<# .SYNOPSIS Restarts the Ephesoft Transact service. .DESCRIPTION Restarts the Ephesoft Transact service. .EXAMPLE Restart-TransactService #> Function Restart-TransactService { [CMDLetBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'Low')] Param() $MaxTimeout = New-TimeSpan -Minutes 2 if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess('Restart', 'Transact')) { $ServiceName = $null if (Get-Service 'EphesoftEnterprise' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { $ServiceName = 'EphesoftEnterprise' } elseif (Get-Service "EphesoftTransact" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { $ServiceName = 'EphesoftTransact' } else { Write-Output 'No Transact service found' } if ($ServiceName) { $Service = Get-Service $ServiceName if ($Service.Status -eq 'Running') { Write-Output "Attempting to stop $($Service.Name)" Stop-Service $Service.Name -NoWait try { # Wait until the Transact service is stopped or timeout is reached, whichever occurs first $Service.WaitForStatus('Stopped', $MaxTimeout) } catch [System.ServiceProcess.TimeoutException] { Write-Warning "$($Service.Name) did not stop within the timeout period $($MaxTimeout.TotalMinutes) minutes" } Write-Output "Stopping tomcat service if running" $TomcatProcess = Get-Process tomcat* if ($TomcatProcess) { Stop-Process $TomcatProcess -Force try { $ProcessTimeout = 10000 # Wait until the tomcat process is stopped or timeout is reach, whichever occurs first $TomcatProcess.WaitForExit($ProcessTimeout) | Out-Null } catch { Write-Error "$($TomcatProcess.ProcessName) did not stop within the timeout period of $($ProcessTimeout/1000) seconds" Exit 1 } } # Now that we've forced tomcat process to stop, check that the Transact service is stopped try { # Wait until the Transact service is stopped or timeout is reached, whichever occurs first $Service.WaitForStatus('Stopped', $MaxTimeout) } catch [System.ServiceProcess.TimeoutException] { Write-Error "$($Service.Name) did not stop within the timeout period $($MaxTimeout.TotalMinutes) minutes after attempting to stop tomcat" Exit 1 } Write-Output "Starting $($Service.Name)" Start-Service $Service.Name -ErrorAction Stop try { # Wait until the Transact service is running or timeout is reached, whichever occurs first $Service.WaitForStatus('Running', $MaxTimeout) Write-Output "$($Service.Name) is currently running. Please wait a few minutes for Transact to come online" } catch [System.ServiceProcess.TimeoutException] { Write-Error "$($Service.Name) did not start within the timeout period $($MaxTimeout.TotalMinutes) minutes" Exit 1 } } else { Write-Output "$($Service.Name) is not currently running" try { Write-Output "Starting $($Service.Name)" Start-Service $Service.Name -ErrorAction Stop # Wait until the Transact service is running or timeout is reached, whichever occurs first $Service.WaitForStatus('Running', $MaxTimeout) Write-Output "$($Service.Name) is currently running. Please wait a few minutes for Transact to come online" } catch [System.ServiceProcess.TimeoutException] { Write-Error "$($Service.Name) did not start within the timeout period $($MaxTimeout.TotalMinutes) minutes" Exit 1 } } } } } |