function Start-EverixControl { [CmdletBinding()] param () # Import the dynamic parameters from the everix-control script of the selected version dynamicparam { $everixControlLocation = [IO.Path]::GetFullPath("$HOME/everix-control") if (-not (Test-Path $everixControlLocation)) { Write-Error "everix-control location not found at '$everixControlLocation': make sure you ran Install-EverixControl" -ForegroundColor Red exit 1 } $version = $env:EVERIX_CONTROL_VERSION if (!$version) { Write-Error "everix-control version not provided and not set in the environment." -ForegroundColor Red exit 1 } $everixControlPath = Join-Path $everixControlLocation $version "everix-control.ps1" if (-not (Test-Path $everixControlPath)) { Write-Error "everix-control version '$version' not found in '$everixControlLocation'." -ForegroundColor Red exit 1 } $everixControlCommand = Get-Command $everixControlPath if ($null -eq $everixControlCommand) { Write-Error "Failed to get command for everix-control script at '$everixControlPath'." -ForegroundColor Red exit 1 } $everixControlCommand | Import-DynamicParamsFromCommand | New-DynamicParamsDict } begin { try { $everixControlParams = Select-ParametersForCommand -Command $everixControlCommand -Parameters $PSBoundParameters Write-Verbose "Invoking '$everixControlPath' with parameters: $($everixControlParams | Format-List | Out-String)" & $everixControlCommand @everixControlParams } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception return } } end { & $everixControlPath @PSBoundParameters } } |