE Get info on the default collector set Get-ExPerfwiz .EXAMPLE Get info on a collector set on a remote server Get-ExPerfwiz -Name "My Collector Set" -Server RemoteServer-01 #> param ( [string] $Name = "Experfwiz", [string] $Server = $env:ComputerName, [switch] $Quiet = $false ) Out-LogFile -string ("Getting ExPerfwiz: " + $server) -quiet $Quiet # Get the experfwiz counter set $logman = logman query -name $Name -s $server # Convert it to something that will look better in the log file / screen $formatlogman = $logman -join "`n`r" | out-string # Now convert $logman to a string [string]$logman = $logman # Check if we have an error and throw and error if needed. If ([string]::isnullorempty(($logman | select-string "Error:"))) { Out-LogFile $formatlogman -quiet $Quiet } elseif([bool]($logman | Select-String "data collector set was not found")){ # since we got the data collector set was not found do nothing } else { Out-LogFile "[ERROR] - Unable to Get collector" -quiet $Quiet Out-LogFile $logman -quiet $Quiet Throw $logman } } |