Function Get-CitrixRssFeed { <# .SYNOPSIS Get content from a XML feed of notifications of new downloads. .NOTES Author: Aaron Parker Twitter: @stealthpuppy #> [OutputType([System.Management.Automation.PSObject])] [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $False)] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.String] $Uri, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1)] [System.String] $Include, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2)] [System.String] $Exclude ) # Read the Citrix RSS feed $Content = Invoke-WebRequestWrapper -Uri $Uri # Convert to XML document If ($Null -ne $Content) { Try { [System.XML.XMLDocument] $xmlDocument = $Content } Catch [System.Exception] { Write-Warning -Message "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): failed to convert content to an XML object." } # Build an output object by selecting Citrix XML entries from the feed If ($xmlDocument -is [System.XML.XMLDocument]) { # Select the required node/s from the XML feed $nodes = Select-Xml -Xml $xmlDocument -XPath $res.Get.XmlNode | Select-Object –ExpandProperty "node" # Walk through each node to output details ForEach ($node in $nodes) { Write-Verbose -Message "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): matching [$($node.title)]" If (($node.title -match $Include) -and ($node.title -notmatch $Exclude)) { # Match version number from the title, account for title strings without version numbers try { $Version = [RegEx]::Match($node.title, $res.Get.MatchVersion).Captures.Groups[1].Value 4>$Null Write-Verbose -Message "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): Found version: $Version." } catch { $Version = "Unknown" Write-Verbose -Message "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): Unknown version." } # Output the version object $PSObject = [PSCustomObject] @{ Version = $Version Title = $node.title -replace $res.Get.TitleReplace, "" Description = $node.description Date = $node.pubDate URI = $ } Write-Output -InputObject $PSObject } } } } Else { Write-Warning -Message "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): failed to read Citrix RSS feed [$Uri]." } } |