
function Test-PartOfTmpDirectory([string] $Destination, [switch] $ShowError)
    Check if the given folder is part of the configured temp folder for environment modules.
    .PARAMETER Destination
    The folder to check.
    True if the folder is part of the temporary directory.

    $tmpDirectory = (Resolve-Path $script:tmpEnvironmentRootPath)

    if($Destination.StartsWith($tmpDirectory)) {
        if($ShowError) {
            Write-Error "The target destination is part of the temporary directory. Please specify another directory or set the force parameter."
        return $true

    return $false

function New-EnvironmentModule
    Create a new environment module
    This function will create a new environment module with the given parameter.
    The name of the environment module to generate.
    .PARAMETER Author
    The author of the environment module. If this value is not specified, the system user name is used.
    .PARAMETER Description
    An optional description for the module.
    No outputs are returned.

    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
        [String] $Name,
        [String] $Author,
        [String] $Description,
        [String] $Version,
        [String] $Architecture,
        [String] $Executable,
        [String[]] $AdditionalEnvironmentModules,
        [Switch] $Force

    process {
        if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name)) {
            Write-Error('A module name must be specified')
        if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Author)) {
            $Author = [Environment]::UserName
        if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Description)) {
            $Description = ""
        if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Executable)) {
            Write-Error('An executable must be specified')

        $environmentModulePath = Resolve-Path (Join-Path $script:moduleFileLocation "..")

        $selectedPath = Select-ModulePath

        if($null -eq $selectedPath) {

        if((-not $Force) -and (Test-PartOfTmpDirectory $selectedPath -ShowError)) {

        [EnvironmentModuleCore.ModuleCreator]::CreateEnvironmentModule($Name, $selectedPath, $Description, $environmentModulePath, $Author, $Version, $Architecture, $Executable, $AdditionalEnvironmentModules)

function Copy-EnvironmentModule
    Copy the given environment module under the given name and generate a new GUID.
    This function will clone the given module and will specify a new GUID for it. If required, the module search path is adapted.
    .PARAMETER ModuleFullName
    The module to copy.
    .PARAMETER NewModuleFullName
    The new name of the module.
    The target directory for the created module files. If this parameter is empty, a selection dialogue is displayed.
    .PARAMETER Force
    If this flag is set, the module can be created in a temp file location as well.
    .PARAMETER SkipCacheUpdate
    If this flag is set, the Update-EnvironmentModule function is not called.
    No outputs are returned.

        [Switch] $Force,
        [Switch] $SkipCacheUpdate,
        [Switch] $AskForPathSelection
    DynamicParam {
        $runtimeParameterDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary

        $moduleSet =  Get-AllEnvironmentModules | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
        Add-DynamicParameter 'ModuleFullName' String $runtimeParameterDictionary -Mandatory $True -Position 0 -ValidateSet $moduleSet

        Add-DynamicParameter 'NewModuleFullName' String $runtimeParameterDictionary -Mandatory $True -Position 1
        Add-DynamicParameter 'Path' String $runtimeParameterDictionary -Mandatory $False -Position 2

        return $runtimeParameterDictionary

    begin {
        # Bind the parameter to a friendly variable
        $ModuleFullName = $PsBoundParameters['ModuleFullName']
        $NewModuleFullName = $PsBoundParameters['NewModuleFullName']
        $Path = $PsBoundParameters['Path']

    process {
        $matchingModules = (Get-Module -ListAvailable $ModuleFullName)
        if($matchingModules.Length -lt 1) {
            Write-Error "Unable to find module matching name '$ModuleFullName'"
        if($matchingModules.Length -gt 1) {
            Write-Warning "Found multiple modules matching the name '$ModuleFullName'"

        $moduleFolder = ($matchingModules[0]).ModuleBase
        $destination = Resolve-Path (Join-Path $moduleFolder '..')

        if($Path) {
            $destination = $Path
        else {
            if($AskForPathSelection) {
                $selectedPath = Select-ModulePath

                if($null -eq $selectedPath) {

                $destination = $selectedPath

        $destination = Join-Path $destination $NewModuleFullName

        if((-not $Force) -and (Test-PartOfTmpDirectory $selectedPath -ShowError)) {

        if((Test-Path $destination) -and (-not $Force)) {
            Write-Error "The folder $destination does already exist"

        $_ = mkdir $destination -Force

        Write-Verbose "Cloning module $ModuleFullName to $destination"

        $filesToCopy = Get-ChildItem -File $moduleFolder
        $directoriesToCopy = Get-ChildItem -Directory $moduleFolder

        Write-Verbose "Found $($filesToCopy.Length) files to copy"

        foreach($file in $filesToCopy) {
            Write-Verbose "Handling file $file"
            $length = $file.Name.Length - $file.Extension.Length
            $shortName = $file.Name.Substring(0, $length)
            $newFileName = $file.Name

            Write-Verbose "Checking if `"$shortName`" matches `"$ModuleFullName`""
            if("$shortName" -match "$ModuleFullName") {
                $newFileName = "$($NewModuleFullName)$($file.Extension)"

            $newFullName = Join-Path $destination $newFileName
            Copy-Item -Path "$($file.FullName)" -Destination "$newFullName"

            Write-Verbose "Handling file with extension $($file.Extension.ToUpper())"
            $fileContent = (Get-Content $newFullName)
            $newId = [Guid]::NewGuid()

            switch ($file.Extension.ToUpper()) {
                ".PSD1" {
                    $fileContent = $fileContent -replace "GUID[ ]*=[ ]*'[a-zA-Z0-9]{8}-[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}-[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}-[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}-[a-zA-Z0-9]{12}'", "GUID = '$newId'"
                Default {}

            ($fileContent.Replace("$ModuleFullName", "$NewModuleFullName")) > "$newFullName"

        foreach($directory in $directoriesToCopy) {
            Write-Verbose "Handling directory $directory"
            Copy-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $directory.FullName -Destination $destination

        if(-not $SkipCacheUpdate) {

# This argument completer is used by Copy-EnvironmentModule for the file filter
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Copy-EnvironmentModule -ParameterName Path -ScriptBlock {
    param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter)

    $env:PSModulePath.Split([IO.Path]::PathSeparator) | Where-Object {(Test-Path $_) -and -not (Test-PartOfTmpDirectory $_)} | Select-Object -Unique

function Edit-EnvironmentModule
    Edit the environment module files.
    This function will open the environment module files with the default editor.
    The name of the environment module.
    .PARAMETER FileFilter
    The files of the module to edit. Default is "*.pse1".
    No outputs are returned.

    DynamicParam {
        $runtimeParameterDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary

        $moduleSet = Get-AllEnvironmentModules | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
        Add-DynamicParameter 'ModuleFullName' String $runtimeParameterDictionary -Mandatory $True -Position 0 -ValidateSet $moduleSet

        Add-DynamicParameter 'FileFilter' String $runtimeParameterDictionary -Mandatory $False -Position 1
        return $runtimeParameterDictionary

    begin {
        # Bind the parameter to a friendly variable
        $ModuleFullName = $PsBoundParameters['ModuleFullName']
        $FileFilter = $PsBoundParameters['FileFilter']

        if(-not $FileFilter) {
            $FileFilter = '*.pse1'

    process {
        $modules = Get-Module -ListAvailable $ModuleFullName

        if(($null -eq $modules) -or ($modules.Count -eq 0)) {
            Write-Error "The module was not found"

        Get-ChildItem ($modules[0].ModuleBase) | Where-Object {$_ -like $FileFilter} | Invoke-Item

# This argument completer is used by Edit-EnvironmentModule for the file filter
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Edit-EnvironmentModule -ParameterName FileFilter -ScriptBlock {
    param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter)

    $module = Get-EnvironmentModule -ListAvailable $fakeBoundParameter["ModuleFullName"]

    if($module) {
        Get-ChildItem $module.ModuleBase

function Select-ModulePath
    Show a selection dialog for module paths.
    This function will an input selection for all module paths that are defined.
    The selected module path or $null if no path was selected.

    $pathPossibilities = $env:PSModulePath.Split([IO.Path]::PathSeparator) | Where-Object {(Test-Path $_) -and -not (Test-PartOfTmpDirectory $_)} | Select-Object -Unique
    return Show-SelectDialogue $pathPossibilities "Select the target directory for the module"