function Watch-Event { <# .Synopsis Watches Events .Description Watches Events by SourceIdentifier, or using an EventSource script. .Example Watch-Event -SourceIdentifier MySignal -Then {"fire!" | Out-Host } .Example On MySignal { "fire!" | Out-host } New-Event MySignal .Link Get-EventSource .Link Register-ObjectEvent .Link Register-EngineEvent .Link Get-EventSubscriber .Link Unregister-Event #> [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$false)] [OutputType([nullable],[PSObject])] param() dynamicParam { #region Handle Input Dynamically # Watch-Event is written in an unusually flexible way: # It has no real parameters, only dynamic ones. $DynamicParameters = [Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary]::new() # The first step of our challenge is going to be determining the Event Source. $eventSource = $null # Since we only want to make one pass, # we also want to start tracking the maximum position we've found for a parameter. $maxPosition = -1 # We also might want to know if we created the SourceIdentifier parameter yet. $SourceIDParameterCreated = $false #region Prepare to Add SourceID Parameter # Since we might add SourceID at a couple of different points in the code below, # we'll declare a [ScriptBlock] to add the source parameter whenever we want. $AddSourceIdParameter = { $SourceIDParameterCreated = $true # The -SourceIdentifier $sourceIdParameter = [Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute]::new() $sourceIdParameter.Mandatory = $true # will be mandatory $sourceIdParameter.Position = 0 # and will be first. # Add the dynamic parameter whenever this is called $DynamicParameters.Add("SourceIdentifier", [Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new( "SourceIdentifier", [string[]], $sourceIdParameter)) $maxPosition = 0 # and set MaxPosition to 0 for the next parameter. } #endregion Prepare to Add SourceID Parameter #region Find the Event Source and Map Dynamic Parameters #region Determine Invocation Name # In order to find the event source, we need to use information about how we were called. # This information is stored in $myInvocation, which can change. So we capture it's value right now. $myInv = $MyInvocation $InvocationName = '' # Our challenge is to determine the final $invocationName to use throughout the script. if ($myInv.InvocationName -ne $myInv.MyCommand.Name) { # If we're calling this command with an alias $invocationName = @($myInv.InvocationName -split '@', 2)[1] # the invocationname is what's after @. } if (-not $invocationName) { # If we don't have an invocation name, # we can peek at how we are being called (by looking at the $myInvocation.Line). $index = $myInv.Line.IndexOf($myInv.InvocationName) if ($index -ge 0) { # If our command is in the line, $myLine = $myInv.Line.Substring($index) # we can use some regex # to "peek" at positional parameters before the parameter even exists. # In this case, that regex is currently # the invocation name, followed by whitespace and a SourceIdentifier. if ($myLine -match "\s{0,}$($myInv.InvocationName)\s{1,}(?<SourceIdentifier>\w+)") { $invocationName = $Matches.SourceIdentifier # If we match, use that as the $invocationName # and add the sourceID parameter (so the positional parameter exists). . $AddSourceIdParameter } } } if (-not $InvocationName) { $InvocationName= $myInv.MyCommand.Name } #endregion Determine Invocation Name if ($invocationName -ne $myInv.MyCommand.Name) { #region Find Event Source # If we're being called with a smart alias, determine what the underlying command is. # But first, let's save a pointer to $executionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand $getCmd = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand # We want the next code to match quickly and not try too many codepaths, # so we'll run this in a [ScriptBlock] $eventSource = . { # Our first possibility is that we have an @Function or Alias. # Such a function would have to be defined using the provider syntax # (e.g. ${function:@EventSource} = {}) so this is _very_ unlikely to happen by mistake. $atFunction = $getCmd.Invoke("@$invocationName", 'Function,Alias') if ($atFunction) { if ($atFunction.ResolvedCommand) { return $atFunction.ResolvedCommand } else { return $atFunction } } # The next possibility is an @.ps1 script. $atFile = "@$($invocationName).ps1" # This could be in a few places: the current directory first, foreach ($foundFile in ($pwd, $myRoot | Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter $atFile)) { $foundCmd = $getCmd.Invoke($foundFile.FullName, 'ExternalScript') if ($foundCmd) { return $foundCmd} } if ($myInv.MyCommand.Module) { # then the module root $MyModuleRoot = $myInv.MyCommand.Module | Split-Path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($MyModule -ne $myRoot) { # (if different from $myroot). $atModuleRootCmd = $getCmd.Invoke( (Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $MyModuleRoot -Filter $atFile).FullName, 'ExternalScript') if ($atModuleRootCmd) { $atModuleRootCmd; continue } } # Last, we want to look for extensions. $myModuleName = $myInv.MyCommand.Module.Name foreach ($loadedModule in Get-Module) { # if ( # If a module has a [Hashtable]PrivateData for this module $loadedModule.PrivateData.$myModuleName ) { $thisModuleRoot = [IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($loadedModule.Path) $extensionData = $loadedModule.PrivateData.$myModuleName if ($extensionData -is [Hashtable]) { # that is a [Hashtable] foreach ($ed in $extensionData.GetEnumerator()) { # walk thru the hashtable if ($invocationName -eq $ed.Key) { # find out event source name $extensionCmd = if ($ed.Value -like '*.ps1') { # and map it to a script or command. $getCmd.Invoke( (Join-Path $thisModuleRoot $ed.Value), 'ExternalScript' ) } else { $loadedModule.ExportedCommands[$ed.Value] } # If we could map it, return it before we keep looking thru modules. if ($extensionCmd) { return $extensionCmd } } } } } } } } #endregion Find Event Source #region Map Dynamic Parameters if ($eventSource) { # We only need to map dynamic parameters if there is an event source. $eventSourceMetaData = [Management.Automation.CommandMetaData]$eventSource # Determine if we need to offset positional parameters, $positionOffset = [int]$SourceIDParameterCreated # then walk over the parameters from that event source. foreach ($kv in $eventSourceMetaData.Parameters.GetEnumerator()) { $attributes = if ($positionOffset) { # If we had to offset the position of a parameter @(foreach ($attr in $kv.value.attributes) { if ($attr -isnot [Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute] -or $attr.Position -lt 0 ) { # we can passthru any non-parameter attributes and parameter attributes without position, $attr } else { # but parameter attributes with position need to copied and offset. $attrCopy = [Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute]::new() # (Side note: without a .Clone, copying is tedious.) foreach ($prop in $attrCopy.GetType().GetProperties('Instance,Public')) { if (-not $prop.CanWrite) { continue } if ($null -ne $attr.($prop.Name)) { $attrCopy.($prop.Name) = $attr.($prop.Name) } } # Once we have a parameter copy, offset it's position. $attrCopy.Position+=$positionOffset $pos = $attrCopy.Position $attrCopy } }) } else { $pos = foreach ($a in $kv.value.attributes) { if ($a.position -ge 0) { $a.position ; break } } $kv.Value.Attributes } # Add the parameter and it's potentially modified attributes. $DynamicParameters.Add($kv.Key, [Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new( $kv.Value.Name, $kv.Value.ParameterType, $attributes ) ) # If the parameter position was bigger than maxPosition, update maxPosition. if ($pos -ge 0 -and $pos -gt $maxPosition) { $maxPosition = $pos } } } #endregion Map Dynamic Parameters } #endregion Find the Event Source and Map Dynamic Parameters #region Add Common Parameters # If we don't have an Event Source at this point and we haven't already, if (-not $eventSource -and -not $SourceIDParameterCreated) { # add the SourceIdentifier parameter. . $addSourceIdParameter } # Also, if we don't have an event source if (-not $eventSource) { # then we can add an InputObject parameter. $inputObjectParameter = [Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute]::new() $inputObjectParameter.ValueFromPipeline = $true $DynamicParameters.Add("InputObject", [Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new( "InputObject", [PSObject], $inputObjectParameter ) ) } # All calls will always have two additional parameters: $maxPosition++ $thenParam = [Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute]::new() $thenParam.Mandatory = $false #* [ScriptBlock]$then $thenParam.Position = $maxPosition $thenActionAlias = [Management.Automation.AliasAttribute]::new("Action") $DynamicParameters.Add("Then", [Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new( "Then", [ScriptBlock], @($thenParam, $thenActionAlias) ) ) $maxPosition++ $WhenParam = [Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute]::new() $whenParam.Position = $maxPosition #* [ScriptBlock]$then $DynamicParameters.Add("When", [Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new( "When", [ScriptBlock], $WhenParam ) ) #endregion Add Common Parameters # Now that we've got all of the dynamic parameters ready $DynamicParameterNames = $DynamicParameters.Keys -as [string[]] return $DynamicParameters # return them. #endregion Handle Input Dynamically } process { $in = $_ $registerCmd = $null $registerParams = @{} $parameterCopy = @{} + $PSBoundParameters if ($DebugPreference -ne 'silentlycontinue') { Write-Debug @" Watch-Event: Dynamic Parameters: $DynamicParameterNames Bound Parameters: $($parameterCopy | Out-String) "@ } #region Run Event Source and Map Parameters if ($eventSource) { # If we have an Event Source, now's the time to run it. $eventSourceParameter = [Ordered]@{} + $PSBoundParameters # Copy whatever parameters we have $eventSourceParameter.Remove('Then') # and remove -Then, $eventSourceParameter.Remove('When') # -When, $eventSourceParameter.Remove('SourceIdentifier') # and -SourceIdentifier. $eventSourceOutput = & $eventSource @eventSourceParameter # Then run the generator. $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('SourceIdentifier') if (-not $eventSourceOutput) { # If it didn't output, # we're gonna assume it it's gonna by signal by name. # Set it up so that later code will subscribe to this SourceIdentifier. $PSBoundParameters["SourceIdentifier"] = $eventSource.Name -replace '^@' -replace '\.event\.ps1$' -replace '\.ps1$' } elseif ($eventSourceOutput.SourceIdentifier) { # If the eventSource said what SourceIdentifier(s) it will send, we will listen. $PSBoundParameters["SourceIdentifier"] = $eventSourceOutput.SourceIdentifier } else { # Otherwise, let's see if the eventSource returned an eventName $eventName = $eventSourceOutput.EventName if (-not $eventName) { # If it didn't, $eventName = # Look at the generator script block's attibutes foreach ($attr in $eventSource.ScriptBlock.Attributes) { if ($attr.TypeId.Name -eq 'EventSourceAttribute') { # Return any [Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource(Name='Value')] $attr.Name } } } if (-not $eventName) { # If we still don't have an event name. # check the output for events. $eventNames = @(foreach ($prop in $eventSourceOutput.psobject.members) { if ($prop.MemberType -eq 'event') { $prop.Name } }) # If there was more than one if ($eventNames.Count -gt 1) { # Error out (but output the generator's output, in case that helps). $eventSourceOutput Write-Error "Source produced an object with multiple events, but did not specify a '[Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource(Name=)]'." return } $eventName = $eventNames[0] } # Default the Register- command to Register-ObjectEvent. $registerCmd = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand('Register-ObjectEvent','Cmdlet') $registerParams['InputObject']= $eventSourceOutput # Map the InputObject $registerParams['EventName'] = $eventName # and the EventName. } } #endregion Run Event Source and Map Parameters #region Handle -SourceIdentifier and -InputObject if ($PSBoundParameters['SourceIdentifier']) { # If we have a -SourceIdentifier if ($PSBoundParameters['InputObject'] -and -not $eventSource) { # and an -InputObject (but not not an eventsource) # then the register command is Register-ObjectEvent. $registerCmd = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand('Register-ObjectEvent','Cmdlet') # We map our -SourceIdentifier to Register-ObjectEvent's -EventName, $registerParams['EventName'] = $PSBoundParameters['SourceIdentifier'] # and Register-ObjectEvent's InputObject to -InputObject $registerParams['InputObject'] = $PSBoundParameters['InputObject'] } else # If we have a -SourceIdentifier, but no -InputObject { # the register command is Register-EngineEvent. $registerCmd = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand('Register-EngineEvent','Cmdlet') # and we map our -SourceIdentifier parameter to Register-EngineEvent's -SourceIdentifier. $registerParams['SourceIdentifier'] = $PSBoundParameters['SourceIdentifier'] } } #endregion Handle -SourceIdentifier and -InputObject #region Handle When and Then # Assign When and Then for simplicity. $Then = $PSBoundParameters['Then'] $when = $PSBoundParameters['When'] if ($When) { # If -When was provided if ($when -is [ScriptBlock]) { # and it was a script # Rewrite -Then to include -When. # Run -When in a subexpression so it can return from the event handler (not itself) $then = [ScriptBlock]::Create(@" `$shouldHandle = `$( $when ) if (-not `$shouldHandle) { return } $then "@) } } if ("$then" -replace '\s') { # If -Then is not blank. $registerParams["Action"] = $Then # this maps to the -Action parameter the Register- comamnd. } #endregion Handle When and Then #region Subscribe to Event # Now we create the event subscription. $eventSubscription = # If there's a Register- command. if ($registerCmd) { if ($registerParams["EventName"]) { # and we have -EventName $evtNames = $registerParams["EventName"] $registerParams.Remove('EventName') # Call Register-Object event once foreach ($evtName in $evtNames) { # for each event name ( # give it a logical SourceIdentifier. $sourceId = $registerParams["InputObject"].GetType().FullName + ".$evtName" $existingSubscribers = @(Get-EventSubscriber -SourceIdentifier "${sourceID}*") if ($existingSubscribers) { # (If subscribers exist, increment the source ID)) $maxSourceId = 0 foreach ($es in $existingSubscribers) { if ($es.SourceIdentifier -match '\.\d+$') { $esId = [int]($matches.0 -replace '\.') if ($esId -gt $maxSourceId) { $maxSourceId = $esId } } } $sourceID = $sourceId + ".$($maxSourceId + 1)" } # Then call Register-ObjectEvent & $registerCmd @registerParams -EventName $evtName -SourceIdentifier $sourceId } } elseif ($registerParams["SourceIdentifier"]) # { $sourceIdList = $registerParams["SourceIdentifier"] $null = $registerParams.Remove('SourceIdentifier') # If we don't have an action, don't run anything (this will let the events "bubble up" to the runspace). if ($registerParams.Action) { # If we do have an action, call Register-Engine event with each source identifier. foreach ($sourceId in $sourceIdList) { & $registerCmd @registerParams -SourceIdentifier $sourceId } } } } #endregion Subscribe to Event #region Keep track of Subscriptions by EventSource # Before we're done, let's track what we subscribed to. if ($eventSource) { # Make sure a cache exists. if (-not $script:SubscriptionsByEventSource) { $script:SubscriptionsByEventSource = @{} } $eventSourceKey = # Then, if the event source was a script, if ($eventSource -is [Management.Automation.ExternalScriptInfo]) { $eventSource.Path # the key is the path. } elseif ($eventSource.Module) { # If it was from a module $eventSource.Module.ToString() + '\' + $eventSource.Name # it's the module qualified name. } else { $eventSource.Name # Otherwise, it's just the function name. } $script:SubscriptionsByEventSource[$eventSourceKey] = if ($eventSubscription -is [Management.Automation.Job]) { Get-EventSubscriber -SourceIdentifier $eventSubscription.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } else { $eventSubscription } $eventSourceInitializeAttribute= $eventSource.ScriptBlock.Attributes | Where-Object TypeID -EQ ([ComponentModel.InitializationEventAttribute]) if ($eventSourceOutput.InitializeEvent -and $eventSourceOutput.InitializeEvent -is [string]) { $eventSourceOutput.$($eventSourceOutput.InitializeEvent).Invoke() } elseif ($eventSourceOutput.InitializeEvent -and $eventSourceOutput.InitializeEvent -is [ScriptBlock]) { $this = $sender = $eventSourceOutput & ([ScriptBlock]::Create($eventSourceInitializeAttribute.EventName)) } elseif ($eventSourceInitializeAttribute.EventName -match '^[\w\-]+$') { $eventSourceOutput.($eventSourceInitializeAttribute.EventName).Invoke() } else { $this = $sender = $eventSourceOutput & ([ScriptBlock]::Create($eventSourceInitializeAttribute.EventName)) } } #endregion Keep track of Subscription #region Passthru if needed if ($myInv.PipelinePosition -lt $myInv.PipelineLength) { # If this is not the last step of the pipeline $in # pass down the original object. (This would let one set of arguments pipe to multiple calls) } else { } #endregion Passthru if needed } } |