function Remove-EnvironmentModule { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove the environment module that was previously imported .DESCRIPTION This function will remove the environment module from the scope of the console. .PARAMETER ModuleFullName The name of the environment module to remove. .PARAMETER Force If this value is set, the module is unloaded even if other modules depend on it. If the delete flag is specified, no conformation is required if the Force flag is set. .PARAMETER Delete If this value is set, the module is deleted from the file system. .PARAMETER SkipCacheUpdate Only relevant if the delete flag is specified. If SkipCacheUpdate is passed, the Update-EnvironmentModule function is not called. .OUTPUTS No outputs are returned. #> [CmdletBinding()] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")] Param( [switch] $Force, [switch] $Delete, [switch] $SkipCacheUpdate ) DynamicParam { $runtimeParameterDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary $validationSet = @() if($Delete) { $validationSet = $script:environmentModules.Keys } else { $validationSet = Get-LoadedEnvironmentModules | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName } Add-DynamicParameter 'ModuleFullName' String $runtimeParameterDictionary -Mandatory $True -Position 0 -ValidateSet $validationSet return $runtimeParameterDictionary } begin { # Bind the parameter to a friendly variable $ModuleFullName = $PsBoundParameters['ModuleFullName'] } process { if(Test-EnvironmentModuleLoaded $ModuleFullName) { Remove-RequiredModulesRecursive -ModuleFullName $ModuleFullName -UnloadedDirectly $True -Force $Force } if($Delete) { if(-not $Force) { $result = Show-ConfirmDialogue "Would you really like to delete the environment module '$ModuleFullName' from the file system?" if(-not $result) { return } } $module = Get-EnvironmentModule -ListAvailable $ModuleFullName if(-not $module) { return } Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $module.ModuleBase if(-not $SkipCacheUpdate) { Update-EnvironmentModuleCache } } } } function Remove-RequiredModulesRecursive { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove the environment module with the given name from the environment. .DESCRIPTION This function will remove the environment module from the scope of the console and will later iterate over all required modules to remove them as well. .PARAMETER ModuleFullName The full name of the environment module to remove. .PARAMETER UnloadedDirectly This value indicates if the module was unloaded by the user (directly) or if it was a dependency with reference counter decreased to 0 (indirectly). .PARAMETER Force If this value is set, the module is unloaded even if other modules depend on it. .OUTPUTS No outputs are returned. #> [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")] param( [String] $ModuleFullName, [Bool] $UnloadedDirectly, [switch] $Force ) $name = (Split-EnvironmentModuleName $ModuleFullName).Name if(!$script:loadedEnvironmentModules.ContainsKey($name)) { Write-InformationColored -InformationAction 'Continue' "Module $name not found" return } $module = $script:loadedEnvironmentModules.Get_Item($name) if(!$Force -and $UnloadedDirectly -and !$module.IsLoadedDirectly) { Write-Error "Unable to remove module $Name because it was imported as dependency" return } $module.ReferenceCounter-- Write-Verbose "The module $($module.Name) has now a reference counter of $($module.ReferenceCounter)" foreach ($refModule in $module.Dependencies) { Remove-RequiredModulesRecursive $refModule.ModuleFullName $False } if($module.ReferenceCounter -le 0) { Write-Verbose "Removing Module $($module.Name)" Dismount-EnvironmentModule -Module $module } } function Dismount-EnvironmentModule([EnvironmentModuleCore.EnvironmentModule] $Module, [switch] $SuppressOutput) { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove all the aliases and environment variables that are stored in the given module object from the environment. .DESCRIPTION This function will remove all aliases and environment variables that are defined in the given EnvironmentModule-object from the environment. An error is written if the module was not loaded. Either specify the concrete environment module object or the name of the environment module you want to remove. .PARAMETER Module The module that should be removed. #> process { if(!$loadedEnvironmentModules.ContainsKey($Module.Name)) { Write-InformationColored -InformationAction 'Continue' ("The Environment-Module $inModule is not loaded.") -ForegroundColor $Host.PrivateData.ErrorForegroundColor -BackgroundColor $Host.PrivateData.ErrorBackgroundColor return } Write-Verbose "Identified $($Module.Paths.Count) paths" foreach ($pathInfo in $Module.Paths) { [String] $joinedValue = $pathInfo.Values -join [IO.Path]::PathSeparator Write-Verbose "Handling path for variable $($pathInfo.Variable) with values '$joinedValue'" if($joinedValue -eq "") { continue } if ($pathInfo.PathType -eq [EnvironmentModuleCore.PathType]::PREPEND) { $pathInfo.Values | ForEach-Object {Remove-EnvironmentVariableValue -Variable $pathInfo.Variable -ModuleValue $_} } if ($pathInfo.PathType -eq [EnvironmentModuleCore.PathType]::APPEND) { $pathInfo.Values | ForEach-Object {Remove-EnvironmentVariableValue -Variable $pathInfo.Variable -ModuleValue $_ -Reverse} } if ($pathInfo.PathType -eq [EnvironmentModuleCore.PathType]::SET) { $previousValue = $script:loadedEnvironmentModuleSetPaths[$Module.FullName] $newValue = $null if($null -ne $previousValue) { $previousValue = $previousValue[$pathInfo.Variable] if($null -ne $previousValue) { $actualValue = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($pathInfo.Variable) if($actualValue -ne $joinedValue) { $newValue = $actualValue } else { $newValue = $previousValue } } else { Write-Warning "Unable to find previous set path value for variable '$($pathInfo.Variable)' and module '$($Module.FullName)'" } } else { Write-Warning "Unable to find previous set path values for module '$($Module.FullName)'" } [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($pathInfo.Variable, $newValue, "Process") } } $script:loadedEnvironmentModuleSetPaths.Remove($Module.FullName) | out-null foreach ($alias in $Module.Aliases.Keys) { Remove-EnvironmentModuleAlias $Module.Aliases[$alias] } foreach ($functionInfo in $Module.Functions.Values) { Remove-EnvironmentModuleFunction $functionInfo } foreach ($parameter in $Module.Parameters.Keys) { Remove-EnvironmentModuleParameterInternal $parameter.Item1 } Update-VirtualParameterEnvironments $loadedEnvironmentModules.Remove($Module.Name) | out-null Write-Verbose ("Removing " + $Module.Name + " from list of loaded environment variables") Write-Verbose "Removing module $($Module.FullName)" Remove-Module $Module.FullName -Force if($script:configuration["ShowLoadingMessages"] -and (-not $script:silentUnload)) { Write-InformationColored -InformationAction 'Continue' ($Module.Name + " unloaded") -Foregroundcolor $Host.PrivateData.VerboseForegroundColor -BackgroundColor $Host.PrivateData.VerboseBackgroundColor } return } } function Remove-EnvironmentVariableValue { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove the given value from the desired environment variable. .DESCRIPTION This function will remove the given value from the environment variable with the given name. If the value is not part of the environment variable, no changes are performed. .PARAMETER Variable The name of the environment variable that should be extended. .PARAMETER ModuleValue The value that was added by the module and that should be removed from the environment variable. .PARAMETER Reverse The last occurence will be removed if this value is set. .OUTPUTS No output is returned. #> [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")] param( [String] $Variable, [String] $ModuleValue, [Switch] $Reverse ) $actualValue = [environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($Variable,"Process") if(($null -eq $actualValue) -or ($null -eq $ModuleValue)) { return } Write-Verbose "Removing value '$ModuleValue' from environment variable '$Variable'. Reverse search is set to '$Reverse'" $actualValuePartsMapping = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, int]]::new() # Mapping of each PATH value to its index [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]] $allPathValues = $actualValue.Split([IO.Path]::PathSeparator) # Setup the parts mapping $index = 0 foreach($part in $allPathValues) { if(-not $actualValuePartsMapping.ContainsKey($part)) { $actualValuePartsMapping[$part] = $index } else { if($Reverse) { $actualValuePartsMapping[$part] = $index } } $index += 1 } # Fill the indices to remove $indicesToRemove = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new() foreach($part in $ModuleValue.Split([IO.Path]::PathSeparator)) { if(-not $actualValuePartsMapping.ContainsKey($part)) { Write-Verbose "The PATH value '$part' is not part of the variable '$Variable' anymore" continue } $indicesToRemove.Add($actualValuePartsMapping[$part]) } $indicesToRemove.Sort() $indicesToRemove.Reverse() foreach($index in $indicesToRemove) { $allPathValues.RemoveAt($index) } $newValue = ($allPathValues -join [IO.Path]::PathSeparator) [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($Variable, $newValue, "Process") } function Remove-EnvironmentModuleFunction { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove a function from the active environment stack. .DESCRIPTION This function will remove the given function from the active environment. The function is removed from the loaded functions stack. .PARAMETER FunctionDefinition The definition of the function. .OUTPUTS No output is returned. #> [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")] param ( [EnvironmentModuleCore.FunctionInfo] $FunctionDefinition ) # Check if the function was already used if($script:loadedEnvironmentModuleFunctions.ContainsKey($FunctionDefinition.Name)) { $knownFunctions = $script:loadedEnvironmentModuleFunctions[$FunctionDefinition.Name] $knownFunctions.Remove($FunctionDefinition) | out-null if($knownFunctions.Count -eq 0) { $script:loadedEnvironmentModuleFunctions.Remove($FunctionDefinition.Name) | out-null Remove-Item -path "function:\$($FunctionDefinition.Name)" | out-null } } } function Remove-EnvironmentModuleAlias { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove a alias from the active environment stack. .DESCRIPTION This function will remove the given alias from the active environment stack. .PARAMETER FunctionDefinition The definition of the alias. .OUTPUTS No output is returned. #> [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")] param ( [EnvironmentModuleCore.AliasInfo] $AliasInfo ) # Check if the function was already used if($script:loadedEnvironmentModuleAliases.ContainsKey($AliasInfo.Name)) { $knownFunctions = $script:loadedEnvironmentModuleAliases[$AliasInfo.Name] $knownFunctions.Remove($AliasInfo) | out-null if($knownFunctions.Count -eq 0) { $script:loadedEnvironmentModuleAliases.Remove($AliasInfo.Name) | out-null Remove-Item alias:$alias | out-null } } } function Clear-EnvironmentModules([Switch] $Force) { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove all loaded environment modules from the environment. .DESCRIPTION This function will remove all loaded environment modules, so that a clean environment module remains. .PARAMETER Force If this value is set, the user is not asked for module unload. .OUTPUTS No output is returned. #> $modules = Get-EnvironmentModule if($modules -and (-not $Force)) { $result = Show-ConfirmDialogue "Do you really want to remove all loaded environment modules?" if(-not $result) { return } } foreach($module in $modules) { if($module.IsLoadedDirectly) { Remove-EnvironmentModule $module.FullName -Force } } } |