# ************************************************************************* # # Copyright (c) 2023 Andrei Gramakov. All rights reserved. # # This file is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. # For a copy, see: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT # # site: https://agramakov.me # e-mail: mail@agramakov.me # # ************************************************************************* class EnvironmentHandle { static $DefaultEnvDirName = "psenv" static $DefaultEnvModule = "psenv/psenv.psm1" [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] $EnvironmentLocation EnvironmentHandle([String] $EnvironmentLocation) { [Environment]::CurrentDirectory = $pwd $this.EnvironmentLocation = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath("$EnvironmentLocation") } [string]ToString(){ return $this.EnvironmentLocation.ToString() } [string]GetName(){ return $this.EnvironmentLocation.BaseName } [string]GetModulePath(){ $file_name = "$($this.GetName()).psm1" $path = Join-Path $this.EnvironmentLocation $file_name return "$path" } [void]Build(){ if ($this.IsValid()){ "[ERROR] Already created" return } New-Item -ItemType Directory ` -Path $this.EnvironmentLocation ` -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $new_env_file = New-Item -ItemType File -Path $this.GetModulePath() $template_tile = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot $([EnvironmentHandle]::DefaultEnvModule) $init_ps1_content = Get-Content $template_tile -Raw Add-Content $new_env_file $init_ps1_content } [bool]IsValid(){ return Test-Path $($this.GetModulePath()) } [bool]IsActive(){ Write-Error "IsActive" $module = Get-Module $this.GetName() if ($module){ $module_path = $module.Path.ToString() $this_env_path = $this.GetModulePath().ToString() Write-Error "[IsActive] module_path: $module_path" Write-Error "[IsActive] this_env_path: $this_env_path" return $module_path -eq $this_env_path } return $false } [void]Enable(){ if($this.IsActive()){ "[ERROR] Already active" return } # Check that nothing is imported if($(Get-Module $this.GetName())) { # Something with this name is imported! Let's check what if(!$this.IsActive()){ "[ERROR] Another environment or module with the same name is already imported!" return } } Import-Module $($this.GetModulePath()) -Scope Global } [void]Disable(){ if($this.IsActive()){ Remove-Module $this.GetName() } } [void]Clear(){ if ($this.IsValid()) { #If exists Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $this.EnvironmentLocation } } } # cd C:\Users\dongr\Desktop # "Create an env" # $e_test = [EnvironmentHandle]::new("test") # $e_test.Build() # "e_test.IsActive() - should be false:" # $e_test.IsActive() # "> Enable!" # $e_test.Enable() # "e_test.IsActive() - should be true:" # $e_test.IsActive() # "> Disable!" # $e_test.Disable() # "e_test.IsActive() - should be false:" # $e_test.IsActive() # $e_test.Clear() |