
Function Get-ExPerfwiz {
    Get information about a data collector set.
    Gets information about a data collector set on the local or remote server.
    Name of the Data Collector set
    Default ExPerfwiz
    .PARAMETER Server
    Name of the server
    Default LocalHost
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Suppresses output to the screen
    Logs all activity into $env:LOCALAPPDATA\ExPefwiz.log file
    Get info on the default collector set
    Get info on a collector set on a remote server
    Get-ExPerfwiz -Name "My Collector Set" -Server RemoteServer-01

    param (
        $Name = "Experfwiz",

        $Server = $env:ComputerName,

        $Quiet = $false
    Out-LogFile -string ("Starting ExPerfwiz: " + $server) -quiet $Quiet
    # Remove the experfwiz counter set
    $logman = logman query -name $Name -s $server
    $formatlogman = $logman -join "`n`r" | out-string

    # Check if we have an error and throw and error if needed.
    If ([string]::isnullorempty(($logman | select-string "Error:"))) {
        Out-LogFile $formatlogman -quiet $Quiet
    else {
        Out-LogFile "[ERROR] - Unable to Get collector" -quiet $Quiet
        Out-LogFile $logman -quiet $Quiet
        Throw $logman