function Export-Event { <# .Synopsis Exports events .Description Exports events to a file for long term storage. .Example Export-Event -OutputPath .\Events.clixml -SourceIdentifier * .LINK Import-Event .Link Receive-Event #> param( # The Output Path for the exported events. [ValidateScript({ $extension = @($_ -split '\.')[-1] $exporter = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand( "Export-$Extension", "Function,Alias,Cmdlet" ) if (-not $exporter) { throw "Export-$Extension does not exist. Cannot export .$Extension" } return $true })] [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $OutputPath, # The source identifier. If not provided, all unhandled events will be exported. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string[]] $SourceIdentifier, # If provided, will return the first N events [int] $First, # If provided, will skip the first N events. [int] $Skip, # If set, will overwrite existing files. # If not set, existing files will be read in, and events will be appeneded. [switch] $Force ) begin { $accumulatedEvents = [Collections.Queue]::new() } process { if ($_ -is [Management.Automation.PSEvent]) { $accumulatedEvents.Enqueue($_) return } $receiveSplat = @{} + $PSBoundParameters $receiveSplat.Remove('OutputPath') $receiveSplat.Remove('Force') if (-not $receiveSplat.SourceIdentifier) { $receiveSplat.SourceIdentifier = '*' } foreach ($eventInfo in Receive-Event @receiveSplat) { $accumulatedEvents.Enqueue($eventInfo) } if (-not $accumulatedEvents.Count) { Write-Verbose "No Events Received. Nothing to export." return } } end { $outputPathExists = Test-Path $OutputPath # try to find an exporter $exporter = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand( # (by looking for any Export-Command that shares a name with the extension) "Export-$(@($OutputPath -split '\.')[-1])", 'Function,Alias,Cmdlet' ) if (-not $exporter) { Write-Error "No Exporter found for $OutputPath" return } if ($outputPathExists -and -not $force) { $importer = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand( # (by looking for any Import-Command that shares a name with the extension) "Import-$(@($OutputPath -split '\.')[-1])", 'Function,Alias,Cmdlet' ) $receivedEvents = @() + @(& $importer $OutputPath) + $accumulatedEvents.ToArray() } else { $receivedEvents = $accumulatedEvents.ToArray() } $receivedEvents | & $exporter $OutputPath if ($?) { Get-Item $OutputPath } } } |