
    .VERSION 1.0.2
    .GUID 66d8b653-3887-4839-941b-37d6f4f459ca
    .AUTHOR Erlend Westervik
    .TAGS Entra, Azure, EntraID, Licence, Licences, Product, ID, GUID, Service, Plan, O365, Office 365
    .PROJECTURI https://github.com/erlwes/EntraLicenseIdToProductName
        Version: 1.0.0 - Original published version
        Version: 1.0.1 - Fixed so that HTML parse in PowerShell core too, not just Windows PowerShell
        Version: 1.0.2 - Rename git repo

 Get product names from Entra licence id's
    Specifies the guid of the licence you want to look up.
.PARAMETER ShowCompleteTable
    Shows all products with their name, GUID's and more in a gridview (requires PowerShell ISE).

# Function to parse HTML if PS core, and not Win PS
function ParseHtml($string) {
    $unicode = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($string)
    $html = New-Object -Com 'HTMLFile'
    if ($html.PSObject.Methods.Name -Contains 'IHTMLDocument2_Write') {
    else {

# A CSV-file containing the lookuptable will be created in current directory
$csvPath = "$((Get-Location).Path)\LicenseSkuIdLookup.csv"

# If the CSV-file already exists, import it
if (Test-Path $csvPath) {
    $skuIdLookupTable = Import-Csv -Path $csvPath -Delimiter ';' -Encoding utf8    

# If not, get the HTML-table online, convert it to a PSObject and save it as CSV for next time
else {
    $webrequest = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/entra/identity/users/licensing-service-plan-reference'

    if ($host.version.Major -gt 5) {
        $document = ParseHtml $webrequest.Content
        $table = $document.getElementsByTagName('table')[0]
    else {
        $table = $webrequest.ParsedHtml.getElementsByTagName('Table')[0]

    $skuIdLookupTable = @()
    $headers = ($table.Rows[0].Cells | Select-Object -ExpandProperty innerText).trim()

    foreach ($tablerow in ($table.Rows | Select-Object -Skip 1)) {
        $cells = ($tablerow.Cells | Select-Object -ExpandProperty innerText).trim()
        $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
        $count = 0;
        foreach ($cell in $cells) {
            if ($count -lt $headers.count) {
                $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $headers[$count++] -Value $cell
        $skuIdLookupTable += $obj
    $skuIdLookupTable | Export-Csv -Delimiter ';' -Encoding utf8 -Path $csvPath -Confirm:$false -Force


# Lookup GUID to product name/friendly name
if ($GUID) {
    $skuIdLookupTable | Where-Object {$_.GUID -eq $GUID} | Select-Object 'Product name', 'String ID', GUID

# Show the complete lookup-table in a gridview
if ($ShowCompleteTable) {
    $skuIdLookupTable | Out-GridView