function Get-MicrosoftSsms { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the latest SQL Server Management Studio .NOTES Author: Aaron Parker Twitter: @stealthpuppy #> [OutputType([System.Management.Automation.PSObject])] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "", Justification = "Product name is a plural")] [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $false)] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.Management.Automation.PSObject] $res = (Get-FunctionResource -AppName ("$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)".Split("-"))[1]) ) # Follow the link to get to the update XML $UpdateFeed = Invoke-EvergreenRestMethod -Uri $res.Get.Update.Uri if ($UpdateFeed -is [System.Xml.XmlElement]) { foreach ($Entry in $UpdateFeed) { foreach ($language in $res.Get.Download.Language.GetEnumerator()) { # Follow the download link which will return a 301 $Query = "?clcid=" $Uri = "$($$($Query)$($res.Get.Download.Language[$language.key])" $ResponseUri = Resolve-SystemNetWebRequest -Uri $Uri if ($ResponseUri.ResponseUri.AbsoluteUri -eq $true) { # Construct the output; Return the custom object to the pipeline $PSObject = [PSCustomObject] @{ Version = $Entry.component.version Date = ConvertTo-DateTime -DateTime ($UpdateFeed.updated.Split(".")[0]) -Pattern $res.Get.Update.DatePattern Language = $language.key URI = $ResponseUri.ResponseUri.AbsoluteUri } Write-Output -InputObject $PSObject } } } } } |