#Requires -RunAsAdministrator #region init <#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 2503.1 .GUID 999952b7-1337-4018-a1b9-499fad48e734 .AUTHOR Arjan Mensch & Jonathan Pitre .TAGS GroupPolicy GPO Admx Evergreen Automation .LICENSEURI https://github.com/msfreaks/EvergreenAdmx/blob/main/LICENSE #> <# .SYNOPSIS Script to automatically download latest Admx files for several products. .DESCRIPTION Script to automatically download latest Admx files for several products. Optionally copies the latest Admx files to a folder of your choosing, for example a Policy Store. .PARAMETER WindowsVersion Specifies Windows major version. Supports 10, 11, 2022 or 2025. Default is 11. .PARAMETER WindowsFeatureVersion Specifies Windows 10 or 11 feature version to get the Admx files for. Valid values are: 1903, 1909, 2004, 20H2, 21H1, 21H2, 22H2 for Windows 10. Valid values are: 21H2, 22H2, 23H2, 24H2 for Windows 11. Defaults to 24H2. Note: Windows 11 23H2 policy definitions now supports Windows 10. .PARAMETER WorkingDirectory Specifies a Working Directory for the script. Admx files will be stored in a subdirectory called "admx". Downloaded files will be stored in a subdirectory called "downloads". Defaults to current script location. .PARAMETER PolicyStore Specifies a Policy Store location to copy the Admx files to after processing. .PARAMETER Languages Specifies an array of languages to process. Entries must be in 'xy-XY' format. Defaults to 'en-US'. .PARAMETER UseProductFolders Admx files are copied to their respective product folders in a subfolder of 'Admx' in the WorkingDirectory. .PARAMETER CustomPolicyStore Specifies a location for custom policy files. Can be UNC format or local folder. Find .admx files in this location, and at least one language folder holding the .adml file(s). Versioning will be done based on the newest file found recursively in this location (any .admx or .adml). Note that if any file has changed the script will process all files found in location. .PARAMETER Include Array containing Admx products to include when checking for updates. Valid values are: "Windows 10", "Windows 11", "Windows 2022", "Windows 2025", "Microsoft Edge", "Microsoft OneDrive", "Microsoft 365 Apps", "Microsoft FSLogix", "Adobe Acrobat", "Adobe Reader", "BIS-F", "Citrix Workspace App", "Google Chrome", "Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack", "Mozilla Firefox", "Zoom", "Zoom VDI", "Microsoft AVD", "Microsoft Winget", "Brave Browser". Defaults to "Windows 11", "Microsoft Edge", "Microsoft OneDrive", "Microsoft 365 Apps". .PARAMETER PreferLocalOneDrive Microsoft OneDrive Admx files are only available after installing OneDrive. If this script is running on a machine that has OneDrive installed locally, use this switch to prevent automatically uninstalling OneDrive. .EXAMPLE .\EvergreenAdmx.ps1 Downloads the latest admx files for Windows 11, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft OneDrive, and Microsoft 365 Apps to the current folder. .EXAMPLE .\EvergreenAdmx.ps1 -WindowsVersion 2025 Downloads the latest admx files for Windows 2025, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft OneDrive, and Microsoft 365 Apps to the current folder. .EXAMPLE .\EvergreenAdmx.ps1 -WorkingDirectory "C:\Temp\EvergreenAdmx" -Include @('Windows 11', 'Microsoft Edge', 'Microsoft OneDrive', 'Microsoft 365 Apps', 'Microsoft FSLogix') Downloads the latest admx files for the specified products to C:\Temp\EvergreenAdmx folder. .EXAMPLE .\EvergreenAdmx.ps1 -PolicyStore "C:\Windows\SYSVOL\domain\Policies\PolicyDefinitions" -Languages @("en-US", "nl-NL") -UseProductFolders Downloads the default set of products policy definitions files, stores them in product folders for both English and Dutch languages, and copies them to the specified Policy store. .LINK https://github.com/msfreaks/EvergreenAdmx .LINK https://msfreaks.wordpress.com #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0)] [ValidateSet('10', '11', '2022', '2025')] [System.String] $WindowsVersion = '11', [Alias('WindowsFeatureEdition')] [ValidateSet('1903', '1909', '2004', '20H2', '21H1', '21H2', '22H2', '23H2', '24H2')] [System.String] $WindowsFeatureVersion = $( switch ($WindowsVersion) { '10' { '22H2' } '11' { '24H2' } default { '24H2' } } ), [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [System.String] $WorkingDirectory, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [System.String] $PolicyStore = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [System.String[]] $Languages = @('en-US'), [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [switch] $UseProductFolders, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [System.String] $CustomPolicyStore = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [switch] $PreferLocalOneDrive, [ValidateSet('Custom Policy Store', 'Windows 10', 'Windows 11', 'Windows 2022', 'Windows 2025', 'Microsoft Edge', 'Microsoft OneDrive', 'Microsoft 365 Apps', 'Microsoft FSLogix', 'Adobe Acrobat', 'Adobe Reader', 'BIS-F', 'Citrix Workspace App', 'Google Chrome', 'Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack', 'Mozilla Firefox', 'Zoom', 'Zoom VDI', 'Microsoft AVD', 'Microsoft Winget', 'Brave Browser')] [System.String[]] $Include = $( switch ($WindowsVersion) { '10' { @('Windows 10', 'Microsoft Edge', 'Microsoft OneDrive', 'Microsoft 365 Apps') } '11' { @('Windows 11', 'Microsoft Edge', 'Microsoft OneDrive', 'Microsoft 365 Apps') } '2022' { @('Windows 2022', 'Microsoft Edge', 'Microsoft OneDrive', 'Microsoft 365 Apps') } '2025' { @('Windows 2025', 'Microsoft Edge', 'Microsoft OneDrive', 'Microsoft 365 Apps') } default { @('Windows 11', 'Microsoft Edge', 'Microsoft OneDrive', 'Microsoft 365 Apps') } } ) ) # Validate feature version based on Windows version if ($WindowsVersion -eq '2022' -and ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('WindowsFeatureVersion'))) { Write-Warning 'Windows feature version parameters are ignored when WindowsVersion is set to 2022' } elseif ($WindowsVersion -eq '2025' -and ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('WindowsFeatureVersion'))) { Write-Warning 'Windows feature version parameters are ignored when WindowsVersion is set to 2025' } $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' #$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' $AdmxVersions = $null if (-not $WorkingDirectory) { $WorkingDirectory = $PWD } if (Test-Path -Path "$($WorkingDirectory)\AdmxVersions.xml") { $AdmxVersions = Import-Clixml -Path "$($WorkingDirectory)\AdmxVersions.xml" } if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$($WorkingDirectory)\admx")) { $null = New-Item -Path "$($WorkingDirectory)\admx" -ItemType Directory -Force } if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$($WorkingDirectory)\downloads")) { $null = New-Item -Path "$($WorkingDirectory)\downloads" -ItemType Directory -Force } if ($PolicyStore -and -not $PolicyStore.EndsWith('\')) { $PolicyStore += '\' } elseif ($null -eq $PolicyStore) { $PolicyStore = $PWD } if ($Languages -notmatch '([A-Za-z]{2})-([A-Za-z]{2})$') { Write-Warning "Language not in expected format: $($Languages -notmatch '([A-Za-z]{2})-([A-Za-z]{2})$')" } if ($CustomPolicyStore -and -not (Test-Path -Path "$($CustomPolicyStore)")) { throw "'$($CustomPolicyStore)' is not a valid path." } if ($CustomPolicyStore -and -not $CustomPolicyStore.EndsWith('\')) { $CustomPolicyStore += '\' } if ($CustomPolicyStore -and (Get-ChildItem -Path $CustomPolicyStore -Directory) -notmatch '([A-Za-z]{2})-([A-Za-z]{2})$') { throw "'$($CustomPolicyStore)' does not contain at least one subfolder matching the language format (e.g 'en-US')." } If ($PreferLocalOneDrive -and $Include -notcontains 'Microsoft OneDrive') { $Include += 'Microsoft OneDrive' } # Parameter debugging Write-Verbose "Windows Version:`t'$($WindowsVersion)'" If ($WindowsVersion -eq '10' -or $WindowsVersion -eq '11') { Write-Verbose "Windows Feature Version:`t'$($WindowsFeatureVersion)'" } Write-Verbose "WorkingDirectory:`t'$($WorkingDirectory)'" If ($PolicyStore) { Write-Verbose "PolicyStore:`t'$($PolicyStore)'" } If ($CustomPolicyStore) { Write-Verbose "Add admx Path:`t`'$($CustomPolicyStore)'" } Write-Verbose "Languages:`t`'$($Languages)'" Write-Verbose "Use product folders:`t'$($UseProductFolders)'" Write-Verbose "Admx path:`t`'$($WorkingDirectory)\admx'" Write-Verbose "Download path:`t`'$($WorkingDirectory)\downloads'" Write-Verbose "Included:`t`'$($Include -join ', ')'" Write-Verbose "PreferLocalOneDrive:`t'$($PreferLocalOneDrive)'" #endregion #region functions function Get-Link { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns a specific link from a web page. .DESCRIPTION Returns a specific link from a web page. .NOTES Site: https://packageology.com Author: Dan Gough Twitter: @packageologist .LINK https://github.com/DanGough/Nevergreen .PARAMETER Uri The URI to query. .PARAMETER MatchProperty Which property the RegEx pattern should be applied to, e.g. href, outerHTML, class, title. .PARAMETER Pattern The RegEx pattern to apply to the selected property. Supply an array of patterns to receive multiple links. .PARAMETER ReturnProperty Optional. Specifies which property to return from the link. Defaults to href, but 'data-filename' can also be useful to retrieve. .PARAMETER UserAgent Optional parameter to provide a user agent for Invoke-WebRequest to use. Examples are: Googlebot: 'Googlebot/2.1 (+http://www.google.com/bot.html)' Microsoft Edge: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/42.0.2311.135 Safari/537.36 Edge/12.246' .EXAMPLE Get-Link -Uri 'http://somewhere.com' -MatchProperty href -Pattern '\.exe$' Description: Returns first download link matching *.exe from http://somewhere.com. #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $False)] param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline)] [ValidatePattern('^(http|https)://')] [Alias('Url')] [String] $Uri, [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] #[ValidateSet('href', 'outerHTML', 'innerHTML', 'outerText', 'innerText', 'class', 'title', 'tagName', 'data-filename')] [String] $MatchProperty, [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, Position = 2)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String[]] $Pattern, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String] $ReturnProperty = 'href', [Parameter( Mandatory = $false)] [String] $UserAgent, [System.Collections.Hashtable] $Headers, [Switch] $PrefixDomain, [Switch] $PrefixParent ) $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' $ParamHash = @{ Uri = $Uri Method = 'GET' UseBasicParsing = $True DisableKeepAlive = $True ErrorAction = 'Stop' } if ($UserAgent) { $ParamHash.UserAgent = $UserAgent } if ($Headers) { $ParamHash.Headers = $Headers } try { $Response = Invoke-WebRequest @ParamHash foreach ($CurrentPattern in $Pattern) { $Link = $Response.Links | Where-Object $MatchProperty -Match $CurrentPattern | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty $ReturnProperty if ($PrefixDomain) { $BaseURL = ($Uri -split '/' | Select-Object -First 3) -join '/' $Link = Set-UriPrefix -Uri $Link -Prefix $BaseURL } elseif ($PrefixParent) { $BaseURL = ($Uri -split '/' | Select-Object -SkipLast 1) -join '/' $Link = Set-UriPrefix -Uri $Link -Prefix $BaseURL } $Link } } catch { Write-Error "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): $($_.Exception.Message)" } } function Get-Version { <# .SYNOPSIS Extracts a version number from either a string or the content of a web page using a chosen or pre-defined match pattern. .DESCRIPTION Extracts a version number from either a string or the content of a web page using a chosen or pre-defined match pattern. .NOTES Site: https://packageology.com Author: Dan Gough Twitter: @packageologist .LINK https://github.com/DanGough/Nevergreen .PARAMETER String The string to process. .PARAMETER Uri The Uri to load web content from to process. .PARAMETER UserAgent Optional parameter to provide a user agent for Invoke-WebRequest to use. Examples are: Googlebot: 'Googlebot/2.1 (+http://www.google.com/bot.html)' Microsoft Edge: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/42.0.2311.135 Safari/537.36 Edge/12.246' .PARAMETER Pattern Optional RegEx pattern to use for version matching. Pattern to return must be included in parentheses. .PARAMETER ReplaceWithDot Switch to automatically replace characters - or _ with . in detected version. .EXAMPLE Get-Version -String 'http://somewhere.com/somefile_1.2.3.exe' Description: Returns '1.2.3' #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $False)] param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'String')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String[]] $String, [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Uri')] [ValidatePattern('^(http|https)://')] [String] $Uri, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Uri')] [String] $UserAgent, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String] $Pattern = '((?:\d+\.)+\d+)', [Switch] $ReplaceWithDot ) begin { } process { if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Uri') { $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' try { $ParamHash = @{ Uri = $Uri Method = 'GET' UseBasicParsing = $True DisableKeepAlive = $True ErrorAction = 'Stop' } if ($UserAgent) { $ParamHash.UserAgent = $UserAgent } $String = (Invoke-WebRequest @ParamHash).Content } catch { Write-Error "Unable to query URL '$Uri': $($_.Exception.Message)" } } foreach ($CurrentString in $String) { if ($ReplaceWithDot) { $CurrentString = $CurrentString.Replace('-', '.').Replace('+', '.').Replace('_', '.') } if ($CurrentString -match $Pattern) { $matches[1] } else { Write-Warning "No version found within $CurrentString using pattern $Pattern" } } } end { } } function Resolve-Uri { <# .SYNOPSIS Resolves a URI and also returns the filename and last modified date if found. .DESCRIPTION Resolves a URI and also returns the filename and last modified date if found. .NOTES Site: https://packageology.com Author: Dan Gough Twitter: @packageologist .LINK https://github.com/DanGough/Nevergreen .PARAMETER Uri The URI resolve. Accepts an array of strings or pipeline input. .PARAMETER UserAgent Optional parameter to provide a user agent for Invoke-WebRequest to use. Examples are: Googlebot: 'Googlebot/2.1 (+http://www.google.com/bot.html)' Microsoft Edge: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/42.0.2311.135 Safari/537.36 Edge/12.246' .EXAMPLE Resolve-Uri -Uri 'http://somewhere.com/somefile.exe' Description: Returns the absolute redirected URI, filename and last modified date. #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $False)] param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidatePattern('^(http|https)://')] [Alias('Url')] [String[]] $Uri, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)] [String] $UserAgent, [System.Collections.Hashtable] $Headers ) begin { $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' } process { foreach ($UriToResolve in $Uri) { try { $ParamHash = @{ Uri = $UriToResolve Method = 'Head' UseBasicParsing = $True DisableKeepAlive = $True ErrorAction = 'Stop' } if ($UserAgent) { $ParamHash.UserAgent = $UserAgent } if ($Headers) { $ParamHash.Headers = $Headers } $Response = Invoke-WebRequest @ParamHash if ($IsCoreCLR) { $ResolvedUri = $Response.BaseResponse.RequestMessage.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri } else { $ResolvedUri = $Response.BaseResponse.ResponseUri.AbsoluteUri } Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): URI resolved to: $ResolvedUri" #PowerShell 7 returns each header value as single unit arrays instead of strings which messes with the -match operator coming up, so use Select-Object: $ContentDisposition = $Response.Headers.'Content-Disposition' | Select-Object -First 1 if ($ContentDisposition -match 'filename="?([^\\/:\*\?"<>\|]+)') { $FileName = $matches[1] Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): Content-Disposition header found: $ContentDisposition" Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): File name determined from Content-Disposition header: $FileName" } else { $Slug = [uri]::UnescapeDataString($ResolvedUri.Split('?')[0].Split('/')[-1]) if ($Slug -match '^[^\\/:\*\?"<>\|]+\.[^\\/:\*\?"<>\|]+$') { Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): URI slug is a valid file name: $FileName" $FileName = $Slug } else { $FileName = $null } } try { $LastModified = [DateTime]($Response.Headers.'Last-Modified' | Select-Object -First 1) Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): Last modified date: $LastModified" } catch { Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): Unable to parse date from last modified header: $($Response.Headers.'Last-Modified')" $LastModified = $null } } catch { Throw "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): Unable to resolve URI: $($_.Exception.Message)" } if ($ResolvedUri) { [PSCustomObject]@{ Uri = $ResolvedUri FileName = $FileName LastModified = $LastModified } } } } end { } } function Copy-Admx { param ( [string]$SourceFolder, [string]$TargetFolder, [string]$PolicyStore = $null, [string]$ProductName, [switch]$Quiet, [string[]]$Languages = $null ) if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$($TargetFolder)")) { $null = (New-Item -Path "$($TargetFolder)" -ItemType Directory -Force) } if (-not $Languages -or $Languages -eq '') { $Languages = @('en-US') } Write-Verbose "Copying Admx files from '$($SourceFolder)' to '$($TargetFolder)'" Copy-Item -Path "$($SourceFolder)\*.admx" -Destination "$($TargetFolder)" -Force foreach ($language in $Languages) { if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$($SourceFolder)\$($language)")) { Write-Verbose "$($language) not found" if (-not $Quiet) { Write-Warning "Language '$($language)' not found for '$($ProductName)'. Processing 'en-US' instead." } $language = 'en-US' } if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$($TargetFolder)\$($language)")) { Write-Verbose "'$($TargetFolder)\$($language)' does not exist, creating folder" $null = (New-Item -Path "$($TargetFolder)\$($language)" -ItemType Directory -Force) } Write-Verbose "Copying '$($SourceFolder)\$($language)\*.adml' to '$($TargetFolder)\$($language)'" Copy-Item -Path "$($SourceFolder)\$($language)\*.adml" -Destination "$($TargetFolder)\$($language)" -Force } if ($PolicyStore) { Write-Verbose "Copying Admx files from '$($SourceFolder)' to '$($PolicyStore)'" Copy-Item -Path "$($SourceFolder)\*.admx" -Destination "$($PolicyStore)" -Force foreach ($language in $Languages) { if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$($SourceFolder)\$($language)")) { $language = 'en-US' } if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$($PolicyStore)$($language)")) { $null = (New-Item -Path "$($PolicyStore)$($language)" -ItemType Directory -Force) } Copy-Item -Path "$($SourceFolder)\$($language)\*.adml" -Destination "$($PolicyStore)$($language)" -Force } } } # Get-EvergreenAdmx functions function Get-EvergreenAdmxFSLogix { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns latest download url and version for Microsoft FSLogix policy definitions files. #> try { # Grab URI (redirected url) $URL = 'https://aka.ms/fslogix/download' $URI = (Resolve-Uri -Uri $URL).URI # Grab version $Version = Get-Version -String $URI -Pattern '(\d+(\.\d+){1,4})' # Return evergreen object return @{ Version = $Version; URI = $URI } } catch { Throw $_ } } function Get-EvergreenAdmx365Apps { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns latest both x86 and x64 download url and version for Microsoft 365 Apps policy definitions files. #> $id = '49030' $urlVersion = "https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=$($id)" $JSONBlobPattern = '(?<scriptStart><script>[\w.]+__DLCDetails__=).*?(?<JSObject-scriptStart></script>)' try { # Load web page for scrapping url version $web = Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials -UseBasicParsing -Uri $urlVersion -MaximumRedirection 0 # Grab version $regEx = '(version\":")((?:\d+\.)+(?:\d+))"' $version = ($web.RawContent | Select-String -Pattern $regEx).Matches.Groups[2].Value # Carve JSON from script tag $web = $web.Content | Select-String -Pattern $JSONBlobPattern | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Matches | ForEach-Object { $_.Groups['JSObject'].Value } | Select-Object -First 1 | ConvertFrom-Json # Grab x64 version $hrefx64 = $web.dlcDetailsView.downloadFile | Where-Object { $_.url -like '*x64*' } | Select-Object -First 1 # Grab x86 version $hrefx86 = $web.dlcDetailsView.downloadFile | Where-Object { $_.url -like '*x86*' } | Select-Object -First 1 # Return evergreen object return @( @{ Version = $version; URI = $hrefx64.url; Architecture = 'x64' }, @{ Version = $version; URI = $hrefx86.url; Architecture = 'x86' }) } catch { Throw $_ } } function Get-WindowsDownloadId { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns Windows admx download Id .PARAMETER WindowsVersion Specifies Windows major version. Supports 10, 11, 2022 or 2025. Default is 11. .PARAMETER WindowsFeatureVersion Specifies Windows client feature edition. Default is 24H2. .EXAMPLE Get-WindowsDownloadId -WindowsVersion 11 -WindowsFeatureVersion 24H2 #> param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [ValidateSet('10', '11', '2022', '2025')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [int]$WindowsVersion = '11', [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [ValidateScript({ if ($WindowsVersion -eq '10' -and $_ -in @('1903', '1909', '2004', '20H2', '21H1', '21H2', '22H2')) { return $true } elseif ($WindowsVersion -eq '11' -and $_ -in @('21H2', '22H2', '23H2', '24H2')) { return $true } elseif ($WindowsVersion -eq '2022' -or $WindowsVersion -eq '2025') { return $true } else { throw "Invalid Windows Feature Version '$_' for Windows $WindowsVersion. Windows 10 supports: 1903, 1909, 2004, 20H2, 21H1, 21H2, 22H2. Windows 11 supports: 21H2, 22H2, 23H2, 24H2. Windows 2022 and 2025 has no Windows Feature Versions." } })] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$WindowsFeatureVersion = '24H2' ) switch ($WindowsVersion) { 10 { return (@( @{ '1903' = '58495' }, @{ '1909' = '100591' }, @{ '2004' = '101445' }, @{ '20H2' = '102157' }, @{ '21H1' = '103124' }, @{ '21H2' = '104042' }, @{ '22H2' = '104677' } ).$WindowsFeatureVersion) break } 11 { return (@( @{ '21H2' = '103507' }, @{ '22H2' = '104593' }, @{ '23H2' = '105667' }, @{ '24H2' = '106254' } ).$WindowsFeatureVersion) break } 2022 { return @( '104003' ) break } 2025 { return @( '106295' ) break } } } function Get-EvergreenAdmxWindows { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns url and latest version for Windows 10, Windows 11 or Windows Server 2022 or 2025 policy definitions files. .PARAMETER DownloadId Id returned from Get-WindowsDownloadId. Default is the latest version for the current Windows major version. #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] param( [int]$DownloadId = (Get-WindowsDownloadId) ) $urlVersion = "https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=$($DownloadId)" $JSONBlobPattern = '(?<scriptStart><script>[\w.]+__DLCDetails__=).*?(?<JSObject-scriptStart></script>)' try { # Load web page for scrapping url version $web = Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials -UseBasicParsing -Uri $urlVersion # Grab version $regEx = '(version\":")((?:\d+\.)+(?:\d+))"' $version = ('{0}.{1}' -f $DownloadId, ($web | Select-String -Pattern $regEx).Matches.Groups[2].Value) # Carve JSON from script tag $web = $web.Content | Select-String -Pattern $JSONBlobPattern | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Matches | ForEach-Object { $_.Groups['JSObject'].Value } | Select-Object -First 1 | ConvertFrom-Json $href = $web.dlcDetailsView.downloadFile | Where-Object { $_.url -like '*.msi' } | Select-Object -First 1 # Return Evergreen object return @{ Version = $version; URI = $href.url } } catch { Throw $_ } } function Get-EvergreenAdmxOneDrive { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns url and latest version for Microsoft OneDrive policy definitions files. #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] param ( [switch]$PreferLocalOneDrive ) try { # Detect if OneDrive is installed if (Get-Variable -Name isOneDriveInstalled -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { Clear-Variable -Name isOneDriveInstalled -Force } $UserInstall = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*' | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -like '*OneDrive*' }) | Sort-Object -Property DisplayVersion -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 $Systemx64Install = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*' | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -like '*OneDrive*' }) | Sort-Object -Property DisplayVersion -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 $Systemx86Install = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*' | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -like '*OneDrive*' }) | Sort-Object -Property DisplayVersion -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 $url = 'https://evergreen-api.stealthpuppy.com/app/MicrosoftOneDrive' $architecture = 'x64' $ring = 'Insider' $type = 'exe' $Evergreen = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -UserAgent 'Googlebot/2.1 (+http://www.google.com/bot.html)' $Evergreen = $Evergreen | Where-Object { $_.Architecture -eq $architecture -and $_.Ring -eq $ring -and $_.Type -eq $type } | ` Sort-Object -Property @{ Expression = { [System.Version]$_.Version }; Descending = $true } | Select-Object -First 1 If (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($UserInstall)) { Write-Verbose "User OneDrive install found: $($UserInstall.DisplayVersion)" $isOneDriveInstalled = $true $OneDriveInstalledVersion = $UserInstall.DisplayVersion $global:oneDriveADMXFolder = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\OneDrive').CurrentVersionPath } If (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Systemx64Install)) { Write-Verbose "System x64 OneDrive install found: $($Systemx64Install.DisplayVersion)" $isOneDriveInstalled = $true $OneDriveInstalledVersion = $Systemx64Install.DisplayVersion $global:oneDriveADMXFolder = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\OneDrive').CurrentVersionPath } If (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Systemx86Install)) { Write-Verbose "System x86 OneDrive install found: $($Systemx86Install.DisplayVersion )" $isOneDriveInstalled = $true $OneDriveInstalledVersion = $Systemx86Install.DisplayVersion $global:oneDriveADMXFolder = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\OneDrive').CurrentVersionPath } else { $isOneDriveInstalled = $false } if ($PreferLocalOneDrive) { If ($isOneDriveInstalled) { return @{ Version = $OneDriveInstalledVersion } } else { Write-Warning 'No local installation of Microsoft OneDrive install found.' # Grab download uri $URI = $Evergreen.URI # Grab version $Version = $Evergreen.Version # Return evergreen object return @{ Version = $Version; URI = $URI } } } else { # Grab download uri $URI = $Evergreen.URI # Grab version $Version = $Evergreen.Version # Return evergreen object return @{ Version = $Version; URI = $URI } } } catch { Throw $_ } } function Get-EvergreenAdmxEdge { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns url and latest version for Microsoft Edge policy definitions files. #> try { $url = 'https://edgeupdates.microsoft.com/api/products?view=enterprise' # Grab json containing product info $json = Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials -Uri $url -UseBasicParsing -MaximumRedirection 0 | ConvertFrom-Json # Filter out the newest release $release = ($json | Where-Object { $_.Product -like 'Policy' }).Releases | Sort-Object ProductVersion -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 # Grab version $Version = $release.ProductVersion # Grab uri $URI = $release.Artifacts[0].Location # Return evergreen object return @{ Version = $Version; URI = $URI } } catch { Throw $_ } } function Get-EvergreenAdmxChrome { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns url and latest version for Google Chrome policy definitions files. #> try { $DownloadUrl = 'https://dl.google.com/dl/edgedl/chrome/policy/policy_templates.zip' $url = 'https://evergreen-api.stealthpuppy.com/app/GoogleChrome' $channel = 'Stable' $architecture = 'x64' $type = 'msi' $Evergreen = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -UserAgent 'Googlebot/2.1 (+http://www.google.com/bot.html)' $Evergreen = $Evergreen | Where-Object { $_.Channel -eq $channel -and $_.Architecture -eq $architecture -and $_.Type -eq $type } | ` Sort-Object -Property @{ Expression = { [System.Version]$_.Version }; Descending = $true } | Select-Object -First 1 $Version = $Evergreen.Version # Return evergreen object return @{ Version = $Version; URI = $DownloadUrl } } catch { Throw $_ } } function Get-EvergreenAdmxAdobeAcrobat { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns latest Version and Uri for the Adobe Acrobat Continuous track Admx files. Use this for Acrobat , 64-bit Reader, and the unified installer. .PARAMETER Track Specifies Adobe Acrobat track (Example: Continuous) #> param ( [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Continuous', 'Classic2020', 'Classic2017')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Track = 'Continuous' ) switch ($Track) { Continuous { $URL = 'https://ardownload2.adobe.com/pub/adobe/acrobat/win/AcrobatDC/misc/AcrobatADMTemplate.zip' } Classic2020 { $URL = 'https://ardownload2.adobe.com/pub/adobe/acrobat/win/Acrobat2020/misc/AcrobatADMTemplate.zip' } Classic2017 { $URL = 'https://ardownload2.adobe.com/pub/adobe/acrobat/win/Acrobat2017/misc/AcrobatADMTemplate.zip' } } try { # grab uri $URI = (Resolve-Uri -Uri $URL).URI # grab version $LastModifiedDate = (Resolve-Uri -Uri $URL).LastModified [version]$Version = $LastModifiedDate.ToString('yyyy.MM.dd') # return evergreen object return @{ Version = $Version; URI = $URI } } catch { Throw $_ } } function Get-EvergreenAdmxAdobeReader { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns latest Version and Uri for the Adobe Reader admx files .PARAMETER Track Specifies Adobe Reader track (Example: Continuous) #> param ( [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Continuous', 'Classic2020', 'Classic2017')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Track = 'Continuous' ) switch ($Track) { Continuous { $URL = 'https://ardownload2.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/win/AcrobatDC/misc/ReaderADMTemplate.zip' } Classic2020 { $URL = 'https://ardownload2.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/win/Acrobat2020/misc/ReaderADMTemplate.zip' } Classic2017 { $URL = 'https://ardownload2.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/win/Acrobat2017/misc/ReaderADMTemplate.zip' } } try { # grab uri $URI = (Resolve-Uri -Uri $URL).URI # grab version $LastModifiedDate = (Resolve-Uri -Uri $URL).LastModified [version]$Version = $LastModifiedDate.ToString('yyyy.MM.dd') # return evergreen object return @{ Version = $Version; URI = $URI } } catch { Throw $_ } } function Get-EvergreenAdmxWorkplaceApp { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns latest Version and Uri for Citrix Workspace App ADMX files #> try { $url = 'https://www.citrix.com/downloads/workspace-app/windows/workspace-app-for-windows-latest.html' # grab content $web = (Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials -Uri $url -UseBasicParsing -DisableKeepAlive).RawContent # find line with ADMX download $str = ($web -split "`r`n" | Select-String -Pattern '_ADMX_')[0].ToString().Trim() # extract url from ADMX download string $URI = "https:$(((Select-String '(\/\/)([^\s,]+)(?=")' -Input $str).Matches.Value))" # grab version $VersionRegEx = 'Version\: ((?:\d+\.)+(?:\d+)) \((.+)\)' $Version = ($web | Select-String -Pattern $VersionRegEx).Matches.Groups[1].Value # return evergreen object return @{ Version = $Version; URI = $URI } } catch { Throw $_ } } function Get-EvergreenAdmxFirefox { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns latest Version and Uri for Mozilla Firefox ADMX files #> try { # define github repo $repo = 'mozilla/policy-templates' # grab latest release properties $latest = (Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials -Uri "https://api.github.com/repos/$($repo)/releases" -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json)[0] # grab version $Version = ($latest.tag_name | Select-String -Pattern '(\d+(\.\d+){1,4})' -AllMatches | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches } | ForEach-Object { $_.Value }).ToString() # grab uri $URI = $latest.assets.browser_download_url # return evergreen object return @{ Version = $Version; URI = $URI } } catch { Throw $_ } } function Get-EvergreenAdmxBISF { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns latest Version and Uri for BIS-F ADMX files #> try { # define github repo $repo = 'EUCweb/BIS-F' # grab latest release properties $latest = (Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials -Uri "https://api.github.com/repos/$($repo)/releases" -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json)[0] # grab version $Version = ($latest.tag_name | Select-String -Pattern '(\d+(\.\d+){1,4})' -AllMatches | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches } | ForEach-Object { $_.Value }).ToString() # grab uri $URI = $latest.zipball_url # return evergreen object return @{ Version = $Version; URI = $URI } } catch { Throw $_ } } function Get-EvergreenAdmxMDOP { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns latest Version and Uri for the Desktop Optimization Pack Admx files (both x64 and x86) #> $id = '55531' $urlversion = "https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=$($id)" $JSONBlobPattern = '(?<scriptStart><script>[\w.]+__DLCDetails__=).*?(?<JSObject-scriptStart></script>)' try { # Load web page for scrapping admx version $web = Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials -UseBasicParsing -Uri $urlversion # grab version $regEx = '(version\":")((?:\d+\.)+(?:\d+))"' $version = ($web | Select-String -Pattern $regEx).Matches.Groups[2].Value # carve JSON from script tag $web = $web.Content | Select-String -Pattern $JSONBlobPattern | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Matches | ForEach-Object { $_.Groups['JSObject'].Value } | Select-Object -First 1 | ConvertFrom-Json # grab download url $href = $web.dlcDetailsView.downloadFile # return evergreen object return @{ Version = $Version; URI = $href.url } } catch { Throw $_ } } function Get-EvergreenAdmxZoom { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns latest Version and Uri for Zoom ADMX files #> try { $url = 'https://support.zoom.com/hc/en/article?id=zm_kb&sysparm_article=KB0065466' # grab content $web = Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials -Uri $url -UseBasicParsing -UserAgent 'Googlebot/2.1 (+http://www.google.com/bot.html)' # find ADMX download $URI = (($web.Links | Where-Object { $_.href -like '*msi-templates*.zip' })[-1]).href # grab version $Version = ($URI.Split('/')[-1] | Select-String -Pattern '(\d+(\.\d+){1,4})' -AllMatches | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches } | ForEach-Object { $_.Value }).ToString() # return evergreen object return @{ Version = $Version; URI = $URI } } catch { Throw $_ } } function Get-EvergreenAdmxZoomVDI { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns latest Version and Uri for Zoom VDI ADMX files #> try { $url = 'https://support.zoom.com/hc/en/article?id=zm_kb&sysparm_article=KB0064784' # grab content $web = Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials -Uri $url -UseBasicParsing -UserAgent 'Googlebot/2.1 (+http://www.google.com/bot.html)' # find ADMX download $URI = (($web.Links | Where-Object { $_.href -like '*msi-templates*.zip' })[-1]).href # grab version $Version = ($URI.Split('/')[-1] | Select-String -Pattern '(\d+(\.\d+){1,4})' -AllMatches | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches } | ForEach-Object { $_.Value }).ToString() # return evergreen object return @{ Version = $Version; URI = $URI } } catch { Throw $_ } } function Get-CustomPolicyOnline { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns latest Version and Uri for Custom Policies .PARAMETER CustomPolicyStore Folder where Custom Policies can be found #> param( [string] $CustomPolicyStore ) $newestFileDate = Get-Date -Date ((Get-ChildItem -Path $CustomPolicyStore -Include '*.admx', '*.adml' -Recurse | Sort-Object LastWriteTime -Descending) | Select-Object -First 1).LastWriteTime $version = Get-Date -Date $newestFileDate -Format 'yyMM.dd.HHmmss' return @{ Version = $version; URI = $CustomPolicyStore } } function Get-EvergreenAdmxAVD { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns latest url and version for MicrosoftMicrosoft AVD policy definition files. #> try { $URL = 'https://aka.ms/avdgpo' # Grab uri $URI = (Resolve-Uri -Uri $URL).URI # Grab version $LastModifiedDate = (Resolve-Uri -Uri $URL).LastModified [version]$Version = $LastModifiedDate.ToString('yyyy.MM.dd') # Return evergreen object return @{ Version = $Version; URI = $URI } } catch { Throw $_ } } function Get-EvergreenAdmxWinget { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns latest Version and Uri for Winget-cli ADMX files #> try { # Define github repo $repo = 'microsoft/winget-cli' # Grab latest release properties $latest = ((Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials -Uri "https://api.github.com/repos/$($repo)/releases" -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json) | Where-Object { $_.name -notlike '*-preview' -and $_.draft -eq $false -and $_.assets.browser_download_url -match 'DesktopAppInstallerPolicies.zip' })[0] # Grab version $Version = ($latest.tag_name | Select-String -Pattern '(\d+(\.\d+){1,4})' -AllMatches | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches } | ForEach-Object { $_.Value }).ToString() # Grab uri $URI = $latest.assets.browser_download_url | Where-Object { $_ -like '*/DesktopAppInstallerPolicies.zip' } # Return evergreen object return @{ Version = $Version; URI = $URI } } catch { Throw $_ } } function Get-EvergreenAdmxBrave { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns latest Version and Uri for Brave ADMX files #> try { # define github repo $repo = 'brave/brave-browser' # grab latest release properties $latest = ((Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials -Uri "https://api.github.com/repos/$($repo)/releases/latest" -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json) | Where-Object { $_.assets.browser_download_url -match 'policy_templates.zip' })[0] # grab version $Version = ($latest.tag_name | Select-String -Pattern '(\d+(\.\d+){1,4})' -AllMatches | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches } | ForEach-Object { $_.Value }).ToString() # grab uri $URI = $latest.assets.browser_download_url | Where-Object { $_ -like '*/policy_templates.zip' } # return evergreen object return @{ Version = $Version; URI = $URI } } catch { Throw $_ } } function Get-EvergreenAdmxSlack { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns url and latest Slack policy definition files. #> try { $url = 'https://slack.com/help/articles/11906214948755-Manage-desktop-app-configurations' # grab content $web = (Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials -Uri $url -UseBasicParsing -DisableKeepAlive).RawContent # find line with ADMX download $str = ($web -split "`r`n") # extract url from ADMX download string $regEx = '(https\:\/\/[^\s,]+(?=))(\"\>Group Policy Object template)' $URI = (Select-String -Pattern $regEx -Input $str).Matches.Groups[1].Value # grab version # return evergreen object return @{ Version = $Version; URI = $URI } } catch { Throw $_ } } # Download functions function Invoke-EvergreenAdmxWindows { <# .SYNOPSIS Download Windows Admx policy definitions files .PARAMETER Version Current Version present .PARAMETER PolicyStore Destination for the Admx files .PARAMETER WindowsFeatureVersion Official WindowsFeatureVersion format .PARAMETER WindowsVersion Differentiate between Windows 10 and Windows 11 .PARAMETER Languages Languages to check #> param( [string]$Version, [string]$PolicyStore = $null, [string]$WindowsFeatureVersion, [int]$WindowsVersion, [string[]]$Languages = $null ) If ($WindowsVersion -eq 11 -or $WindowsVersion -eq 10) { $id = Get-WindowsDownloadId -WindowsVersion $WindowsVersion -WindowsFeatureVersion $WindowsFeatureVersion $ProductName = "Microsoft Windows $($WindowsVersion) $($WindowsFeatureVersion)" } elseif ($WindowsVersion -eq '2022' -or $WindowsVersion -eq '2025') { $id = Get-WindowsDownloadId -WindowsVersion $WindowsVersion $ProductName = "Microsoft Windows Server $($WindowsVersion)" } $Evergreen = Get-EvergreenAdmxWindows -DownloadId $id $ProductFolder = ''; if ($UseProductFolders) { $ProductFolder = "\$($ProductName)" } $TempFolder = "$($env:TEMP)\$($ProductName)" # see if this is a newer version if (-not $Version -or [version]$Evergreen.Version -gt [version]$Version) { Write-Verbose "Found new version $($Evergreen.Version) for '$($ProductName)'" # download and process $OutFile = "$($WorkingDirectory)\downloads\$($Evergreen.URI.Split('/')[-1])" try { # download Write-Verbose "Downloading '$($Evergreen.URI)' to '$($OutFile)'" Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials -Uri $Evergreen.URI -UseBasicParsing -OutFile $OutFile # install Write-Verbose "Installing downloaded Windows $($WindowsVersion) Admx installer" $null = Start-Process -FilePath 'MsiExec.exe' -WorkingDirectory "$($WorkingDirectory)\downloads" -ArgumentList "/qn /norestart /a `"$($OutFile.split('\')[-1])`" TargetDir=`"$($TempFolder)`"" -PassThru -Wait # find installation path Write-Verbose "Grabbing installation path for Windows $($WindowsVersion) Admx installer" $InstallFolder = Get-ChildItem -Path "$($TempFolder)\Microsoft Group Policy" Write-Verbose "Found '$($InstallFolder.Name)'" # copy $SourceAdmx = "$($TempFolder)\Microsoft Group Policy\$($InstallFolder.Name)\PolicyDefinitions" $TargetAdmx = "$($WorkingDirectory)\admx$($ProductFolder)" Copy-Admx -SourceFolder $SourceAdmx -TargetFolder $TargetAdmx -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -ProductName $ProductName -Languages $Languages # cleanup Remove-Item -Path $TempFolder -Recurse -Force return $Evergreen } catch { Throw $_ } } else { # version already processed return $null } } function Invoke-EvergreenAdmxEdge { <# .SYNOPSIS Process Microsoft Edge Admx files .PARAMETER Version Current Version present .PARAMETER PolicyStore Destination for the Admx files #> param( [string]$Version, [string]$PolicyStore = $null, [string[]]$Languages = $null ) $Evergreen = Get-EvergreenAdmxEdge $ProductName = 'Microsoft Edge' $ProductFolder = ''; if ($UseProductFolders) { $ProductFolder = "\$($ProductName)" } # see if this is a newer version if (-not $Version -or [version]$Evergreen.Version -gt [version]$Version) { Write-Verbose "Found new version $($Evergreen.Version) for '$($ProductName)'" # download and process $OutFile = "$($WorkingDirectory)\downloads\$($ProductName).cab" $ZipFile = "$($WorkingDirectory)\downloads\MicrosoftEdgePolicyTemplates.zip" try { # Download Write-Verbose "Downloading '$($Evergreen.URI)' to '$($OutFile)'" Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials -Uri $Evergreen.URI -UseBasicParsing -OutFile $OutFile # Extract Write-Verbose "Extracting '$($OutFile)' to '$($env:TEMP)\$($ProductName)'" $null = (New-Item -Path "$($env:TEMP)\$($ProductName)" -ItemType Directory -Force) $null = (expand -F:* "$($OutFile)" "$($env:TEMP)\$($ProductName)" $ZipFile) Expand-Archive -Path $ZipFile -DestinationPath "$($env:TEMP)\$($ProductName)" -Force # Copy $SourceAdmx = "$($env:TEMP)\$($ProductName)\windows\admx" $TargetAdmx = "$($WorkingDirectory)\admx$($ProductFolder)" Copy-Admx -SourceFolder $SourceAdmx -TargetFolder $TargetAdmx -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -ProductName $ProductName -Languages $Languages # Cleanup Remove-Item -Path $OutFile -Force Remove-Item -Path "$env:TEMP\$($ProductName)" -Recurse -Force return $Evergreen } catch { Throw $_ } } else { # version already processed return $null } } function Invoke-EvergreenAdmxOneDrive { <# .SYNOPSIS Process OneDrive Admx files .PARAMETER Version Current Version present .PARAMETER PolicyStore Destination for the Admx files .PARAMETER PreferLocalOneDrive Prefer policy definitions from installed local version of MicrosoftOneDrive. If not specified, Microsoft OneDrive will be installed to extract the policy definitions. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$Version, [string]$PolicyStore = $null, [switch]$PreferLocalOneDrive, [string[]]$Languages = $null ) if ($PreferLocalOneDrive) { $Evergreen = Get-EvergreenAdmxOneDrive -PreferLocalOneDrive } else { $Evergreen = Get-EvergreenAdmxOneDrive } $ProductName = 'Microsoft OneDrive' $ProductFolder = ''; if ($UseProductFolders) { $ProductFolder = "\$($ProductName)" } # see if this is a newer version if (-not $Version -or [version]$Evergreen.Version -gt [version]$Version) { Write-Verbose "Found new version $($Evergreen.Version) for '$($ProductName)'" try { if (-not $PreferLocalOneDrive) { # Set the output file $OutFile = "$($WorkingDirectory)\downloads\$($Evergreen.URI.Split('/')[-1])" # Download Write-Verbose "Downloading '$($Evergreen.URI)' to '$($OutFile)'" Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials -Uri $Evergreen.URI -UseBasicParsing -OutFile $OutFile # Install Write-Verbose 'Installing downloaded OneDrive installer' $null = Start-Process -FilePath $OutFile -ArgumentList '/allusers /silent' -PassThru # Wait for setup to complete while (Get-Process -Name 'OneDriveSetup' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 } # Check if OneDrive is running and close it if it is Write-Verbose 'Checking if OneDrive is running and stopping it if necessary' $process = Get-Process -Name 'OneDrive' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($process) { Write-Verbose 'OneDrive process is running. Stopping it...' try { $process | Stop-Process -Force Write-Verbose 'OneDrive process stopped successfully' } catch { Write-Warning "Failed to stop OneDrive process: $_" } } else { Write-Verbose 'No OneDrive process found running' } # Find uninstall info Write-Verbose 'Grabbing uninstallation info from registry for OneDrive installer' $uninstall = Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OneDriveSetup.exe' if ($null -eq $uninstall) { $uninstall = Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OneDriveSetup.exe' } if ($null -eq $uninstall) { Write-Warning -Message 'Unable to find uninstall information for OneDrive.' } else { Write-Verbose "Found '$($uninstall.DisplayName)'" # Find OneDrive ADMX folder Write-Verbose 'Grabbing installation path for OneDrive installer' $installfolder = $uninstall.DisplayIcon.Substring(0, $uninstall.DisplayIcon.IndexOf('\OneDriveSetup.exe')) Write-Verbose "Found '$($installfolder)'" } } else { $installfolder = $oneDriveADMXFolder } # Copy $SourceAdmx = "$($installfolder)\adm" $TargetAdmx = "$($WorkingDirectory)\admx$($ProductFolder)" if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$($TargetAdmx)")) { $null = (New-Item -Path "$($TargetAdmx)" -ItemType Directory -Force) } if ($PolicyStore -and (Test-Path -Path "$($SourceAdmx)\*.admx")) { Write-Verbose "Copying Admx files from '$($SourceAdmx)' to '$($PolicyStore)'" Copy-Item -Path "$($SourceAdmx)\*.admx" -Destination "$($PolicyStore)" -Force foreach ($language in $Languages) { if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$($SourceAdmx)\$($language)") -and -not (Test-Path -Path "$($SourceAdmx)\$($language.Substring(0,2))")) { if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$($PolicyStore)en-US")) { $null = (New-Item -Path "$($PolicyStore)en-US" -ItemType Directory -Force) } Copy-Item -Path "$($SourceAdmx)\*.adml" -Destination "$($PolicyStore)en-US" -Force } else { $sourcelanguage = $language; if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$($SourceAdmx)\$($language)")) { $sourcelanguage = $language.Substring(0, 2) } if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$($PolicyStore)$($language)")) { $null = (New-Item -Path "$($PolicyStore)$($language)" -ItemType Directory -Force) } Copy-Item -Path "$($SourceAdmx)\$($sourcelanguage)\*.adml" -Destination "$($PolicyStore)$($language)" -Force } } } elseIf (Test-Path -Path "$($SourceAdmx)\*.admx") { Write-Verbose "Copying Admx files from '$($SourceAdmx)' to '$($TargetAdmx)'" Copy-Item -Path "$($SourceAdmx)\*.admx" -Destination "$($TargetAdmx)" -Force foreach ($language in $Languages) { if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$($SourceAdmx)\$($language)") -and -not (Test-Path -Path "$($SourceAdmx)\$($language.Substring(0,2))")) { if ($language -notlike 'en-us') { Write-Warning "Language '$($language)' not found for '$($ProductName)'. Processing 'en-US' instead." } if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$($TargetAdmx)\en-US")) { $null = (New-Item -Path "$($TargetAdmx)\en-US" -ItemType Directory -Force) } Copy-Item -Path "$($SourceAdmx)\*.adml" -Destination "$($TargetAdmx)\en-US" -Force } else { $sourcelanguage = $language; if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$($SourceAdmx)\$($language)")) { $sourcelanguage = $language.Substring(0, 2) } if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$($TargetAdmx)\$($language)")) { $null = (New-Item -Path "$($TargetAdmx)\$($language)" -ItemType Directory -Force) } Copy-Item -Path "$($SourceAdmx)\$($sourcelanguage)\*.adml" -Destination "$($TargetAdmx)\$($language)" -Force } } } else { Write-Warning "No ADMX files found for '$($ProductName)'" } if (-not $PreferLocalOneDrive) { # Uninstall Write-Verbose 'Uninstalling Microsoft OneDrive installer' $null = Start-Process -FilePath "$($installfolder)\OneDriveSetup.exe" -ArgumentList '/uninstall /allusers' -PassThru -Wait } return $Evergreen } catch { Throw $_ } } else { # Version already processed return $null } } function Invoke-EvergreenAdmx365Apps { <# .SYNOPSIS Download Microsoft 365 Apps policy definition files .PARAMETER Version Current Version present .PARAMETER PolicyStore Destination for the Admx files .PARAMETER Architecture Architecture (x86 or x64) #> param( [string]$Version, [string]$PolicyStore = $null, [string]$Architecture = 'x64', [string[]]$Languages = $null ) $Evergreen = Get-EvergreenAdmx365Apps | Where-Object { $_.Architecture -like $Architecture } $ProductName = "Microsoft 365 Apps $($Architecture)" $ProductFolder = ''; if ($UseProductFolders) { $ProductFolder = "\$($ProductName)" } # See if this is a newer version if (-not $Version -or [version]$Evergreen.Version -gt [version]$Version) { Write-Verbose "Found new version $($Evergreen.Version) for '$($ProductName)'" # Download and process $OutFile = "$($WorkingDirectory)\downloads\$($Evergreen.URI.Split('/')[-1])" try { # Download Write-Verbose "Downloading '$($Evergreen.URI)' to '$($OutFile)'" Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials -Uri $Evergreen.URI -UseBasicParsing -OutFile $OutFile # Extract Write-Verbose "Extracting '$($OutFile)' to '$($env:TEMP)\office'" $null = Start-Process -FilePath $OutFile -ArgumentList "/quiet /norestart /extract:`"$($env:TEMP)\office`"" -PassThru -Wait # Copy $SourceAdmx = "$($env:TEMP)\office\admx" $TargetAdmx = "$($WorkingDirectory)\admx$($ProductFolder)" Copy-Admx -SourceFolder $SourceAdmx -TargetFolder $TargetAdmx -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -ProductName $ProductName -Languages $Languages # Cleanup Remove-Item -Path "$($env:TEMP)\office" -Recurse -Force return $Evergreen } catch { Throw $_ } } else { # Version already processed return $null } } function Invoke-EvergreenAdmxFSLogix { <# .SYNOPSIS Process Microsoft FSLogix Admx files .PARAMETER Version Current Version present .PARAMETER PolicyStore Destination for the Admx files #> param( [string]$Version, [string]$PolicyStore = $null ) $Evergreen = Get-EvergreenAdmxFSLogix $ProductName = 'Microsoft FSLogix' $ProductFolder = ''; if ($UseProductFolders) { $ProductFolder = "\$($ProductName)" } # see if this is a newer version if (-not $Version -or [version]$Evergreen.Version -gt [version]$Version) { Write-Verbose "Found new version $($Evergreen.Version) for '$($ProductName)'" # download and process $OutFile = "$($WorkingDirectory)\downloads\$($Evergreen.URI.Split('/')[-1])" try { # download Write-Verbose "Downloading '$($Evergreen.URI)' to '$($OutFile)'" Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials -Uri $Evergreen.URI -UseBasicParsing -OutFile $OutFile # extract Write-Verbose "Extracting '$($OutFile)' to '$($env:TEMP)\$($ProductName)'" Expand-Archive -Path $OutFile -DestinationPath "$($env:TEMP)\$($ProductName)" -Force # copy $SourceAdmx = "$($env:TEMP)\$($ProductName)" $TargetAdmx = "$($WorkingDirectory)\admx$($ProductFolder)" if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$($TargetAdmx)\en-US")) { $null = (New-Item -Path "$($TargetAdmx)\en-US" -ItemType Directory -Force) } Write-Verbose "Copying Admx files from '$($SourceAdmx)' to '$($TargetAdmx)'" Copy-Item -Path "$($SourceAdmx)\*.admx" -Destination "$($TargetAdmx)" -Force Copy-Item -Path "$($SourceAdmx)\*.adml" -Destination "$($TargetAdmx)\en-US" -Force if ($PolicyStore) { Write-Verbose "Copying Admx files from '$($SourceAdmx)' to '$($PolicyStore)'" Copy-Item -Path "$($SourceAdmx)\*.admx" -Destination "$($PolicyStore)" -Force if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$($PolicyStore)en-US")) { $null = (New-Item -Path "$($PolicyStore)en-US" -ItemType Directory -Force) } Copy-Item -Path "$($SourceAdmx)\*.adml" -Destination "$($PolicyStore)en-US" -Force } # cleanup Remove-Item -Path "$($env:TEMP)\$($ProductName)" -Recurse -Force return $Evergreen } catch { Throw $_ } } else { # Version already processed return $null } } Function Invoke-EvergreenAdmxChrome { <# .SYNOPSIS Download Google Chrome policy definition files. .PARAMETER Version Get version of Google Chrome policy definition files. .PARAMETER PolicyStore Destination for the Admx files #> param( [string]$Version, [string]$PolicyStore = $null, [string[]]$Languages = $null ) $Evergreen = Get-EvergreenAdmxChrome $ProductName = 'Google Chrome' $ProductFolder = ''; if ($UseProductFolders) { $ProductFolder = "\$($ProductName)" } # See if this is a newer version if (-not $Version -or [version]$Evergreen.Version -gt [version]$Version) { Write-Verbose "Found new version $($Evergreen.Version) for '$($ProductName)'" $OutFile = "$($WorkingDirectory)\downloads\googlechromeadmx.zip" try { # Download Write-Verbose "Downloading '$($Evergreen.URI)' to '$($OutFile)'" Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials -Uri $Evergreen.URI -UseBasicParsing -OutFile $OutFile # Extract Write-Verbose "Extracting '$($OutFile)' to '$($env:TEMP)\chromeadmx'" Expand-Archive -Path $OutFile -DestinationPath "$($env:TEMP)\chromeadmx" -Force # Copy $SourceAdmx = "$($env:TEMP)\chromeadmx\windows\admx" $TargetAdmx = "$($WorkingDirectory)\admx$($ProductFolder)" Copy-Admx -SourceFolder $SourceAdmx -TargetFolder $TargetAdmx -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -ProductName $ProductName -Languages $Languages # Cleanup Remove-Item -Path "$($env:TEMP)\chromeadmx" -Recurse -Force # Chrome update admx is a separate download $url = 'https://dl.google.com/dl/update2/enterprise/googleupdateadmx.zip' # Download $OutFile = "$($WorkingDirectory)\downloads\googlechromeupdateadmx.zip" Write-Verbose "Downloading '$($url)' to '$($OutFile)'" Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials -Uri $url -UseBasicParsing -OutFile $OutFile # Extract Write-Verbose "Extracting '$($OutFile)' to '$($env:TEMP)\chromeupdateadmx'" Expand-Archive -Path $OutFile -DestinationPath "$($env:TEMP)\chromeupdateadmx" -Force # Copy $SourceAdmx = "$($env:TEMP)\chromeupdateadmx\GoogleUpdateAdmx" $TargetAdmx = "$($WorkingDirectory)\admx$($ProductFolder)" Copy-Admx -SourceFolder $SourceAdmx -TargetFolder $TargetAdmx -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -ProductName $ProductName -Quiet -Languages $Languages # Cleanup Remove-Item -Path "$($env:TEMP)\chromeupdateadmx" -Recurse -Force return $Evergreen } catch { Throw $_ } } else { # Version already processed return $null } } function Invoke-EvergreenAdmxAdobeAcrobat { <# .SYNOPSIS Process Adobe Acrobat Admx files .PARAMETER Version Current Version present .PARAMETER PolicyStore Destination for the Admx files #> param( [string]$Version, [string]$PolicyStore = $null ) $Evergreen = Get-EvergreenAdmxAdobeAcrobat $ProductName = 'Adobe Acrobat' $ProductFolder = ''; if ($UseProductFolders) { $ProductFolder = "\$($ProductName)" } # see if this is a newer version if (-not $Version -or [version]$Evergreen.Version -gt [version]$Version) { Write-Verbose "Found new version $($Evergreen.Version) for '$($ProductName)'" # download and process $OutFile = "$($WorkingDirectory)\downloads\$($Evergreen.URI.Split('/')[-1])" try { # download Write-Verbose "Downloading '$($Evergreen.URI)' to '$($OutFile)'" Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Evergreen.URI -UseBasicParsing -OutFile $OutFile # extract Write-Verbose "Extracting '$($OutFile)' to '$($env:TEMP)\$($ProductName)'" Expand-Archive -Path $OutFile -DestinationPath "$($env:TEMP)\$($ProductName)" -Force # copy $SourceAdmx = "$($env:TEMP)\$($ProductName)" $TargetAdmx = "$($WorkingDirectory)\admx$($ProductFolder)" Copy-Admx -SourceFolder $SourceAdmx -TargetFolder $TargetAdmx -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -ProductName $ProductName -Languages $Languages # cleanup Remove-Item -Path "$($env:TEMP)\$($ProductName)" -Recurse -Force return $Evergreen } catch { Throw $_ } } else { # version already processed return $null } } function Invoke-EvergreenAdmxAdobeReader { <# .SYNOPSIS Process Adobe Reader Admx files .PARAMETER Version Current Version present .PARAMETER PolicyStore Destination for the Admx files #> param( [string]$Version, [string]$PolicyStore = $null ) $Evergreen = Get-EvergreenAdmxAdobeReader $ProductName = 'Adobe Reader' $ProductFolder = ''; if ($UseProductFolders) { $ProductFolder = "\$($ProductName)" } # see if this is a newer version if (-not $Version -or [version]$Evergreen.Version -gt [version]$Version) { Write-Verbose "Found new version $($Evergreen.Version) for '$($ProductName)'" # download and process $OutFile = "$($WorkingDirectory)\downloads\$($Evergreen.URI.Split('/')[-1])" try { # download Write-Verbose "Downloading '$($Evergreen.URI)' to '$($OutFile)'" Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Evergreen.URI -UseBasicParsing -OutFile $OutFile # extract Write-Verbose "Extracting '$($OutFile)' to '$($env:TEMP)\AdobeReader'" Expand-Archive -Path $OutFile -DestinationPath "$($env:TEMP)\AdobeReader" -Force # copy $SourceAdmx = "$($env:TEMP)\AdobeReader" $TargetAdmx = "$($WorkingDirectory)\admx$($ProductFolder)" Copy-Admx -SourceFolder $SourceAdmx -TargetFolder $TargetAdmx -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -ProductName $ProductName -Languages $Languages # cleanup Remove-Item -Path "$($env:TEMP)\AdobeReader" -Recurse -Force return $Evergreen } catch { Throw $_ } } else { # version already processed return $null } } function Invoke-EvergreenAdmxWorkspaceApp { <# .SYNOPSIS Process Citrix Workspace App Admx files .PARAMETER Version Current Version present .PARAMETER PolicyStore Destination for the Admx files #> param( [string]$Version, [string]$PolicyStore = $null, [string[]]$Languages = $null ) $Evergreen = Get-EvergreenAdmxWorkplaceApp $ProductName = 'Citrix Workspace App' $ProductFolder = ''; if ($UseProductFolders) { $ProductFolder = "\$($ProductName)" } # see if this is a newer version if (-not $Version -or [version]$Evergreen.Version -gt [version]$Version) { Write-Verbose "Found new version $($Evergreen.Version) for '$($ProductName)'" # download and process $OutFile = "$($WorkingDirectory)\downloads\$($Evergreen.URI.Split('?')[0].Split('/')[-1])" try { # download Write-Verbose "Downloading '$($Evergreen.URI)' to '$($OutFile)'" Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials -Uri $Evergreen.URI -UseBasicParsing -OutFile $OutFile # extract Write-Verbose "Extracting '$($OutFile)' to '$($env:TEMP)\citrixworkspaceapp'" Expand-Archive -Path $OutFile -DestinationPath "$($env:TEMP)\citrixworkspaceapp" -Force # copy # $SourceAdmx = "$($env:TEMP)\citrixworkspaceapp\$($Evergreen.URI.Split("/")[-2].Split("?")[0].SubString(0,$Evergreen.URI.Split("/")[-2].Split("?")[0].IndexOf(".")))" $SourceAdmx = (Get-ChildItem -Path "$($env:TEMP)\citrixworkspaceapp\$($Evergreen.URI.Split('/')[-2].Split('?')[0].SubString(0,$Evergreen.URI.Split('/')[-2].Split('?')[0].IndexOf('.')))" -Include '*.admx' -Recurse)[0].DirectoryName $TargetAdmx = "$($WorkingDirectory)\admx$($ProductFolder)" Copy-Admx -SourceFolder $SourceAdmx -TargetFolder $TargetAdmx -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -ProductName $ProductName -Languages $Languages # cleanup Remove-Item -Path "$($env:TEMP)\citrixworkspaceapp" -Recurse -Force return $Evergreen } catch { Throw $_ } } else { # version already processed return $null } } function Invoke-EvergreenAdmxFirefox { <# .SYNOPSIS Process Mozilla Firefox Admx files .PARAMETER Version Current Version present .PARAMETER PolicyStore Destination for the Admx files #> param( [string]$Version, [string]$PolicyStore = $null, [string[]]$Languages = $null ) $Evergreen = Get-EvergreenAdmxFirefox $ProductName = 'Mozilla Firefox' $ProductFolder = ''; if ($UseProductFolders) { $ProductFolder = "\$($ProductName)" } # see if this is a newer version if (-not $Version -or [version]$Evergreen.Version -gt [version]$Version) { Write-Verbose "Found new version $($Evergreen.Version) for '$($ProductName)'" # download and process $OutFile = "$($WorkingDirectory)\downloads\$($Evergreen.URI.Split('/')[-1])" try { # download Write-Verbose "Downloading '$($Evergreen.URI)' to '$($OutFile)'" Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials -Uri $Evergreen.URI -UseBasicParsing -OutFile $OutFile # extract Write-Verbose "Extracting '$($OutFile)' to '$($env:TEMP)\firefoxadmx'" Expand-Archive -Path $OutFile -DestinationPath "$($env:TEMP)\firefoxadmx" -Force # copy $SourceAdmx = "$($env:TEMP)\firefoxadmx\windows" $TargetAdmx = "$($WorkingDirectory)\admx$($ProductFolder)" Copy-Admx -SourceFolder $SourceAdmx -TargetFolder $TargetAdmx -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -ProductName $ProductName -Languages $Languages # cleanup Remove-Item -Path "$($env:TEMP)\firefoxadmx" -Recurse -Force return $Evergreen } catch { Throw $_ } } else { # version already processed return $null } } function Invoke-EvergreenAdmxZoom { <# .SYNOPSIS Process Zoom Admx files .PARAMETER Version Current Version present .PARAMETER PolicyStore Destination for the Admx files #> param( [string]$Version, [string]$PolicyStore = $null ) $Evergreen = Get-EvergreenAdmxZoom $ProductName = 'Zoom' $ProductFolder = ''; if ($UseProductFolders) { $ProductFolder = "\$($ProductName)" } # see if this is a newer version if (-not $Version -or [version]$Evergreen.Version -gt [version]$Version) { Write-Verbose "Found new version $($Evergreen.Version) for '$($ProductName)'" # download and process $OutFile = "$($WorkingDirectory)\downloads\$($Evergreen.URI.Split('/')[-1])" try { # download Write-Verbose "Downloading '$($Evergreen.URI)' to '$($OutFile)'" Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials -Uri $Evergreen.URI -UseBasicParsing -OutFile $OutFile # extract Write-Verbose "Extracting '$($OutFile)' to '$($env:TEMP)\$($ProductName)'" Expand-Archive -Path $OutFile -DestinationPath "$($env:TEMP)\$($ProductName)" -Force # cleanup folder structure $SourceAdmx = Get-ChildItem -Path "$($env:TEMP)\$($ProductName)\" -Exclude *.adm -Include *.admx -Recurse | Where-Object { -Not $_.PSIsContainer } $SourceAdml = Get-ChildItem -Path "$($env:TEMP)\$($ProductName)\" -Exclude *.adm -Include *.adml -Recurse | Where-Object { -Not $_.PSIsContainer } $null = (New-Item -Path "$($env:TEMP)\clean-$($ProductName)\" -ItemType Directory -Force) $null = (New-Item -Path "$($env:TEMP)\clean-$($ProductName)\en-us" -ItemType Directory -Force) Copy-Item -Path $SourceAdmx -Destination "$($env:TEMP)\clean-$($ProductName)\" -Force Copy-Item -Path $SourceAdml -Destination "$($env:TEMP)\clean-$($ProductName)\en-us" -Force Remove-Item -Path "$($env:TEMP)\$($ProductName)" -Recurse -Force Rename-Item -Path "$($env:TEMP)\clean-$($ProductName)" -NewName "$($ProductName)" -Force # copy $SourceAdmx = "$($env:TEMP)\$($ProductName)" $TargetAdmx = "$($WorkingDirectory)\admx$($ProductFolder)" Copy-Admx -SourceFolder $SourceAdmx -TargetFolder $TargetAdmx -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -ProductName $ProductName -Languages $Languages # cleanup Remove-Item -Path "$($env:TEMP)\$($ProductName)" -Recurse -Force return $Evergreen } catch { Throw $_ } } else { # version already processed return $null } } function Invoke-EvergreenAdmxZoomVDI { <# .SYNOPSIS Process Zoom VDI Admx files .PARAMETER Version Current Version present .PARAMETER PolicyStore Destination for the Admx files #> param( [string]$Version, [string]$PolicyStore = $null ) $Evergreen = Get-EvergreenAdmxZoomVDI $ProductName = 'Zoom VDI' $ProductFolder = ''; if ($UseProductFolders) { $ProductFolder = "\$($ProductName)" } # see if this is a newer version if (-not $Version -or [version]$Evergreen.Version -gt [version]$Version) { Write-Verbose "Found new version $($Evergreen.Version) for '$($ProductName)'" # download and process $OutFile = "$($WorkingDirectory)\downloads\$($Evergreen.URI.Split('/')[-1])" try { # download Write-Verbose "Downloading '$($Evergreen.URI)' to '$($OutFile)'" Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials -Uri $Evergreen.URI -UseBasicParsing -OutFile $OutFile # extract Write-Verbose "Extracting '$($OutFile)' to '$($env:TEMP)\$($ProductName)'" Expand-Archive -Path $OutFile -DestinationPath "$($env:TEMP)\$($ProductName)" -Force # cleanup folder structure $SourceAdmx = Get-ChildItem -Path "$($env:TEMP)\$($ProductName)\" -Exclude *.adm -Include *.admx -Recurse | Where-Object { -Not $_.PSIsContainer } $SourceAdml = Get-ChildItem -Path "$($env:TEMP)\$($ProductName)\" -Exclude *.adm -Include *.adml -Recurse | Where-Object { -Not $_.PSIsContainer } $null = (New-Item -Path "$($env:TEMP)\clean-$($ProductName)\" -ItemType Directory -Force) $null = (New-Item -Path "$($env:TEMP)\clean-$($ProductName)\en-us" -ItemType Directory -Force) Copy-Item -Path $SourceAdmx -Destination "$($env:TEMP)\clean-$($ProductName)\" -Force Copy-Item -Path $SourceAdml -Destination "$($env:TEMP)\clean-$($ProductName)\en-us" -Force Remove-Item -Path "$($env:TEMP)\$($ProductName)" -Recurse -Force Rename-Item -Path "$($env:TEMP)\clean-$($ProductName)" -NewName "$($ProductName)" -Force # copy $SourceAdmx = "$($env:TEMP)\$($ProductName)" $TargetAdmx = "$($WorkingDirectory)\admx$($ProductFolder)" Copy-Admx -SourceFolder $SourceAdmx -TargetFolder $TargetAdmx -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -ProductName $ProductName -Languages $Languages # cleanup Remove-Item -Path "$($env:TEMP)\$($ProductName)" -Recurse -Force return $Evergreen } catch { Throw $_ } } else { # version already processed return $null } } function Invoke-EvergreenAdmxBISF { <# .SYNOPSIS Process BIS-F Admx files .PARAMETER Version Current Version present .PARAMETER PolicyStore Destination for the Admx files #> param( [string]$Version, [string]$PolicyStore = $null ) $Evergreen = Get-EvergreenAdmxBISF $ProductName = 'BIS-F' $ProductFolder = ''; if ($UseProductFolders) { $ProductFolder = "\$($ProductName)" } # see if this is a newer version if (-not $Version -or [version]$Evergreen.Version -gt [version]$Version) { Write-Verbose "Found new version $($Evergreen.Version) for '$($ProductName)'" # download and process $OutFile = "$($WorkingDirectory)\downloads\bis-f.$($Evergreen.Version).zip" try { # download Write-Verbose "Downloading '$($Evergreen.URI)' to '$($OutFile)'" Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials -Uri $Evergreen.URI -UseBasicParsing -OutFile $OutFile # extract Write-Verbose "Extracting '$($OutFile)' to '$($env:TEMP)\bisfadmx'" Expand-Archive -Path $OutFile -DestinationPath "$($env:TEMP)\bisfadmx" -Force # find extraction folder Write-Verbose 'Finding extraction folder' $folder = (Get-ChildItem -Path "$($env:TEMP)\bisfadmx" | Sort-Object LastWriteTime -Descending)[0].Name # copy $SourceAdmx = "$($env:TEMP)\bisfadmx\$($folder)\admx" $TargetAdmx = "$($WorkingDirectory)\admx$($ProductFolder)" Copy-Admx -SourceFolder $SourceAdmx -TargetFolder $TargetAdmx -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -ProductName $ProductName -Languages $Languages # cleanup Remove-Item -Path "$($env:TEMP)\bisfadmx" -Recurse -Force return $Evergreen } catch { Throw $_ } } else { # version already processed return $null } } function Invoke-EvergreenAdmxMDOP { <# .SYNOPSIS Process MDOP Admx files .PARAMETER Version Current Version present .PARAMETER PolicyStore Destination for the Admx files #> param( [string]$Version, [string]$PolicyStore = $null, [string[]]$Languages = $null ) $Evergreen = Get-EvergreenAdmxMDOP $ProductName = 'Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack' $ProductFolder = ''; if ($UseProductFolders) { $ProductFolder = "\$($ProductName)" } # see if this is a newer version if (-not $Version -or [version]$Evergreen.Version -gt [version]$Version) { Write-Verbose "Found new version $($Evergreen.Version) for '$($ProductName)'" # download and process $OutFile = "$($WorkingDirectory)\downloads\$($Evergreen.URI.Split('/')[-1])" try { # download Write-Verbose "Downloading '$($Evergreen.URI)' to '$($OutFile)'" Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials -Uri $Evergreen.URI -UseBasicParsing -OutFile $OutFile # extract Write-Verbose "Extracting '$($OutFile)' to '$($env:TEMP)\mdopadmx'" $null = (New-Item -Path "$($env:TEMP)\mdopadmx" -ItemType Directory -Force) $null = (expand "$($OutFile)" -F:* "$($env:TEMP)\mdopadmx") # find app-v folder Write-Verbose 'Finding App-V folder' $appvfolder = (Get-ChildItem -Path "$($env:TEMP)\mdopadmx" -Filter 'App-V*' | Sort-Object Name -Descending)[0].Name Write-Verbose 'Finding MBAM folder' $mbamfolder = (Get-ChildItem -Path "$($env:TEMP)\mdopadmx" -Filter 'MBAM*' | Sort-Object Name -Descending)[0].Name Write-Verbose 'Finding UE-V folder' $uevfolder = (Get-ChildItem -Path "$($env:TEMP)\mdopadmx" -Filter 'UE-V*' | Sort-Object Name -Descending)[0].Name # copy $SourceAdmx = "$($env:TEMP)\mdopadmx\$($appvfolder)" $TargetAdmx = "$($WorkingDirectory)\admx$($ProductFolder)" Copy-Admx -SourceFolder $SourceAdmx -TargetFolder $TargetAdmx -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -ProductName "$($ProductName) - App-V" -Languages $Languages $SourceAdmx = "$($env:TEMP)\mdopadmx\$($mbamfolder)" Copy-Admx -SourceFolder $SourceAdmx -TargetFolder $TargetAdmx -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -ProductName "$($ProductName) - MBAM" -Languages $Languages $SourceAdmx = "$($env:TEMP)\mdopadmx\$($uevfolder)" Copy-Admx -SourceFolder $SourceAdmx -TargetFolder $TargetAdmx -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -ProductName "$($ProductName) - UE-V" -Languages $Languages # cleanup Remove-Item -Path "$($env:TEMP)\mdopadmx" -Recurse -Force return $Evergreen } catch { Throw $_ } } else { # version already processed return $null } } function Invoke-EvergreenAdmxCustomPolicy { <# .SYNOPSIS Process Custom Policy Admx files .PARAMETER Version Current Version present .PARAMETER PolicyStore Destination for the Admx files #> param( [string]$Version, [string]$PolicyStore = $null, [string]$CustomPolicyStore, [string[]]$Languages = $null ) $Evergreen = Get-CustomPolicyOnline -CustomPolicyStore $CustomPolicyStore $ProductName = 'Custom Policy Store' $ProductFolder = ''; if ($UseProductFolders) { $ProductFolder = "\$($ProductName)" } # see if this is a newer version if (-not $Version -or [version]$Evergreen.Version -gt [version]$Version) { Write-Verbose "Found new version $($Evergreen.Version) for '$($ProductName)'" # download and process try { # copy $SourceAdmx = "$($Evergreen.URI)" $TargetAdmx = "$($WorkingDirectory)\admx$($ProductFolder)" Copy-Admx -SourceFolder $SourceAdmx -TargetFolder $TargetAdmx -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -ProductName "$($ProductName)" -Languages $Languages return $Evergreen } catch { Throw $_ } } else { # version already processed return $null } } function Invoke-EvergreenAdmxAvd { <# .SYNOPSIS Process Microsoft AVD Admx files .PARAMETER Version Current Version present .PARAMETER PolicyStore Destination for the Admx files #> param( [string]$Version, [string]$PolicyStore = $null, [string[]]$Languages = $null ) $Evergreen = Get-EvergreenAdmxAVD $ProductName = 'Microsoft AVD' $ProductFolder = ''; if ($UseProductFolders) { $ProductFolder = "\$($ProductName)" } # see if this is a newer version if (-not $Version -or [version]$Evergreen.Version -gt [version]$Version) { Write-Verbose "Found new version $($Evergreen.Version) for '$($ProductName)'" # download and process $OutFile = "$($WorkingDirectory)\downloads\$($ProductName).cab" $ZipFile = "$($WorkingDirectory)\downloads\AVDGPTemplate.zip" try { # download Write-Verbose "Downloading '$($Evergreen.URI)' to '$($OutFile)'" #Invoke-Download -URL $Evergreen.URI -Destination "$($WorkingDirectory)\downloads" -FileName "$($ProductName).cab" Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials -Uri $Evergreen.URI -UseBasicParsing -OutFile $OutFile # extract Write-Verbose "Extracting '$($OutFile)' to '$($env:TEMP)\$($ProductName)'" $null = (New-Item -Path "$($env:TEMP)\$($ProductName)" -ItemType Directory -Force) $null = (expand -F:* "$($OutFile)" "$($env:TEMP)\$($ProductName)" $ZipFile) Expand-Archive -Path $ZipFile -DestinationPath "$($env:TEMP)\$($ProductName)" -Force # copy $SourceAdmx = "$($env:TEMP)\$($ProductName)" $TargetAdmx = "$($WorkingDirectory)\admx$($ProductFolder)" Copy-Admx -SourceFolder $SourceAdmx -TargetFolder $TargetAdmx -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -ProductName $ProductName -Languages $Languages # cleanup Remove-Item -Path $OutFile -Force Remove-Item -Path "$($env:TEMP)\$($ProductName)" -Recurse -Force return $Evergreen } catch { Throw $_ } } else { # version already processed return $null } } function Invoke-EvergreenAdmxWinget { <# .SYNOPSIS Process Winget-cli Admx files .PARAMETER Version Current Version present .PARAMETER PolicyStore Destination for the Admx files #> param( [string]$Version, [string]$PolicyStore = $null, [string[]]$Languages = $null ) $Evergreen = Get-EvergreenAdmxWinget $ProductName = 'Microsoft Winget' $ProductFolder = ''; if ($UseProductFolders) { $ProductFolder = "\$($ProductName)" } # see if this is a newer version if (-not $Version -or [version]$Evergreen.Version -gt [version]$Version) { Write-Verbose "Found new version $($Evergreen.Version) for '$($ProductName)'" # download and process $OutFile = "$($WorkingDirectory)\downloads\$($Evergreen.URI.Split('/')[-1])" try { # download Write-Verbose "Downloading '$($Evergreen.URI)' to '$($OutFile)'" Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials -Uri $Evergreen.URI -UseBasicParsing -OutFile $OutFile # extract Write-Verbose "Extracting '$($OutFile)' to '$($env:TEMP)\wingetadmx'" Expand-Archive -Path $OutFile -DestinationPath "$($env:TEMP)\wingetadmx" -Force # copy $SourceAdmx = "$($env:TEMP)\wingetadmx\admx" $TargetAdmx = "$($WorkingDirectory)\admx$($ProductFolder)" Copy-Admx -SourceFolder $SourceAdmx -TargetFolder $TargetAdmx -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -ProductName $ProductName -Languages $Languages # cleanup Remove-Item -Path "$($env:TEMP)\wingetadmx" -Recurse -Force return $Evergreen } catch { Throw $_ } } else { # version already processed return $null } } function Invoke-EvergreenAdmxBrave { <# .SYNOPSIS Process Brave Admx files .PARAMETER Version Current Version present .PARAMETER PolicyStore Destination for the Admx files #> param( [string]$Version, [string]$PolicyStore = $null, [string[]]$Languages = $null ) $Evergreen = Get-EvergreenAdmxBrave $ProductName = 'Brave Browser' $ProductFolder = ''; if ($UseProductFolders) { $ProductFolder = "\$($ProductName)" } # see if this is a newer version if (-not $Version -or [version]$Evergreen.Version -gt [version]$Version) { Write-Verbose "Found new version $($Evergreen.Version) for '$($ProductName)'" # download and process $OutFile = "$($WorkingDirectory)\downloads\$($Evergreen.URI.Split('/')[-1])" try { # download Write-Verbose "Downloading '$($Evergreen.URI)' to '$($OutFile)'" Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials -Uri $Evergreen.URI -UseBasicParsing -OutFile $OutFile # extract Write-Verbose "Extracting '$($OutFile)' to '$($env:TEMP)\braveadmx'" Expand-Archive -Path $OutFile -DestinationPath "$($env:TEMP)\braveadmx" -Force # fix policyNamespaces to support Intune ingest Write-Verbose 'Fixing policyNamespaces in brave.admx' [xml]$xml = (Get-Content -Path "$($env:TEMP)\braveadmx\windows\admx\brave.admx") -replace 'Brave:Cat_Brave', 'brave:Cat_Brave' | Where-Object { $_ -notmatch '^\s*<using' } $newCategory = $xml.CreateElement('category') $newCategory.SetAttribute('displayName', '$(string.brave)') $newCategory.SetAttribute('name', 'Cat_Brave') $xml.policyDefinitions.categories.AppendChild($newCategory) $xml.Save("$($env:TEMP)\braveadmx\windows\admx\brave.admx") # copy $SourceAdmx = "$($env:TEMP)\braveadmx\windows\admx" $TargetAdmx = "$($WorkingDirectory)\admx$($ProductFolder)" Copy-Admx -SourceFolder $SourceAdmx -TargetFolder $TargetAdmx -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -ProductName $ProductName -Languages $Languages # cleanup Remove-Item -Path "$($env:TEMP)\braveadmx" -Recurse -Force return $Evergreen } catch { Throw $_ } } else { # version already processed return $null } } # Helper function to update ADMX versions function Update-AdmxVersion { <# .SYNOPSIS Updates the ADMX versions object with new version information .PARAMETER AdmxVersions The ADMX versions object to update .PARAMETER ProductKey The product key to update .PARAMETER AdmxData The new ADMX data #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ref]$AdmxVersions, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$ProductKey, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] $AdmxData ) if ($null -ne $AdmxData) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$ProductKey ADMX version", 'Update')) { # Check if AdmxVersions.Value is null and initialize if needed if ($null -eq $AdmxVersions.Value) { $AdmxVersions.Value = @{} } # Check if the product key exists if ($AdmxVersions.Value.ContainsKey($ProductKey)) { $AdmxVersions.Value.$ProductKey = @{ Version = $AdmxData.Version URI = $AdmxData.URI } } else { # Add new product key if it doesn't exist $AdmxVersions.Value += @{ $ProductKey = @{ Version = $AdmxData.Version URI = $AdmxData.URI } } } } } } #endregion #region execution # Custom Policy Store if ($Include -notcontains 'Custom Policy Store') { Write-Verbose "`nSkipping Custom Policy Store" } else { Write-Verbose "`nProcessing Admx files for Custom Policy Store" $currentversion = $null if ($AdmxVersions.PSObject.properties -match 'CustomPolicyStore') { $currentversion = $AdmxVersions.CustomPolicyStore.Version } $admx = Invoke-EvergreenAdmxCustomPolicy -Version $currentversion -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -CustomPolicyStore $CustomPolicyStore -Languages $Languages Update-AdmxVersion -AdmxVersions ([ref]$AdmxVersions) -ProductKey 'CustomPolicyStore' -AdmxData $admx } # Windows 10 if ($Include -notcontains 'Windows 10') { Write-Verbose "`nSkipping Windows 10" } else { Write-Verbose "`nProcessing Admx files for Windows 10 $($WindowsFeatureVersion)" $admx = Invoke-EvergreenAdmxWindows -Version $AdmxVersions.Windows.Version -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -WindowsFeatureVersion $WindowsFeatureVersion -WindowsVersion 10 -Languages $Languages Update-AdmxVersion -AdmxVersions ([ref]$AdmxVersions) -ProductKey 'Windows10' -AdmxData $admx } # Windows 11 if ($Include -notcontains 'Windows 11') { Write-Verbose "`nSkipping Windows 11" } else { Write-Verbose "`nProcessing Admx files for Windows 11 $($WindowsFeatureVersion)" $admx = Invoke-EvergreenAdmxWindows -Version $AdmxVersions.Windows.Version -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -WindowsFeatureVersion $WindowsFeatureVersion -WindowsVersion 11 -Languages $Languages if ($null -ne $admx) { Update-AdmxVersion -AdmxVersions ([ref]$AdmxVersions) -ProductKey 'Windows11' -AdmxData $admx } else { Write-Warning 'Failed to retrieve Windows 11 ADMX files. Skipping update.' } } # Windows 2022 if ($Include -notcontains 'Windows 2022') { Write-Verbose "`nSkipping Windows Server 2022" } else { Write-Verbose "`nProcessing Admx files for Windows Server 2022" $admx = Invoke-EvergreenAdmxWindows -Version $AdmxVersions.Windows.Version -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -WindowsVersion 2022 -Languages $Languages if ($null -ne $admx) { Update-AdmxVersion -AdmxVersions ([ref]$AdmxVersions) -ProductKey 'Windows2022' -AdmxData $admx } else { Write-Warning 'Failed to retrieve Windows Server 2022 ADMX files. Skipping update.' } } # Windows 2025 if ($Include -notcontains 'Windows 2025') { Write-Verbose "`nSkipping Windows Server 2025" } else { Write-Verbose "`nProcessing Admx files for Windows Server 2025" $admx = Invoke-EvergreenAdmxWindows -Version $AdmxVersions.Windows.Version -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -WindowsVersion 2025 -Languages $Languages if ($null -ne $admx) { Update-AdmxVersion -AdmxVersions ([ref]$AdmxVersions) -ProductKey 'Windows2025' -AdmxData $admx } else { Write-Warning 'Failed to retrieve Windows Server 2025 ADMX files. Skipping update.' } } # Microsoft Edge if ($Include -notcontains 'Microsoft Edge') { Write-Verbose "`nSkipping Microsoft Edge" } else { Write-Verbose "`nProcessing Admx files for Microsoft Edge" $admx = Invoke-EvergreenAdmxEdge -Version $AdmxVersions.Edge.Version -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -Languages $Languages Update-AdmxVersion -AdmxVersions ([ref]$AdmxVersions) -ProductKey 'Edge' -AdmxData $admx } # Microsoft OneDrive if ($Include -notcontains 'Microsoft OneDrive') { Write-Verbose "`nSkipping Microsoft OneDrive" } else { Write-Verbose "`nProcessing Admx files for Microsoft OneDrive" If ($PreferLocalOneDrive) { $admx = Invoke-EvergreenAdmxOneDrive -Version $AdmxVersions.OneDrive.Version -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -PreferLocalOneDrive -Languages $Languages } else { $admx = Invoke-EvergreenAdmxOneDrive -Version $AdmxVersions.OneDrive.Version -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -Languages $Languages } Update-AdmxVersion -AdmxVersions ([ref]$AdmxVersions) -ProductKey 'OneDrive' -AdmxData $admx } # Microsoft 365 if ($Include -notcontains 'Microsoft 365 Apps') { Write-Verbose "`nSkipping Microsoft 365 Apps" } else { Write-Verbose "`nProcessing Admx files for Microsoft 365 Apps" $admx = Invoke-EvergreenAdmx365Apps -Version $AdmxVersions['365Apps'].Version -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -Architecture 'x64' -Languages $Languages Update-AdmxVersion -AdmxVersions ([ref]$AdmxVersions) -ProductKey '365Apps' -AdmxData $admx } # Microsoft FSLogix if ($Include -notcontains 'Microsoft FSLogix') { Write-Verbose "`nSkipping Microsoft FSLogix" } else { Write-Verbose "`nProcessing Admx files for Microsoft FSLogix" $admx = Invoke-EvergreenAdmxFSLogix -Version $AdmxVersions.FSLogix.Version -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -Languages $Languages Update-AdmxVersion -AdmxVersions ([ref]$AdmxVersions) -ProductKey 'FSLogix' -AdmxData $admx } # Adobe Acrobat if ($Include -notcontains 'Adobe Acrobat') { Write-Verbose "`nSkipping Adobe Acrobat" } else { Write-Verbose "`nProcessing Admx files for Adobe Acrobat" $admx = Invoke-EvergreenAdmxAdobeAcrobat -Version $AdmxVersions.AdobeAcrobat.Version -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -Languages $Languages Update-AdmxVersion -AdmxVersions ([ref]$AdmxVersions) -ProductKey 'AdobeAcrobat' -AdmxData $admx } # Adobe Reader if ($Include -notcontains 'Adobe Reader') { Write-Verbose "`nSkipping Adobe Reader" } else { Write-Verbose "`nProcessing Admx files for Adobe Reader" $admx = Invoke-EvergreenAdmxAdobeReader -Version $AdmxVersions.AdobeReader.Version -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -Languages $Languages Update-AdmxVersion -AdmxVersions ([ref]$AdmxVersions) -ProductKey 'AdobeReader' -AdmxData $admx } # BIS-F if ($Include -notcontains 'BIS-F') { Write-Verbose "`nSkipping BIS-F" } else { Write-Verbose "`nProcessing Admx files for BIS-F" $admx = Invoke-EvergreenAdmxBISF -Version $AdmxVersions.BISF.Version -PolicyStore $PolicyStore Update-AdmxVersion -AdmxVersions ([ref]$AdmxVersions) -ProductKey 'BISF' -AdmxData $admx } # Citrix Workspace App if ($Include -notcontains 'Citrix Workspace App') { Write-Verbose "`nSkipping Citrix Workspace App" } else { Write-Verbose "`nProcessing Admx files for Citrix Workspace App" $admx = Invoke-EvergreenAdmxWorkspaceApp -Version $AdmxVersions.CitrixWorkspaceApp.Version -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -Languages $Languages Update-AdmxVersion -AdmxVersions ([ref]$AdmxVersions) -ProductKey 'CitrixWorkspaceApp' -AdmxData $admx } # Google Chrome if ($Include -notcontains 'Google Chrome') { Write-Verbose "`nSkipping Google Chrome" } else { Write-Verbose "`nProcessing Admx files for Google Chrome" $admx = Invoke-EvergreenAdmxChrome -Version $AdmxVersions.GoogleChrome.Version -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -Languages $Languages Update-AdmxVersion -AdmxVersions ([ref]$AdmxVersions) -ProductKey 'GoogleChrome' -AdmxData $admx } # Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack if ($Include -notcontains 'Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack') { Write-Verbose "`nSkipping Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack" } else { Write-Verbose "`nProcessing Admx files for Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack" $admx = Invoke-EvergreenAdmxMDOP -Version $AdmxVersions.MDOP.Version -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -Languages $Languages Update-AdmxVersion -AdmxVersions ([ref]$AdmxVersions) -ProductKey 'MDOP' -AdmxData $admx } # Mozilla Firefox if ($Include -notcontains 'Mozilla Firefox') { Write-Verbose "`nSkipping Mozilla Firefox" } else { Write-Verbose "`nProcessing Admx files for Mozilla Firefox" $admx = Invoke-EvergreenAdmxFirefox -Version $AdmxVersions.MozillaFirefox.Version -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -Languages $Languages Update-AdmxVersion -AdmxVersions ([ref]$AdmxVersions) -ProductKey 'MozillaFirefox' -AdmxData $admx } # Zoom if ($Include -notcontains 'Zoom') { Write-Verbose "`nSkipping Zoom" } else { Write-Verbose "`nProcessing Admx files for Zoom" $admx = Invoke-EvergreenAdmxZoom -Version $AdmxVersions.Zoom.Version -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -Languages $Languages Update-AdmxVersion -AdmxVersions ([ref]$AdmxVersions) -ProductKey 'Zoom' -AdmxData $admx } # Zoom VDI if ($Include -notcontains 'Zoom VDI') { Write-Verbose "`nSkipping Zoom VDI" } else { Write-Verbose "`nProcessing Admx files for Zoom VDI" $admx = Invoke-EvergreenAdmxZoomVDI -Version $AdmxVersions.ZoomVDI.Version -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -Languages $Languages Update-AdmxVersion -AdmxVersions ([ref]$AdmxVersions) -ProductKey 'Zoom VDI' -AdmxData $admx } # Microsoft AVD if ($Include -notcontains 'Microsoft AVD') { Write-Verbose "`nSkipping Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop" } else { Write-Verbose "`nProcessing Admx files for Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop" $admx = Invoke-EvergreenAdmxAvd -Version $AdmxVersions.AzureVirtualDesktop.Version -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -Languages $Languages Update-AdmxVersion -AdmxVersions ([ref]$AdmxVersions) -ProductKey 'AzureVirtualDesktop' -AdmxData $admx } # Microsoft Winget if ($Include -notcontains 'Microsoft Winget') { Write-Verbose "`nSkipping Microsoft Winget" } else { Write-Verbose "`nProcessing Admx files for Microsoft Winget" $admx = Invoke-EvergreenAdmxWinget -Version $AdmxVersions.Winget.Version -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -Languages $Languages Update-AdmxVersion -AdmxVersions ([ref]$AdmxVersions) -ProductKey 'Winget' -AdmxData $admx } # Brave Browser if ($Include -notcontains 'Brave Browser') { Write-Verbose "`nSkipping Brave Browser" } else { Write-Verbose "`nProcessing Admx files for Brave Browser" $admx = Invoke-EvergreenAdmxBrave -Version $AdmxVersions.Brave.Version -PolicyStore $PolicyStore -Languages $Languages Update-AdmxVersion -AdmxVersions ([ref]$AdmxVersions) -ProductKey 'Brave' -AdmxData $admx } Write-Verbose "`nSaving Admx versions to '$($WorkingDirectory)\AdmxVersions.xml'" $AdmxVersions | Export-Clixml -Path "$($WorkingDirectory)\AdmxVersions.xml" -Force #endregion |