function Import-Event { <# .SYNOPSIS Imports Events .DESCRIPTION Imports Events from a file on disk. .EXAMPLE Import-Event .\Events.clixml .LINK Export-Event #> param( # The input path. This file should be created using Export-Event [ValidateScript({ $extension = @($_ -split '\.')[-1] $importer = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand( "Import-$Extension", "Function,Alias,Cmdlet" ) if (-not $importer) { throw "Import-$Extension does not exist. Cannot import .$Extension" } return $true })] [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('Fullname')] [string] $InputPath, # If set, will resend events. # Only events sent with New-Event or Send-Event will be resent. [Alias('Replay')] [switch] $Resend ) process { if (-not (Test-Path $InputPath)) { return } $extension = @($InputPath -split '\.')[-1] $importer = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand( "Import-$Extension", "Function,Alias,Cmdlet" ) if ($resend) { & $importer $inputPath | & { process { $evt = $_ if ($evt.SourceIdentifier) { $evt | Send-Event } $evt } } } else { & $importer $inputPath } } } |