Function New-ExPerfwiz { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a data collector set for investigating performance related issues. .DESCRIPTION Creates a performance monitor data collector set from an XML template for the purpose of investigating server performance issues. Allows for configuration of the counter set at the time of running the creation command. .PARAMETER Circular Enabled or Disable circular logging Default is false (Disabled) .PARAMETER Duration Sets how long should the performance data be collected Provided in time span format hh:mm:ss Default is 8 hours (08:00:00) .PARAMETER FolderPath Path where performance logs should be collected. The folder path should exist. This paramater is required. .PARAMETER Interval How often the performance data should be collected. Default is 5s (5) .PARAMETER MaxSize Maximum size of the perfmon log in MegaBytes Valid ranges are 100 - 1024 Default is 250mb (250) .PARAMETER Name The name of the data collector set Default is ExPerfwiz .PARAMETER Quiet Suppresses output to the screen and only sends it to the log file. Default is False .PARAMETER Server Name of the server where the perfmon collector should be created Default is Localhost .PARAMETER StartOnCreate Starts the counter set as soon as it is created Default is False .PARAMETER Template XML perfmon template file that should be loaded to create the data collector set. Default is to prompt to select a Template from the XMLs provided with this module. .PARAMETER Threads Includes threads in the counter set. *** Including Threads significantly increase the size of perfmon data *** Default is False .OUTPUTS Creates a data collector set in Perfmon based on the provided XML file Logs all activity into $env:LOCALAPPDATA\ExPefwiz.log file .EXAMPLE Create a standard ExPerfwiz data collector for troubleshooting performane issues on the local machine. New-ExPerfwiz -FolderPath C:\PerfData This will prompt the end user to select a template from the provided set and create a default data collector set using that Template. The perfmon data will be stored in the C:\PerfData folder .EXAMPLE Create a custom ExPefwiz data collector on the local machine from a custom template New-ExPerfwiz -Name "My Collector" -Duration "01:00:00" -Interval 1 -MaxSize 500 -Template C:\Temp\MyTemplate.xml -Circular $true -Threads $True Creates a collector named "My Collector" From the template MyTemplate.xml. Circular logging will be enabled along with Threads. When started the collector will run for 1 hour. It will have a maximum file size of 500MB .EXAMPLE Create an ExPerfwiz data collector on another server New-ExPerfwiz -FolderPath C:\temp\experfwiz -Server OtherServer-01 Will prompt for template to use. Will create a perfmon counter set on the remove server OtherServer-01 with the output folder being C:\temp\experfwiz on that server #> ### Creates a new experfwiz collector Param( [bool] $Circular = $false, [timespan] $Duration = [timespan]::Parse('8:00:00'), [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Please provide a valid folder path for output")] [string] $FolderPath, [int] $Interval = 5, [ValidateRange(50, 1024)] [int] $MaxSize = 256, [string] $Name = "ExPerfwiz", [bool] $Quiet = $false, [string] $Server = $env:ComputerName, [bool] $StartOnCreate, [string] $Template, [bool] $Threads = $false ) # Validate the folder path if (Test-Path $FolderPath -PathType Container) {} else { Throw ("Path provided " + $FolderPath + " doesn't exist or isn't a folder. On the local system.") } Out-LogFile -string ("Logging Actions to " + (join-path $env:LOCALAPPDATA experfwiz.log)) -quiet $Quiet Out-LogFile -String $MyInvocation.Line -quiet $Quiet ### Validate Template ### # Build path to templates $templatePath = join-path (split-path (Get-Module experfwiz).path -Parent) Templates # If no template provided then we need to ask the end user for which one to use While ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Template)) { Out-LogFile -string ("Searching template path: " + $templatePath) -quiet $Quiet $templatesToChoose = Get-ChildItem -Path $templatePath -Filter *.xml Write-Output "`nPlease choose a Template:" # Setup counters $i = 0 # Go thru each of the xml templates we found Foreach ($file in $templatesToChoose) { $i++ Write-Output ($i.tostring() + "> " + $ } # Get the selection from the user $selection = Read-Host ("`nChoose Template (1-" + $i + ")") # Put the selected xml it into template $Template = $templatesToChoose[($selection - 1)].FullName } # Test the template path and log it as good or throw an error If (Test-Path $Template) { Out-LogFile -string ("Using Template:" + $Template) -quiet $Quiet } Else { Throw "Cannot find template xml file provided. Please provide a valid Perfmon template file." } ### Manipulate Template ### # Load the provided template [xml]$XML = Get-Content $Template # Set Output Location $XML.DataCollectorSet.OutputLocation = $FolderPath $XML.DataCollectorSet.RootPath = $FolderPath # Set Duration $XML.DataCollectorSet.SegmentMaxDuration = [string]$Duration.TotalSeconds # Set Max File size $XML.DataCollectorSet.SegmentMaxSize = [string]$MaxSize # Circular logging state $XML.DataCollectorSet.PerformanceCounterDataCollector.LogCircular = [string]([int]$Circular * -1) # Sample Interval $XML.DataCollectorSet.PerformanceCounterDataCollector.SampleInterval = [string]$Interval # Make sure the schedule is turned off $XML.DataCollectorSet.SchedulesEnabled = "0" # If -threads is specified we need to add it to the counter set If ($Threads){ Out-LogFile -string "Adding threads to counter set" -quiet $Quiet # Create and set the XML element $threadCounter = $XML.CreateElement("Counter") $threadCounter.InnerXml = "\Thread(*)\*" # Add the XML element $XML.DataCollectorSet.PerformanceCounterDataCollector.AppendChild($threadCounter) } else {} # Write the XML to disk $xmlfile = Join-Path $FolderPath ExPerfwiz.xml Out-LogFile -string ("Writing Configuration to: " + $xmlfile) -quiet $Quiet $XML.Save($xmlfile) # <Counter> - Validate Counters - not sure if we need to do this ... windows seems to just handle if they aren't there in the XML ##### Schedule - Start and Stop Time???? Out-Logfile -string ("Importing ExPerfwiz " + $Name + " for " + $server) -quiet $Quiet # Import the XML with our configuration [string]$logman = logman import -xml $xmlfile -name $Name -s $server # Check if we generated and error on import If ([string]::isnullorempty(($logman | select-string "Error:"))) { Out-LogFile -string "Experfwiz imported." -Quiet $Quiet } else { Out-LogFile -string "[ERROR] - Problem importing perfwiz:" -quiet $Quiet Out-LogFile -string $logman -quiet $Quiet Throw $logman } # Need to start the counter set if asked to do so If ($StartOnCreate){ Start-ExPerfwiz -server $Server -Name $Name -quiet $Quiet } else {} } |