Function Write-ExCmdReport { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter( Mandatory, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $InputObject, [parameter()] [string] $Organization, [parameter()] [int] $TruncateLongValue, [parameter()] [string] $ReportFile = "$($env:windir)\temp\ExCmdReport_$($(Get-Date -Format ""MM-dd-yyyy"")).html", [parameter()] [switch] $SendEmail, [parameter()] [mailaddress] $From, [parameter()] [mailaddress[]] $To, [parameter()] [string] $Subject = "Exchange Admin Audit Log Report", [parameter()] [string] $SmtpServer, [parameter()] [int] $Port = 25, [parameter()] [switch] $UseSSL, [parameter()] [pscredential] $Credential ) Begin { $SendEmailParameterCheckPassed = $true if ($SendEmail) { if (!$From) { Write-Verbose '"From" parameter value is required.' $SendEmailParameterCheckPassed = $false } if (!$To) { Write-Verbose '"To" parameter value is required.' $SendEmailParameterCheckPassed = $false } if (!$SmtpServer) { Write-Verbose '"SmtpServer" parameter value is required.' $SendEmailParameterCheckPassed = $false } if (!$Port) { Write-Verbose '"Port" parameter value is required.' $SendEmailParameterCheckPassed = $false } } if ($SendEmailParameterCheckPassed -eq $false) { throw "SendEmail is used but the other required parameters are not specified." } # Pre-create the report file New-Item -ItemType File -Path $ReportFile -Force | Out-Null $dateCollection = @() # For use later to determine the oldest and newest entry if (!$Organization) { try { $Organization = (Get-OrganizationConfig -ErrorAction STOP).DisplayName } catch { $Organization = "[OrganizationName]" } } $ModuleInfo = Get-Module ExCmdReport $tz = ([System.TimeZoneInfo]::Local).DisplayName.ToString().Split(" ")[0] $today = Get-Date -Format "MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt" $css = Get-Content (($ModuleInfo.ModuleBase.ToString()) + '\source\public\style.css') -Raw $title = "$($Subject) - $($Organization) - $($today)" } Process { foreach ($item in $InputObject) { if ($item.CallerAdminName) { $Caller = $item.CallerAdminName } else { $Caller = $item.Caller } $dateCollection += $item.RunDate $html2 += '<tr><td><b>Date: </b>' + (Get-Date $item.RunDate -Format "MMM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss tt") + '<br><b>Caller: </b>' + $Caller + '<br><b>Target: </b>' + $item.ObjectModified + '<br><b>Succeeded: </b>' + $item.Succeeded + '</td>' $html2 += '<td><b>' + $item.CmdLetName + '</b><br><br>' foreach ($param in $item.CmdletParameters) { if ($TruncateLongValue) { if ($param.Value.length -gt $TruncateLongValue) { $paramValue = ((($param.Value).ToString().SubString(0, $TruncateLongValue)) + "...") } else { $paramValue = $param.Value } } else { $paramValue = $param.Value } $html2 += ('<b>' + $param.Name + '</b>' + ' = ' + $paramValue + '<br>') } $html2 += '</td></tr>' } } End { if ($null -ne $InputObject) { $dateCollection = $dateCollection | Sort-Object $startDate = $dateCollection[0] $endDate = $dateCollection[-1] Write-Verbose "$($startDate) - $($endDate)" #$html1 = @() $html1 += '<html><head><title>' + $title + '</title>' $html1 += '<style type="text/css">' $html1 += $css $html1 += '</style></head>' $html1 += '<body>' $html1 += '<table id="tbl">' $html1 += '<tr><td class="head"> </td></tr>' $html1 += '<tr><th class="section">' + $Subject + '</th></tr>' $html1 += '<tr><td class="head"><b>' + $Organization + '</b><br>' + $today + ' ' + $tz + '</td></tr>' $html1 += '<tr><td class="head"> </td></tr>' $html1 += '</table>' $html1 += '<table id="tbl">' $html1 += '<tr><td>Run Details: (' + "$( Get-Date $startDate -Format "MMM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss tt") - $( Get-Date $endDate -Format "MMM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss tt")" + ')</td><td>Command and Parameters</td></tr>' $html3 += '</table>' $html3 += '<table id="tbl">' $html3 += '<tr><td class="head"> </td></tr>' $html3 += '<tr><td class="head"> </td></tr>' $html3 += '<tr><td class="head"><b>Source: </b><i>' + $env:COMPUTERNAME + '</i><br>' $html3 += '<b>Report File: </b><i>' + (Resolve-Path $ReportFile).Path + '</i><br>' $html3 += '<a href="' + $ModuleInfo.ProjectURI.ToString() + '" target="_blank">' + $ModuleInfo.Name.ToString() + ', version ' + $ModuleInfo.Version.ToString() + ' </a><br>' $html3 += '<tr><td class="head"> </td></tr>' $html3 += '</body></html>' $htmlBody = ($html1 + $html2 + $html3) -join "`n" try { $htmlBody | Out-File $ReportFile -Encoding UTF8 Write-Verbose "Report saved in $ReportFile." } catch { Write-Verbose $_.Exception.Message } # Email parameter check if ($SendEmail) { #Build email parameters $mailParams = @{ From = $From To = $To Subject = $Subject Body = $htmlBody SMTPServer = $SmtpServer Port = $Port BodyAsHTML = $true } if ($UseSSL) { $mailParams += @{useSSL = $UseSSL } } if ($Credential) { $mailParams += @{Credential = $Credential } } #Send email try { Write-Verbose "Attempt to send email using the specified mail parameters." Send-MailMessage @mailParams Write-Verbose "Send Email - Successful." } catch { Write-Verbose "Send Email - Failed." throw $_.Exception.Message } } } } } |