.Synopsis Creates a Powershell process with an environment with dot-sourced content from the .environment folder. .Description To use it create a folder caled .environment and fulfill by your content t oset up the environment. Calling Env at the folder with a .environment folder will create a new Powershell process and dot source everything that exists at the .environment folder .Example PS > Env - Will create a new console at the same window PS > Env "some PS code to execute" - Will create a new console, execute the code and exit #> # ============================================================================= # Private stuff # ============================================================================= function Get-PS { if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 5) { return "pwsh" } else { return "powershell" } } function EnvStart($code, $NoExit) { $start_args = @() $start_args += "-NoLogo" #adding a command key if ($NoExit) { $start_args += "-NoExit", "-Command", "echo '`nPS Subprocess with the Environment`n=============started==============`n';" } else { $start_args += "-Command" } #adding a command if ($code -and ($code) -ne "") { $start_args += $code } Start-Process -NoNewWindow -Wait -FilePath $(Get-PS) -ArgumentList $start_args echo "`n=============closed=======env========`nPS Subprocess with the Environment`n" } $env_main_codeblock=@" Get-ChildItem `".\.environment\*.ps1`" | ForEach-Object { .`$_ }; Set-Variable -Name "EnvRootDir" -Value $(Get-Location) "@ # ============================================================================= # Public # ============================================================================= function Env($code) { $env = Test-Path -Path "$(Get-Location)\.environment\*.ps1" # TODO move this check into $env_main_codeblock if (!$env) # TODO move this check into $env_main_codeblock { Write-Verbose "No environment found" return } if ($code) { EnvStart "$env_main_codeblock; $code" -NoExit 0 } else { EnvStart "$env_main_codeblock" -NoExit 1 } } function Env-Init { $env = Test-Path -Path "$(Get-Location)\.environment\*.ps1" if ($env) { Write-Output "./.environment folder is already has scripts"; return } New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$(Get-Location)\.environment" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$(Get-Location)\.environment\init.ps1" $init_ps1_content = @' # It is a basic Env template. For more information see: https://github.com/an-dr/Env $host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = $(Get-Item -Path $(Get-Location)).BaseName # WindowsTitle is CWD name '@ $init_ps1_path = "$(Get-Location)\.environment\init.ps1" Add-Content $init_ps1_path $init_ps1_content } function Env-Open { Start-Process explorer -ArgumentList "$(Get-Location)\.environment" } Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Env' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Env-Init' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Env-Open' |