The Environment PowerShell module is a module for dealing with Paths and Environment variables. * `Set-EnvironmentVariable` allows you to set an Environment variable _permanently_ at the Machine or User level, or temporarily at the process level. * `Select-UniquePath` allows you to de-dupe an array of path strings * `Set-AliasToFirst` searches a list of paths to find the first instance of an app and create an alias pointed to it (allowing you to avoid adding folders to the environment Path variable for a single application). * `Add-Path` uses the first two to add folders to path variables like `$Env:PSModulePath` or `$Env:PATH` without duplication * `Get-SpecialFolder` helps Windows users find special folders (like the user's desktop) * `Trace-Message` writes verbose (or debug or warning) messages with timestamps for script timing ```posh Install-Module Environment ``` |